Tight Denim

One of One

It's those one pair of shorts that catches more than just my curious gaze.

My heart begins to race at what feels like nearly a million beats per minute, occasionally skipping a beat here and there. Beads of sweat dampen my bare forehead. Once an individual drop of sweat finishes persperizing from my pores, they slowly slide down my face, leaving a salty moist trail behind that will soon evaporate. When they reach down to my dimpled cleft chin, they slowly start to fall as they clasp on for dear life before finally decending to the blue tiled floor to forever be forgotten.

My eyes remain motionless; unblinking. They start to feel dry, but I still stay unblinking out of fear this beautiful piece of clothing will disappear out of sight in a mere instant. My gaze digs deeper into these pair of shorts. I take a mental note as I recognize each wrinkle in the denim caused by the fabric hugging tightly to her gorgeous frame. I notice the slightly faded section in the thight area that is obvious next to the rest of the indigo fabric. I notice her pale fingertips brushing against the one-inch fold at the bottem of the garment as she's toying with them absentmindedly.

My eyes dig even deeper into the item of clothing that I can feel my lucious blood flow to my pelvis. The blood rushes fast to my genital, making it hard. As it becomes harder, my swollen memeber begins to rise until it's almost busting through my zipper. It only gets harder, making it slightly hurt as it's fighting to slither out of my jeans.

There is now a noticable bulge in the front of my pants. I think frantically of what to do as my cheeks light on fire from embarrassment that someone might notice. I finally quickly swipe a notebook off the top of my desk and use it to hide my crotch. The girl snapped her head in my direction, noticing the sudden movement. Once she realized what was going on, she eyed my green, spiral notebook and let out a giggle muffled by her blue, manicured hand.
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I was inspired by that picture to write about an erection. XD WTF?
