Status: Editing it up a little. =)

Falling For My Best Friend's Sister

Falling For My Best Friend's Sister 9 - Edited.

Lucky's POV:

Over the next few days, I couldn’t help but notice that Mike’s been avoiding me lately. Just like last time, I discussed it with Kassie as she and I made our way to math class.

“Maybe…maybe he heard that I liked him and he didn’t want anyone else to find out and that’s why he’s keeping his distance from me.” I tried laying out some options that made sense.

“Uh, no way is that true! Like everyone already knows how crazy Mike and you are for each other. They’ve been known that, trust me, girl, no one knows about what’s true and what’s not better than I do and you know that too, don’t you?” Kassie told me straight up.

“Yes, but-!” she cut me off.

“No ifs, ands or buts. Now lemme tell you this in the easiest way that I can,” Kassie grabbed a hold of my shoulders and gripped them tight before slowly enunciating out her next words. “Mike. Like. You.

“Dude, we’re not cavemen, I understand.” I laughed at her.

Kassie got off of me then as the final bell rang, signaling for everyone to get to their classes. I sighed, it was time for us to departure again; me to Math, Kas to English. God, what I wouldn’t do to switch with her.

“Bye sweetie and don’t start thinking too much again, if you know what’s good for ya.” she told me as she turned the corner to her classroom.

“I won’t and see ya.”

I continued walking through the almost empty halls when all of a sudden, the door to the boys’ bathroom flew open and hit me directly in the nose. The hard impact of it pushed the door back closed and sent me crashing down to the ground. Everything looked dark and fuzzy to me and I had a hard time of seeing what was what in front of me.

A few of the remaining people that were walking around rushed over to me, one of those people including Mike. They started asking me if I was ok or what had happened. I didn’t say anything back since I wasn’t really in the best position to answer them anyway.

“Hey Lucky, are you alright?” I recognized Mike’s voice immediately out of all of them.

“Not really!" I answered him.

"C'mon, sweetie, I'll take you to the nurse's office."

Mike helped me up the ground and I moved my hand away from my face to see it covered in blood. I started crying then because it hurt so much, but crying seemed to have only made it feel worse.

I felt Mike lean over then and pick me up bridal style to the nurse’s and though I should’ve been enjoying the moment – because hello, things like this don’t really happen every day and especially to me! – but I was just in so much pain that I couldn’t really think of anything but wanting to just get rid of it already.

Make me unconscious, cut my nose out, do anything, but just make the pain stop!’ I moaned to myself.

Once we were in the room, Mike set me down on one of the beds. I looked around for the school nurse, but she was no where to be found whereas the door was left open.

Mike didn’t really seem to care about that though because he started trying to dab the blood off my nose with a few cotton balls he found lying around.

“Ow! Ow! Ow! Mike, stop please, it hurts!” I cried.

“I’m sorry,” he immediately apologized. “I really am.”

Mike took a seat next to me on the bed and stared at the ground. We were both silent for a while, until I finally broke the silence.

“You’ve been avoiding me,” I spoke up. “Why?”

Mike looked up then before answering. “I’ve…been kinda busy, is all.”

”Busy with what?” I wondered aloud.

“Some stuff.” he answered immediately this time.

“What stuff?” I pressed him.

”Just some personal stuff!”

“Oh.” I didn’t know what else to say.

I inhaled and exhaled and caught a whiff of Mike’s sweet scent. I could feel a sneeze coming up then, but I knew that there was no way that I could stop it; either way I would get hurt, so I just let it come through.

"Ow!" I groaned, feeling pain spread throughout my whole body.

"Crap, it's bleeding again!" Mike cursed, jumping down from next to me and rushing to grab tissues from the nurse's table.

"Ugh, me and my stupid soft nose." I muttered.

I heard Mike chuckling softly from next to me before softly adding, "Hey, I think I know what'll make you feel better."

“Really?” I wondered. “What?”

“This…” Mike didn’t finish the sentence and instead leaned in and pressed his soft lips against the tip of my nose. Even that stung a bit, but I was giddy and hyped up to care.

I grinned happily at him and all of a sudden I knew exactly what to say next.

“Uh, you know, I sorta kinda also banged up my lips a bit and they hurt a lot too, maybe you should make them feel better as well.” I suggested.

“You know you’re right, they are looking pretty red, so maybe I should.” Mike said, grinning back.

We both start leaning in then and our lips were so close to touching when Mike pulled away.

I sighed sadly then in disappointment. “You don’t like me like that, do you?”

“No, no it’s not like that all!” Mike reacted immediately. “I do like you! A lot, even a little too much and that’s the problem.”

“What do you mean?”

I liked him and he liked me back, what was the big problem in that?’ I wondered to myself.

“It-it’s just that you deserve way better than me. I like you, I do, but…” he closed his eyes then. “But…you’re not the only one,” he opened his eyes then and turned to look at me and my reaction. “I’m sorry. I should’ve told you way earlier and I shouldn’t have led you on like this, really, I’m so sorry!”

I stayed silent for the longest amount of time. There wasn’t really anything that I could say about this, was there?

“Oh.” was all that came out.

I gulped, but it seemed as if I had a huge lump stuck in my throat. From next to me, Mike sighed deeply and sadly. I didn’t know what else to do then, but I knew what was coming. I turned my head away and secretly wiped a tear away from my eye before it could fall and reveal itself.

“Hey, wait a minute, are you crying?” Mike put his hands on my shoulders and turned me around. “Please don’t cry!” he sounded equally upset as I was at that moment then.

Mike’s hands slipped down till he tightly held my hands, but that only caused a few more tears to slip out. Mike didn’t bother saying anything to me to make me stop, instead he just pulled me into a hug and I cried as much as I wanted into his chest.

“God, I’m so sorry, Lucky,” he said quietly. “I’ve hurt you so much.”

”I-it’s not your fault.” I assured him.

“Yes it is! Because of me when you’re already in so much pain, I’ve made you cry and hurt you even more. And I can’t even help you or make you stop, since all of this is my fault anyway.” I noticed that his voice sounded strained, as if Mike himself was about to start crying along with me.

I didn't want to see that, it would only crush my heart even more. So, I moved my head away and looked up at him. Mike wiped away my tears with the back of his hands and all of a sudden, we were leaning forward to kiss again. But before our lips could actually press together, the door burst open and we quickly pulled apart.

“Oh my gosh, I just heard what happened!” Kassie ran in.

“And where exactly were you when it did happen?” Mike turned towards her with an angry look.

“Uh, heading to class!” she retorted back.

Before I could tell them to knock it off and say that fighting wasn’t going to help fix anything, the front door to the nurse’s office opened again and we all turned to look at who was there. It was the King of High School himself – Sam. Without a word, he came in and sat down on the bed next to me, but when we didn’t stop staring at the guy, he finally opened his mouth.

“Um, hi?” he held up his hand in a sort of a half wave.

Kassie and Mike turned back to facing me then and ignoring Sam.

“So, um, does it hurt a lot?” Kassie asked me.

Before I could open my mouth to answer her, Mike cut in.

“Of course it does!” he sounded pretty pissed, but I could tell he was just upset I was hurt. I could understand the feeling, because I knew back home Lance got the same feeling as well whenever anyone said or did something to me that he didn’t like. He was just overprotective over me like that.

“Well jeez, I was just asking.” Kassie replied defensively, crossing her arms over her chest and looking away.

“Guys, I’m totally fine, seriously!” I cut in then. “I mean, it’s not like I’m gonna end up dying or anything.”

“Don’t say that; it could so happen!”

“Who in the world dies from a nosebleed?!” I wondered aloud.

“Well, there was this one guy who-“

Ok, that so does not make me feel better.” I cut her off.

A few seconds later, the door flies open once again and this time it’s Danny who’s rushing in.

“I heard what happened!” he repeated Kassie’s line.

”Yeah, you and everyone else.” I muttered under my breath.

This was getting kind of boring; I mean where was the nurse of all people? Shouldn’t she be here, taking care of her patients?

“Are you hurt badly?” Danny wanted to know. “Is it still bleeding?!”

“Danny, dude, calm down! I’m fine. Perfectly fine. Jeez, why are all of you getting so worked up over a little incident?” I asked even though I knew the answer.

“Because we care about you.” Mike told me, putting his hand over mine and causing me to smile. But, he probably shouldn’t have done that because Danny noticed and was angered immediately.

One stern look shot his way and he managed to cool down though. But, I could still sense the heat in his voice as he asked, “So, you got a band-aid or what? I mean, you can’t just keep sitting here like this, you gotta do something if that nurse isn’t coming back any time soon, you know.”

“It’s right here,” Mike held it up in between his fingers. “I was actually just about to help Lucky put it on before we were rudely interrupted.”

“Well, now that I’m here, I can help put it on for her.” Danny tried to reach over and take it from Mike’s hands, but he was too quick and moved away before he could.

“Uh, I don’t think so.”

“Well, why should you do it? Answer me that!” Danny reprimanded him.

“Well, maybe because I got here first!” Mike retorted back.

“Well, I was born first!”

“I’m her friend!”

”Yeah well, I love her! Love beats friendship any day!” Danny concluded.

Mike reopened his mouth and I could tell that the battle wasn’t entirely over for him as of yet, but I quickly cut in between the two of them.

Guys!” I shouted over them. “You two need to seriously stop, you’re seriously causing my nose to hurt even more than it needs to.”

“Sorry.” They said in unison.

Danny sighed and reverted his gaze else where and that’s when he noticed Sam sitting on the other side of the room. I almost forgot about him. Almost. He was too big of a person to ignore - as in like socially - and I guess I was kind of embarrassed to have my older brother and guy friend arguing in front of him over who gets to put the band-aid over my damaged nose and who doesn't. I mean, I'm pretty sure anyone would be.

“Hey Sam,” Danny asked him, walking away from Mike. “How come you’re here?”

“Oh, I kinda got hurt on my hand,” he told him. “It’s no big deal.”

“Wow. You should put some ice on that, it’s lookin’ pretty red.”

“Yeah, I would’ve, but the nurse’s not here and the last time someone went rifling through her stuff and got caught for it, she went total berserk and tried to suspend him and there was all this drama that I’m so not fit for.”

“Wow well, that sucks.”

”Yeah, so I’ll just wait until she gets here.”

Danny sighed again and this time it sounded more like a sadder one.

“Well, I have to get back to class now, ‘cause I gotta take some test.” I couldn’t tell whether he was telling me that or if he was informing Sam about it.

“See ya home then.” I told him though.

“Yeah,” he came back over to me to ruffle my hair and give my forehead a kiss. “Be good and try not to get hurt anymore.”

”Alright, Danny, I promise!” I gave him a small grin.

“Take care, Sam, I’ll copy down the notes you missed in class for you.” He added before he went out the door.

“Alright this is takin’ frickin’ forever,” Mike decided at last. “This nurse is either dead or ditching. Someone needs to go find out.”

“I’ll go, Mr. Angry Pants if it’ll cool you down.” Kassie volunteered.

Mike glared at her, but she just giggled and headed towards the door offering a simple wink his way. For some reason, I felt as if that wink had some importance to it and it wasn’t just because I noticed Mike’s cheeks turn a soft shade of pink.

After Kassie was fully gone, Mike turned back towards to face me.

“And then there were two.” He whispered to me in a joking voice.

“Three.” I pointed out to him, referring to Sam.

I still thought of Sam as hot and smexy, but since I was interested in Mike now, he wasn’t as important to me as much anymore as he was before. Not that he was important to me before, because well I hardly know the guy.

Anyway, Mike bandaged up my nose which only made it hurt like hell even more and then he interlocked our fingers together and kissed my hand softly.

I cautiously leaned in to kiss him then, because of what happened last time I still wasn’t completely sure as to whether he’d actually let me kiss him now or if he would just pull away once again. I decided to let him make the decision. If Mike wanted to kiss me or even give me a simple and small chance, then he could lean in and kiss me first. But, if he didn’t want any of that, then he every right to refuse me or just simply pull back instead.

I never got a chance to find out which he would’ve chosen though because at the exact same time that Mike was about to make a decision, Sam who was still sitting on his bed decided to clear his throat and interrupt us.

This time, I had actually forgotten about the fact that Sam was still here with an issue of his own, but that was only because of Mike’s intoxicating dark kohl colored eyes. Otherwise, I would’ve never let myself make a mistake like that ever.

We both turned our heads toward him, but his head was facing another way and he was casually whistling. Mike just scowled at him, but then just ended up shrugging and turning back to look at me.

He brushed a lock of my hair back behind my ears and let his finger run down the side of my face. That little hint let me know that he really was interested in kissing me just as much as I was. I smiled and began leaning forward when once again; Sam created another little disturbance that caused us to move away from each other.

“Um, we heard you the first time!” Mike told him.

Sam looked almost flabbergasted that we were pinning such legislation on him.

“What did I say?” he wondered completely innocently.

“Anyone could hear you hacking like that from a mile away!” I bit down hard on my lip to keep from laughing out loud at that.

The door opened all of a sudden then, helping me and causing all of our heads to be turned towards it. The nurse entered the room then. She was a short and plump woman with dark brown hair and glasses with chains wrapped around her neck.

“Sorry, I was out.” She simply said in a groggy voice.

It seemed to me she had just gotten up from an afternoon nap. Who knows where she was or how Kassie found her, but it was a mixed feeling that I got know that she was here. I was glad she was here to help fix up my nose, but I was also upset that I didn’t get my kiss with Mike – not that was actually possible with Sam sitting right there. I’m not actually sure what his problem was, but I guess much like me, he’s also not such a big fan of PDA.

I slid off the bed, stumbling slightly, but Mike caught me just as easily.

“Now, who’s the patient?” the nurse asked, putting on her glasses and taking a seat at her desk.

She wasn’t even looking at me as I answered her, instead she was going through her drawers looking to see if anything was still in its right place and whether or not anything was taken out or used. I snuck a look at Sam who just continued to wait patiently. His hand seemed to have gotten redder than it was before – if that’s even possible – and it looked almost as if it were throbbing a little as well.

“Alright, so, what’s your problem?” she addressed me gruffly once she was done.

“Um, the boys’ bathroom door slammed into my nose and it started bleeding.” I informed her.

She took a good look at me then. I felt blood rushing to my cheeks as I had never had anyone staring this intently at me. It felt too weird to understand.

“Alright, who put the band-aid on?” she asked, looking at me suspiciously.

I looked around nervously.

“I did.” Mike spoke up then.

I could sense the nurse’s face growing redder by the second. I figured what was about to happen next, so before it could though, I stepped in.

“Um, I’m actually new to this school and I didn’t exactly know about your policy of ‘no touching anything on my desk while I’m gone’,” I was making up the words as they came to me in my head. “So, you’ll have to forgive me, Miss, I’m really very sorry.”

Her expression softened a little at that, but it was still red.

“Fine,” she sighed. “But, you’re going to have to take it off, because I’m the only one who’s allowed to put anything on anyone in this room.”

Before I could protest or even think of something to say against that, she ripped the white band-aid off of my nose and man, did it hurt more than when Mike was actually putting it on or what?! And right before even a single tear could come racing out from my eyes, she slapped it back down on my nose and made sure to even rub it several times so it would go back to sticking like it was the first time.

I groaned internally. ‘Good God that hurt!

The nurse said nothing and instead just trudged over to Sam then.

“Are you ok?” Mike asked me softly.

“Some nurse she is.” I retorted back to him, under my breath.

“You can go now; I have other patients to attend to.”

I could understand the frightened look on Sam’s face. I wasn’t sure what she did to him, because Mike and I were long gone before that, but I’m pretty sure it couldn’t nearly have been as painful as my experience was.
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I know, I know, it's too big of a ch. But, somtimes, I just can't help myself. *shrug* =)