Status: active

That's What a Wolf Will Do to You

The man!?


*ring* *ring*

I reached over and knocked over whatever was on the table blocking my stupid alarm clock. I groan as I try to get up. My muscles are sore from running so hard last night. I get up; stretch as much as I can.

‘Just great; just fucking great work is going to suck today.’

I was wearing my blue tank top and boy-shorts when I stared to make breakfast. I heard Emma crying I ran to get her before she woke up Jayden. I was not in the mood to deal with him this early. He would at least sleep another hour maybe more. I had Em in my arms bouncing her up in down trying to cook breakfast for me and Jay and warm her bottle up.

About an hour later still made little to no progress. I put Emma in her high chair; I turn around to take the grits off the stove when I knocked over the pan of sausage onto my arm. I screamed out in pain


Which this in turn made Jayden wake up. I’m to the point of tears (which by the way I don’t do every often.)

"Ashy what’s wrong?" Jay asked me rubbing his eyes.

"I'm fine baby go back to bed OK."

"You don’t look OK," he said tilting his head

"I'm perfect, but can you do me a favor and get me the phone please?"

I watched as he walked out of the room. He was back in about a minute. I dialed Lacey's number

*ring ring ring*

"Hello?" a perky voice on the other line said

"Hey Lace it's me I really need your help for like two hours please????"

"Of course sweaty but my alphas back and I want you to meet him so I'm going to bring him with me. OK?"
"He?" was all I said Lacy knew how I felt about men

"Yes he sweetie you will be OK. I promise he’s really nice."

I started to breath really hard. "i-i-i don't know."

"Good then we will be over in a minute."

*dial tone*

‘Great. Just great. I feel like the morning is repeating its self.’ I started to bounce her again when the door bell rang.

‘Shit, shit
that was all I thought and crap my arm hurts.’

Jay was running to the door about to open it.

"Stop right now Jayden Huston Banks you touch that door knob and you will get a spanking. What did I tell you last time you opened the door for someone without my permission?" I asked in my mother tone.

"Hey Ash as much as love hearing you fusing. I’m cold!” screamed Lacy.
“Sorry,” I said as I open the door with my bad hand because Emma was in my good one.

When I opened it I totally forgot about the MAN was coming with her.


I opened the door further letting them both in unwillingly. When I saw him I almost fainted. He was beautiful the most gorgeous man I have ever seen. The most black hair I have ever seen so beautiful I just wanted to reach out and touch it.
‘GOD no stop remember that night. What happened. What they did to me. There all the same I refuse to go thought that again.’

Emma starts crying her eyes out. "Shush baby it’s OK."

I started bouncing her again. I looked up at the beautiful man and Lacy.

The man was looking around the room. Lacy was standing there biting her nails. "SO? Ahlyn this is Blake. Blake this is Ashlyn."

I started to shake if you haven’t figured out I don’t like men even beautiful ones there still the same. He looked at me and I took a step back. He looked at me with more of a curious hurt expiration now his deep blue eyes held more emotions then one person can explain.

"Umm…" was all I could say I hate him all ready. Everything about him screams I can hold you down and you can’t do anything about it. The big but not to big muscle 8 pack stomach. And a lot more I don’t even want to think about I was already having a mini break down. It was all I could do to breathe in and out.

I think he saw something wrong because he wasted no time and started to bring up a topic.

"Um… Cutie kids are they yours?"
When he asked me a question I was a little unsure I could answer because I used to always have to get permission to. I looked to Lacy. She gave me a reassuring smile and nodded.

"No, their my siblings," I said in a very small soft voice that you had to strain to hear. I quickly turned my head and clinched my jaw waiting for the blow. But it never came!

Lacy came up to me and held out her hands, I place Em in her arms.

"I’m going to go check on Jay OK?" she announced as she left the room leaving no room to argue.

"Look I don’t know what is wrong with you OK. But you obviously mean a lot to Lacy and I'm willing to help train you and the little one I think you will need a little work getting use to. But it could work out and I'm sure Jayden will love the guys to play with and we can get you some help with Emma. So what I’m pretty much saying is that I'm offering you to be a part of my pack," he said with a big smile that you could tell was fake.

"Guys?????" I asked in a little squeak

"Is that really the only thing you heard?" He asked in disbelief.
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Ok so there might be so spelling errors bare with me. but i will not post another chapter if i don't get comments or subscription don't need both just one or the other I'm not that picky i just need feed back so let me know how i can make it better. Thanks