Status: ACTIVE :D

Floating Upon This Surface


Sergio braced himself as the plane prepared to land, his hands grabbed on to the armrest as the plane bumped up and down on the landing stripped, he laughed like a child on a ride. He closed his eyes and leaned back into the seat as the plane cruised towards the terminal. He was finally home. When he opened his eyes, Christina had already gotten up and had finally gotten the luggage from the compartment on top

“Christina, let me help you”

“Well you finally wake up.”

“What are you talking about, I just closed my eyes.”

“I called your name like five times Sergio, I was like ‘Ayudame Sergio,’ but you never woke up, this fine gentlemen had to help me.”

“Well that’s nice, are you going to run off with him now?”

“Dios mio Sergio, of course not. He was probably poor.”

“Oh, that makes me feel so much better.”

“It should mi amor. My love is only for those who can afford it.”

“Thank god, I have money huh?”

“Yes or baby, you’d be all alone.”

He watched her walk away, her heels sliding across the carpet towards the exit. He grit his teeth, walking behind her, wondering if it was such a good idea to bring her. They walked out into the bright summer sun, the light reflecting off the cement and into his eyes, he brought his hand to his forehead and looked out into the sea of people awaiting their loved ones. He smiled at their expressions, as he scanned the crowd for a familiar face. He walked quickly trying to catch up with Christina who rushed through the barricade to get inside. Probably dialing the nearest and most extravagant hotel in the entire city. Sergio grit his teeth just thinking about it. How much money would she waste this time? Would she care if she had already maxed out her card three times over the limit? Of course not. She was Christina, and as far as she was concerned she was entitled to his entire bank account.

“Sergio!” a woman’s voice called from the crowd.

He turned around quickly momentarily losing sight of Christina. “Mama!”

“Oh my dear son, how I’ve missed you!” she cooed throwing her arms around him. She
pulled away to look at him and pressed her hands against his tan face, “Look at you. Already a man. How time has flown.”

“Mama, but I still love you.”

“I love you too mi amor. I am so happy you’re back.”

“Me too mama, me too.”

“Well lets go home.”

“I cant wait! Is it still the same?”

“Mostly, but of course, some people have moved. Other have come in. but Cantabria is
still the same town you left as a child.”

“Is So-”

“Is that Christina?” his mother asked, as a stressed Christina rushed toward him



“The airline, lost my luggage. They lost everything!” she screamed, her hands flailing in
the air.

“Christina calm down.”


“Christina, por favor, you’re making a scene.” his mother cut in glaring at the woman in
front of her.

“And who are you I might ask?”

“She’s my mother Christina, and I ask you respect her please.”

“Sophia was never like this.” his mother mumbled under her breath. Sergio looked over at her and shook his head. Sophia was never like this, she never yelled, never made a scene, never disrespected anyone. She was always calm, always collected, always loving. But right now, he couldn’t stop to compare and contrast.

“Well what’s going to happen then?” Christina asked placing her hands on her hips.

“We’re going to talk to the airline Christina, see if they can get the bags delivered to
Mama’s house as soon as they’re found.”

“ I want them sent to the hotel.”

“You two got a hotel room? I thought you were staying in your old room?”

“I am Mama. Christina, you got a hotel?”

“Of course I did. You didn’t really think, Id sleep in that twin bed with you did you?”


“I did Sergio. On the fucking plane.”

“No you did not. You told me to get a room. You DEMANDED I get a room. I told you no.

“Sergio, calm down please.” his mother whispered as people began to look at them.

“you’re making a worse scene then Christina. Let’s go to my house. You two can fight as loud as you want there.”

“Well Christina I fucking hope you know where that goddamn hotel is.” Sergio spat as
he walked away with his mother, leaving a shocked Christina behind them.

“YOU DID NOT JUST WALK AWAY FROM ME!” she yelled running toward him. Her heels chipping away at the marble floors. “Sergio look at me!” she screamed pulling at his shirt.

“Que Christina? What is it now? Do you not know how to take a cab now?”

She glared at him, and then dropped her gaze to her manicured hands, “ I am sorry.”

“Sorry doesn’t always work, and for you, that word has lost its value.”

“Sergio, please!”

“No Christina,”

“Don’t be mad at me!”

“How am I suppose to not be mad?”

“Because you love me!”

“Christina, go to your hotel. I’ll see you tomorrow.” Sergio replied, hailing a cab for her.
He watched the cab park next to the curb and held the door for her.

“Sergio,” she cooed as she stood beside him, “forgive me.”

“Just get in.” he replied looking away, he didn’t even want to look at her. He just wanted
his blood to stop boiling over and tensing his body. It rushed in his ears like war drums
pounding its deep roar over and over.


“Mira, Christina. Just get in okay? I don’t want to talk, I don’t want to forgive you, I don’t even want to see you right now,”. He watched her get in the cab without another word and drive off.

“Estas bien?” his mother asked, rubbing his shoulder. He leaned into her embrace, and sighed.

“I am so sorry, you had to see that.” he whispered in her ear, “Its never really like.”

“You know its bad to lie to your mother.” she chuckled.

“ It hasn’t been that bad. We fight…a lot but never like that.”

“Are you happy?” she asked walking him to the parking lot.

“I am happy, in real, I love being in real mama, we just all work so well together, they’re
my brothers, my fathers, my family. But with Christina, it’s been such a long time since I can
say I’ve been happy. At first it was perfect, dios mio, I wanted to marry her right then and there. But little by little it was just more bickering, more demanding, more controlling.”

“Hmm,” his mother replied, hugging him, “did you ever think back on leaving Sophia?”

“Dios, every day me and Christina would fight. I would think of her, I would feel this
tightness in my chest, and I would taste my regret. It just seemed like the right thing to do at
that time Mama.”

“Do you miss her?”

“What do you think mama? She was my first love, my best friend.”

“Yo se. she’s so big now too.”

“She’s pregnant?” he asked scared.

His mother stopped, looked at him, and laughed. “Heavens No! I mean, she’s just all grown up. A fully grown woman. Its bittersweet to see you and her so old. I remember you
two as little children kissing behind the rose bush.”

“Mama!” Sergio laughed covering the sudden rush of color to his cheeks, “will you
always bring that up.”

“Yes, I cannot help it. The image of you two kissing is too precious to just forget.”

“Dios mio, just forget it at my wedding.”

“Claro que no!” She teased, tickling him. “That will be the first thing I say!”

“God save me.” he laughed. It felt so good to laugh. He hadn’t done it in such a long
time, it seemed his body didn’t know what to do with the sudden spur.

“Mama, so Sophia still lives here?” he asked softy, his voice falling against the street traffic.

“Si, she lives down the block. Decided to stay close to home.”

“Where does she work?”

“That I couldn’t tell you.”

“Is she married?”

“Why don’t you ask her mi amor?”

“Mama por dios! I haven’t talked to her in six years. She might hate me.”

“You didn’t come visit me in six years, I don’t hate you.”

“Sos mi mama, you cannot hate me.”

“She’s Sophia, she loved you. Maybe she doesn’t hate you.”

“You don’t understand mama,”

“I know and understand more than you. Remember it was I that gave birth to you.”

“I am scared mama,” he confessed.

“Of what?”

“Of being rejected from her life entirely. I still lov- I still care about her mama, I want to
see her and know she’s okay. But I am afraid to go and see her, and have her throw me completely out of her life and never talk to me.”

“You’ll never know if you don’t try. And trust me, that girl could never do that to you. Even if she tried.”


“Margarita, room 209 needs fresh towels!” Sophia said quickly into the walkie talkie as she quickly examined the second floor. The last floor finally out of six floors. Her feet dashed along the plush carpet, her fingers tapped against the exact green doors repeatedly asking what her guest needed. She smiled so much by the end of the day her mouth hurt.

“Buenas Tardes, is there anything I can do to future accommodate you?” She asked over and over, the line burning itself on the roof of her mouth. If it was a no, she sighed and nodded cheerfully, if it was a yes, she’d listen attentively and memorize each demand and pass it down to the maids.

“Sophia,” the walkie talkie rumbled against her hip.


“You’re needed down at the lobby.”

“What is it?”

“I don’t even know where to begin.”

Sophia sighed, and hoped it wasn’t another airsick traveler who has coated the wooden
floors in an elegant shade of brilliant orange vomit. She quickly ran down the stairs, her legs aching from all the movement.

“What’s the problem?” she asked walking to the front desk.

“Oh are you the manger?” The girl snapped.

“yes. What seems to be the problem.”

“You need to fire this man right here.” she spat pointing a finger at him.

“I need to fire him? On what charge?”

“I called him like four hours ago and reserved a one bedroom hotel room for three weeks and gave him my card number and now he says there’s no reservation for Canales.”

“C-Canales?” Sophia choked. Her face instantly heating up.

“Yes Canales,”

“Rafael, there’s no reservation?”

“I don’t recall making any to that last name.”

“What’s your name miss?” Sophia asked moving over to the computer.


“Christina Canales?”

“I should be.”

“Are you? Or Aren’t you?”

“Just place it under Sergio Canales,” she huffed, “here’s the credit card, I need a suite.
The best suite you have available for three weeks. Oh and the address to this thing.”
Sophia studied her momentarily, wanting to ask if Sergio was already here or if he was on his way. But decided it was best she did not know. She took the card and checked her in into the only suite they had.

“All done Mrs. Canales, you’re room is 405. And you’ll be asked to check out at 11:00
am three weeks from now. And here’s the address to the hotel. Is there any bags you want Rafael here to help you with?”

“Thank you. And yes just this one.” Christina smirked pocketing the credit card back in her purse and pointing at the suitcase by her foot. Sophia watched her walk away, her heels resonating off the walls. Sergio was back in town. Six years had passed and he was finally back, and with Christina. Her heart leaped in her chest. She was so happy, and at the same time so afraid to see him.

“Sophia, you okay?” Rafael, asked coming out of the elevator.

“Why wouldn’t I be?”

“You’re standing there, smiling to yourself.”

“Is that so wrong?” she asked laughing.

“It’s not normal mujer.”

“I think it’s time I go home. I need to get home to my little man.”

“All right. Say hi to him for me.”

“I will.”

“Oh and Sophia?”


“Be careful getting home. It’s getting dark earlier okay?”

“Okay. I will. Adios.”



Sophia, stood at the corner of the intersection. Her cell phone pressed to her ear as she watched the cars pass by.

“Manuel please pick up your phone,” she mumbled into the receiver awaiting Manuel to pick up the phone.

“Halo?” he asked, quickly.

“Hey, I am out earlier today.”

“Oh, okay, let me get my coat and I’ll go. You at the corner?”


“Okay be there soon mi amor.”

“Okay. Adios”


Sophia reclined against the cool stone column. Her eyes chasing the headlights of the passing cars. Her feet ached from all her walking, and her back cracked loudly as she stretched side to side. Her eyes darted to her left as a man approached her quickly.

“Perdon, senorita, is that building over there Hotel Del Sol?”

She looked up to his face, and held her breath. He smiled over her stunned features.

“Don’t I know you?” he asked gently,

“No se…”

“Si, I know you. Dios mio,” he said breathlessly.


“Don’t lie Sophia. You know me.” he said laughing, “My god, you’re as beautiful as the day I last saw you.”

♠ ♠ ♠

FOR MY BABIES, like always.
much love to themmmmmmm TestItOut and Addison;;