Status: COMPLETED comment please

I Taste The Sparks On Your Tongue


I miss everything about him! The sound of his voice, the feel of his skin against mine, his piercing green eyes, drinking beers on the porch, jamming out in the basement, him sleeping next to me! I just miss him in general! Sure, I got phone calls but I wanted to see him I don’t think I could take another year of not seeing him, not being able to feel him, and not being able to kiss him. I could feel tears well up in my eyes and them start to travel down my face. I went to the bathroom to clean up my rat nest hair and my makeup that was smeared down my face.
I heard a knock out the door. I rushed out of the bathroom to answer the door. I opened it up to see Val. “Oh...Hey Val!” I tried saying excitedly.
“You don’t seem very enthused to see me Ms. Sara!” She said concerned
“I just wished you were Zacky that’s all.” I said tears welling up in my eyes
“Awww.... Sweetie it will be alright! He will be home before you know it!” She cheerfully stated
“Another year.... and how can you be so cheerful don’t you miss Matt?” I asked
“Yeah I do but I don’t let it get into my fun and I can’t let it bug me that’s all!” She said
“Oh....” I said, well she did have a point.
“But anyways the reason I came was we need to get you a dress!” She said
“What the fuck?!?!? Why?!?!?” I yelled
“For a girls night that’s all but its got to be super sexy!” She stated and winked
My brow raised in confusion.
“Don’t worry about it Hun....You will find out in about a month!” She said and smiled
“Oh...Okay!” I said timidly
“Well... What are you waiting for, go get ready!” She ushered me into my room
I grabbed the clothes I was going to wear and slipped them over my body. I did my makeup and soon I was ready.
Val pulled me out the door and shoved me into the car! I stumbled a bit but I steady myself out before I could face plant into the seat.
“What. The. Fuck. Val!!!” I said very annoyed and irritated
“Calm your horses, I needed to get you out o that god forsaken house before you ended up killing yourself and then I would get hell from Zacky and I don’t need that!” She said
“Oh....” I timidly said again
The car was filled with a comfortable silence after all the anger had settled. My mind started to drift to Zacky! I missed his smell, hie hair, his taste, his singing, his laugh and his arms around me.
I was woken from my thoughts with a hand in front of my face and a very mad Val saying “Stop fucking thinking about Zacky!!!! We are here for you not him!!!” She huffed
“I would much rather be here for him!!” I mumbled under my breath
“Yeah well your not so get over it!” She said and grabbed my wrist to pull me into the mall.
We went to store after store to find the perfect dress, we had no luck and were about to give up when we found the perfect one in the very last store we went into!
It was just a plain black one it was almost a 1950's style. Val matched them with red heels and a red clutch that you could hold by the brass knuckles on the top! I smiled as she pulled me out into the parking lot. We got into the car and she said “Your going to stay at my place tonight! Have a girls night, gossip, talk about guys and whatever else we can think of.”
“Okay that would be great!” I said smiling at her
We finally got to my house and I went up to pack! I grabbed a pair of pajamas, makeup, clothes for the next day, blanket, pillow, cell phone, and iPod!
We got to Val’s house and set everything up. I heard my phone start to sing gunslinger as I smile. I excused myself, and went into a room where it was private.
“Hey Zacky!” I answered enthusiastically with a grin on my face
“Hey Babe and you realize I can only picture how big the grin is on your face right now!” He said chuckling.
I blushed then said “Oh.....”
“And now your blushing.” He said even more amused
“Whatever you probably got a big grin plastered on your face to!” I said laughing
“Yeah I do actually!” He said laughing with me
“I miss you a lot!” I blurted out
“I miss you to baby, you can only imagine how much I miss you!” He said sadly
“When are you coming home next?” I asked trying to left the mood
“Three months” He said sadly, well that did nothing to make us laughing and joking again.
“Oh.....” I said as I was about to cry
“Aww..... Sara don’t cry, your going to make me cry baby!” He said
I didn’t say anything, I was to devastated Zacky was suppose to be back on my birthday which was about three weeks from now, but instead he was coming how 2 months later.
“I know I am going to miss your birthday but, I will make it up to you so much okay sweetheart!” He said pleading to get a answer out of me.
“Okay” I managed to squeak out of my mouth.
“Your not happy are you?” He asked full of concern
“I will live, you’re a famous guitarist on tour, I should have expected it.” I said monotone
“I feel really bad!” He said, I could almost feel the tears forming in his eyes.
“Don’t worry it’s fine I will get the girls to help me celebrate my birthday, and then when your home you and me can do something okay?” I said trying to be as happy as I could
“Okay!” I heard him say even though I know he was about to cry cause he felt really bad that he couldn’t be here for my birthday.
“Well Sara I got to go, I will text you when I can okay babe, I love you so much and I miss you a tons!” He said trying to hold back the fact that he was crying
“Goodnight babe, I love you so much to, and I miss you so much!” I said now crying to.
Then I heard the line go dead. I hung up and stayed in the room for a couple minutes, composing myself, I redid my make up before I went down stairs to see Val talking on the phone.
“Goodnight Matt, I love you, I miss you, and I can’t wait till your home!” She said tearing up as she hung up the phone.
“Zacky won’t be home for my birthday.” I stated monotone
“Matt wont be here for out anniversary!” She said monotone as well
“Okay well you defiantly beat me in suckish news of the day!” I said
She burst out laughing.
I was so confused as she doubled over.
“I'm sorry I needed a good laugh to get rid of the pain!” She chuckled
“Oh okay then.” I stated cuddling up under the blankets
Val put in a movie and within whatever movie I was watching I fell asleep.
I went home the next and fell asleep on the couch.
The next few weeks went like a blur.
I couldn’t remember what I did have the time.
I hadn’t got any texts from Zacky or any phone calls which made me worried and made me even more depressed.
Val came over once a week to make sure I got out of the house once in a while.
She would constantly get mad at me though because I would wear my favorite hoodie of Zacky’s, and I would constantly smell it because the smell that filled my nostrils made me gain a little hope and made me feel a little better inside!
She said I was becoming so depressed that she was going to take me the therapist!
I said That once I got a hug and a kiss from Zacky I would be the happy, hyper kid I was when the tour first started.
She said if That was the case I was going to kill myself by the time I did actually get to see Zacky.
I rolled my eyes because she was being as dramatic as usual.
The day before my birthday I decided all I wanted to do was relax make me food and watch movies by myself all day.
I fell asleep by the forth movie. I didn’t wake up until 1 in the afternoon the next day. I checked my phone, I had no texts or missed phone calls. I let a tear slip out of my eye as I laid back down to fall back asleep when I heard someone come rushing in.
I bolted up right to see who the intruder was only to see Val. I sighed a sigh of relief.
“What are you doing get up! We need to start getting you ready! Happy Birthday!” She said in a panicked
“Umm....... Okay and thank you!” I said
“It`s no problem” She said well pulling me to my room.
She started to blast whatever was in the stereo which happened to be the CD Zacky burned for me when I turned 21.
The first that popped up was Critical Acclaim and the next one would be seize the day the gunslinger and then Dear God!
She started to fiddle with my hair. “If your going to touch my hair at least ask me what I want done with it!” I stated
“What do you want done with your hair?” She asked politely
“Can you just make it pin straight then its good!” I asked looking up at her
“That would work!” She said
She grabbed the hair straightener and started to straighten it! It took her 2 and a half hours to get it how she wanted!
She then asked “What would you like done with your make up?”
“Smoky eyes please?” I asked smiling
“Can do. Will do!” She said
I smiled as she started to poke my eyes with stuff to make everything perfect.
The makeup took a hour and by the time we cleaned everything up it was 4.
“Shit!” I heard Val scream
“What?” I asked confused
“Your rides here and your not even dressed!” She exclaimed
I quickly slid into my dress, put on my shoes, put my fingers through the brass knuckles of the clutch and finally put my leather jacket over it!
I walked down the stairs to hear Val go “Wow....”
I blushed.
“You look beautiful Sara!” she said then added “Let me see it without the jacket!”
I took of the jacket to show her.
“Your fucking sexy!” She said grinning from ear to ear.
She escorted me out to the limo.
“A LIMO!?!?!?!” I shouted stunned
“Happy birthday!!!!!” She said the added “I got to go and get ready okay! Michelle and Lacey are in there and I will be driving there myself!”
“Okay!” I smiled and got into the limo
“Hey!” Lacey and Michelle said in unison
“Hey!” I said back
“We got to go pick up Leana still.” Michelle said
“Okay.” I said settling into my seat
It was about 15 minute drive to Leana’s house. We finally stopped and the door opened to reveal a very pretty Leana!
“Hey Leana! You look very good tonight!” I said smiling st her
“Hey birthday girl! Your looking pretty gorgeous yourself there hunny!” She said and then became engrossed in the conversation the other to girls were having.
I sat in the back waiting to see where we were going. We finally jerked to a stop. The driver opened the door and all I could see was the giant sign that said Blackout. We were going to club Blackout for my birthday, the most exclusive club in Huntington Beach. I smiled as we walked right past the guards. Apparently Val rented 2 parts of the VIP area. When I got there Val was waiting for us. “So we are going to open presents before anything okay!” She said
“Oh course!” I said
The first one was from Leana, it was a jack hoodie, watch, key chain, bracelet, and tie.
Next was Michelle’s it was a Blue Stratocaster with a lightning bolt strap!
The next one was Lacey’s, it was a jinx plush, the Alice in wonderland cat, a heart necklace, red queen tote, perry the platypus plush, and a peter pen plush.
Last but not least was Val's, it was four vengeance university shirts.
“Thank you guys so much these presents are really lovely!” I yelled over the music and smiled
“That’s only half, We all pitched in to get you something else but, you go to close you eyes!” Michelle and Val said
I obligated, I waited only to feel a tape on my shoulder.
“Hey Val can I uncover my eyes yet?” I asked
But instead of hearing Val’s voice I heard someone’s voice that I didn’t think I would hear for another 2 months.
“You didn’t expect me to miss your birthday did you?” He asked
“No...But you sounded damn well convincing on the phone!” I said
“Well... I had to other wise it would have blown the cover!” He said it like it was the most obvious thing in the world.
I rolled my eyes then pulled him into a hug, He whispered into my ear “I missed you so fucking much......”
He then pulled away from the hug and leaned towards my lips.
Our lips finally attached. His tongue asked for entrance which I granted freely, I swear I could taste the sparks on his tongue.
We soon pulled a part then he whispered in my ear “I wanted to do the for a while!” and the grinned at me. Soon Come on Get Higher by Matt Nathanson was blasting through the speakers. I pulled Zacky on to the dance floor and we started to dance!
“I think this song explains what we went through for that year!” Zacky said
“What missing amazing sex?” I asked laughing
“Well yeah but most of missing the person you love the most!” He stated
“Zacky your such a romantic at heart!” I said
He blushed.
“I made Zacky Vengeance blush!” I said gloating to myself
“Shut up I’ve made you blush plenty of times!” He said smiling
“But do you realize how hard it is to get you to blush!” I stated
“Touche!” He said smiling
The song ended and he pulled away, he intertwined our fingers and lead me back to the VIP area. I went to go sit down when Zacky pulled me up again.
“I love you Sara, I have since I saw you, I knew you were the one for me when I first saw you. You were perfect! You were smart, you play guitar, you are beautiful, you understood my schedule and understood why sometimes I couldn’t be with you even though I knew you need me there!” He said as he got down on one knee
“Six years of a relationship is long but lets make our marriage last forever so Sarafine Anya Raven will you marry me???” He asked
I stood there for a second before the question register into my brain!
“Yes Zachary James Baker, I do...... A million times yes!!!!” I shout as I pull him in a passionate kiss!
♠ ♠ ♠
Comment please :)
I am happy with the finished project and it probably could have been a bit better though!