And You Call Yourself A Pirate

Hi, my name is Blaze and I’m second in command on a pirate ship. I know weird right? The hell if I know what’s going on. I didn’t even think that pirates were that big of a deal anymore, at all. Little did I know that my family lives for piratehood. Yeah, I made that word up, sue me. So here I am, on a ship, with a bunch of other teenagers. Some of us know what we’re doing, and some of us (like me) had no freaking clue about this until just recently. I have a twin brother, his name is Fury. He’s in command on this thing and apparently he’s known about this his whole life. Thanks mom and dad.
On our crew there are eight people, including my brother and I.
I’m the navigator and like I said, second in command (just in case Fury ends up kicking the bucket), age 17.
My brother is the captain, age 17.
Viper is the helmsman (steers the ship), age 18.
Lily cleans the ship, designs the flag, and directs her helper: Mia age 15. Lily is 16.
Rage knows everything about the cannons below deck so he’s always on top of that, age 17.
Kane also knows everything about the cannons. He takes the cannons on the left side of the ship and Rage takes the ones on the right. Kane is 16
Avian takes the lookout position, age 17. She’s got the best eyes. When she needs to sleep Kane or Rage takes a shift.
So, our ship is famous because of my parents’ old crew. It’s called Wrath. I’d rather it not be famous because now we all have a lot to live up to.
Do I think we can do it?
Hell no.

[Rated R for violence (this could possibly change in the future to PG-13)]