Status: ACTIVE :D

Floating Upon This Surface

Apologies and Secrets.

Sophia stood in front of Sergio. Hand across her chest, she looked up to him in awe. Her voice was caught within her throat.

“Que pasa Sophia? Aren’t you going to give me a hug?” he asked softly, his smile, widening across his face.

“I-its been so long,” Sophia breathed taking a step back, “you’ve been gone so long.”

Sergio stopped approaching her, as her words filled the air between them.

“Yo se, but I am back now.”

“That’s nice,”

“So are you just going to leave me waiting for that hug?” he asked once again come close to her. She smiled softly at his smirk. His eyes twinkling like Lucas when he was being mischievous. She moved into his open arms, and slid hers around his waist with ease. She laid her head on his chest, taking in his scent.

“Do you have a ride back home?” he asked gently into her ear.


“You don’t have to lie you know? I can easily take you back, I am just here to drop something off and go back home.”

“You’re not staying in the hotel with Christina?” she asked pulling away from him.

“Ah so you met Christina.”

“She’s quite the charmer.” Sophia replied crossing her hands across her chest.

“She’s….not really relevant to right now.” Sergio said turning to the hotel, “like these
toiletries, I think she could do without them for a while.”. He tossed behind him a small black clutch to the street.

“Sergio!” Sophia exclaimed, “what are you doing!”

“Nothing,” he smirked, “how about we go somewhere warm? Have a cup of hot
chocolate and catch up?”

“I don’t think so Sergio, my rides almost here…”

“Please Sophia, as old friends, good old friends, come on.”

Sophia bit her lip, but at the sight of those blue orbs focusing on her hazel eyes, she fell into his charm.

“Let’s go then, but not too far.”

“Fair, enough. I think I passed a small café on the way here.”

They walked a few blocks down. His hand brushing up against hers. Her hand tingled every time his fingertips would cross against her knuckles. Her fingers curling into her palm, resisting the urge to hold his inviting hand.

“Here it is,” he gestured to the small café with the green canopy outside. Small iron tables were arranged outside with a white candle flickering in the cool breeze. “Want to sit outside or inside?”

“Outside,” she smiled taking a seat at one of the iron tables

“Un chocolate?”

“Si por favor.”

She watched him go inside, and stand in line. She dialed Manuel quickly.

“I am stuck in traffic I am sorry.”

“Its fine, I just wanted to let you know I am actually at a café with an old friend.”

“You ran into them?”

“Yeah, he caught me by surprise really. He wants to catch up…see how I am doing?”

“He? Who is he mi amor?”

“I told you an old friend.”

“El papa de Lucas?”

“Your chocolate, senorita Olivar.” Sergio smiled placing the mug of steaming chocolate in front of her.

“I have to go. I’ll call you later.”

“Sophia, answer me.”


“Gracias Sergio,” Sophia replied, placing her phone back in her pocket.

“Who was that?”

“Oh, my ride.”

“Stop lying.”

“No really, I did have a ride.”

“Are they on their way.”

“Stuck in traffic.”

“Why don’t I take you home?”

“Because I don’t need one.”

“They’re stuck in traffic Sophia, you’ll be left waiting to god knows when.”

“It really wouldn’t be the first time,” she murmured.

Sergio, looked at her. Her eyes peering into the rich brown chocolate.

“Sophia, forgive me.” he reached over to lift her face, “Perdoname.”

“For what?”

“For leaving you. For hurting you. I don’t know why I did what I did. I thought…”

“You could just leave and never come back…”

“Yeah. I wanted to forget all of this. And I thought I was going to be able to.”

“And you weren’t…”

“No, I wasn’t. Every morning I’d wake up and think of you, think of mama, of my

“Why did you want to forget all of this so badly?”

“Because I thought, if I managed to erase everything, I would grow up. I would just be
Sergio Canales. Not Sergio Canales, el Niño de Catanabria.”

“Was it so bad, being El Nino De Cantabria? You have Fernando Torres, who is ‘El
Nino’ and he didn’t forget where he was from”

“It wasn’t bad at all, but Sophia, I was young, I wanted to be my own person. And I didn’t
realize I already was. I thought I had this image to present. That didn’t include Cantabria.”

“Or me.”

“Leaving you. Was the worse mistake of my life.”

“Sergio, I-”


Sophia turned around to see Lucas running toward her, a smile imprinted across his face. Manuel a few feet behind him walking. Her heart was collapsing.
♠ ♠ ♠
TA-DA! i love you. :D addison;; and TestItOut <33333