Sucks To Be You

Sucks To Be You 13

And was I ever right. Not only had he heard everything Zacky had to say, he confronted me about it. Brian kept on telling me he didn't know what Zacky had been talking about. When he told me that it kinda hurt me for some reason. I was about to say something to him but where interrupted by Johnny.
"Brittany's here." Johnny said with a look of distaste one his face.
"Can you tell here to hang on a sec I'm kinda in the middle of something."
"No Bri, The Girlfriend won't be happy at all when she finds out I'm whats keeping you busy and when The Girlfriend is unhappy your not the only one who has to suffer. If we need to continue this later we will." I said. As I stood up I saw Jimmy chase Jason down the hall. I smiles to myself as I walked off to my sons rescue. Unfortunately going to that rescue meant I had to be in the same room and The Girlfriend. As soon as I walked by her the heavy smell of Lavender filled my lungs and nearly suffocated me. I gave The Girlfriend a rather distasteful look and turned away
"Mommy! Daddy's trying to get me!" Jason piped up running to my side. I looked down at him, then to Jimmy and smirked.
"Well I'll just have to save you wont I!" I said picking him up. I walked to Jimmy ans we both sat on the nearest couch. I laid Jason down between us and started to tickle him. "NOOOOO!" he squealed in excitement and scrambled over to Jimmy.
"Oh I see now you want to be by me." Jimmy said with fake hurt.
"Save me!" Jason whimpered. Jimmy picked him up and hugged him.
"Brian baby, do we have to be by these people?" Brittany whined.
"No ones making you stay." Matt shot at her.
"Matt just leave it alone, she not worth it." I told him. I walked out and up to my room to gather my things for work. "I'll be back!" I yelled over my shoulder as I exited the house. I had a feeling work was going to go by slowly today.

And boy was I right. Not only did work go by slowly, I had a major migrain by the time I was heading home. It didn't help to walk into the house and i could make out the distinct smell of The Girlfriend in the living room. Now it was going to be a very long night.