Status: new and active :D

There's A Lot That I Don't Know.

Just A Thought

Why do teenagers speed?
That’s what I contemplated as I weaved down the highway roads at 40 above the speed limit accompanied by two people I had grown to live with, not like.

Back to the question, why do we speed? We pretend it’s to feel a "rush" or something cheesy like that, but who are we kidding. We could get a rush from throwing our bodies at the opposite sex and seeing how far it goes, but instead we choose to risk our lives and take a hunk of metal that weighs a ton, and put the petal to the metal to see how far we can take it. So why? Well I’ll tell you what I think, I think we do it because some kid in a movie did it when our grandparent's grandparents were kids and they wanted to be cool like the boy in the movie. Lame I know, but they did it, our parents must have done it, so why not carry on the so called "tradition." We do it to fit in, just like any other kid would dye their hair blonde to be popular.
I guess that’s why we do it, and I’m not just referring to speeding.

The lone bushes, ripped of life from the scorching sun, passed us by when I saw another car headed our way. I started to slow down, but my foot was to lethargic. I was a second off that that caused this atrocity.

The cars collided and metal twist and turned around one another while staining the road with yellow and blue paint. It fell silent for a minute as we rationalized what had just happened.

I thought that would be our end, our downfall, but we all came to life after a minute or two of utter shock. We had cuts and bruises, but not one snapped wrist or mighty pool of blood. We were okay, we were all okay.

Wait? We were all okay?
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so i know this is kinda slow, but i had a dream about this and it'll all come together soon (:

thanks tons,
comments and what-not are great!