Status: Editing it up a little. =)

Falling For My Best Friend's Sister

Falling For My Best Friend's Sister 12 - Edited.

Sam's POV:

When I got home with Danny, he invited me inside and since I had nothing better to do anyway. It was while Danny had run up to his room to dump his bag there, that I accidentally turned my eyes towards the window and spotted Kassie – who I just learned is actually Lucky – with that emo guy again.

They looked almost as if they were about to kiss and I suddenly felt a surge of jealous coursing through me. I didn’t want that to happen between them and I also didn’t want to see it happen either. I knew she was nothing to me, but I felt so frickin’ attracted to her that I wanted her for only me, myself, and I.

An idea hit me then, or well actually two and I smiled knowingly to myself before turning around to find Danny coming back down the stairs.

“Hey, want something to eat before we start watchin’ the game?” he asked me.

“Oh uh sure,” my eyes darted towards the window and then back towards Danny.

“What’s wrong?” Danny started walking towards me just like I knew he would.

“You probably shouldn’t, Danny!” I tried to warn him. “I mean, it’s not anything important, but…”

It was too late; Danny was already peering through the window at the two on the street. I watched as his expression change from fine to furious; his hands balled into two fists and slammed at the glass.

Danny didn’t say anything to me, but just turned around on his heels and started for the front door. I smiled sinisterly; he wasn’t too late, they hadn’t kissed as of yet and Danny could just make it before it happened.

He pulled Lucky away, separating the two and she was dragged into the house, practically kicking and screaming. It wasn’t until they started arguing that I finally figured out that I was wrong about them all along. Kassie was actually Lucky and Lucky was actually Kassie and there was nothing going on between Kassie/Lucky and Danny because they were brother and sister and Lucky/Kassie was actually the main interest of Danny instead.

They argued for a long time and somehow I was dragged into all of this as well. After that, I guess Lucky said a little too much and she ended up getting smacked. I swear, I’ve never seen Danny this pissed off before, but it’s not like I’ve been around that long to know if this has happened before or not. But, he just didn’t exactly look like the type of guy to get mad too often; he was the soft and sensitive type.

Danny left the room then with tears in his eyes and Lucky immediately began crying. I couldn’t watch her like this; it hurt my heart to see her cry in front of me like that. I mean, it was mostly my fault that this was all happening right now. So, I decided that the best way to fix all of this was to help her out and plus, this might be a way to get a bit closer to her as well.

She agreed to it and I soon left her alone. In my room, I took a seat on my bed, smiling from ear to ear.

I got started on my second idea as soon as possible.

The plan was to do some research on the guy that Lucky is currently crushing on. I got one of the fellow nerds that were always looking up to me to get a hold of all the information he could get on the guy. Dave happened to be the smartest guy in the whole school and not to mention the fact that he’s only a sophomore.

In return for helping me out, all I had to do was hook him up with one of the junior girls. Shouldn’t be too hard, I mean, what girl wouldn’t want a nerd for a boyfriend, right? I mean, they’re smart and…well, they’re smart and caring, I guess. Whatever, that was a problem to figure out for later.

It was Saturday afternoon when I was finally holding his school records in my hands. Dave had managed to sneak into the school a few hours ago and make a copy of the exact file and then sneak back out in just a matter of minutes.

I took a deep breath, before opening the file up and scanning the first page. It was mostly had info on his name, date of birth, place of birth, his sex, stuff like that.

My eyes scanned over most of the unnecessary information, but it wasn’t until I read the whole thing over and didn’t find a single thing that was good enough and decided to re-read it from the beginning in case I missed anything and this time much slower that I finally found it. It was right there in the first page itself.

“No way,” I said to myself, my eyebrows were raised as high as they could possibly go. “I can’t believe he’s-”

I was cut off by a knock on my door and I quickly shoved the file underneath my pillow.

“Come in!” I shouted out.

The doorknob turned and in came my mom.

“Sam, honey, there’s a phone call for you,” she told me, holding up my phone that I had left on charge downstairs in the kitchen. “It’s some girl and she’s actually very pleasant. She says she’s a sister of one of your friends, I’d love to meet her sometime, you know.”

She gave me a small smile and I nodded back. I realized that that had to be Lucky, I mean, who else could it be?

“Alright, mom thanks.”

She left the room, still smiling and it wasn’t until she shut the door and I heard her footsteps descending that I put the phone to my ear and spoke into it.

“Hey, so are you gonna help me or what?” she didn’t even bother with saying hello or anything; she just got straight to the point. “I mean, you said you would, but you haven’t done anything and Danny’s been sitting up in his room for the whole day. He hasn’t come downstairs not once!”

“How’d you get my number then?” I wondered aloud, ignoring her own questions.

“I got it from Kassie who got it from Crystal or something, I don’t know and I don’t care.” She sounded a bit aggravated and I wondered if she had just gotten out of another fight with Danny or something.

“I’ll be over soon.” I promised her.

“You better.”

Lucky hung up before I could even think of anything else to say. I sighed deeply and after finally found a good spot to hide the file from my mom; I got ready to head out. But, first I decided that it’d be a good idea to take a quick shower, get some fresh clothes on and spray some cologne on as well, so I would look and smell nice for my meeting with Lucky.

After about fifteen minutes later, I walked next door. I knocked on the door and waited for Lucky to answer it, since I knew that Danny wouldn’t be the one to do it himself. I gave her a broad grin but Lucky just stood there with her hands on her hips and an impatient look on her face.

“What took you so long?! You live right there!” she sounded even angrier than she did over the phone.

My smile faltered a little and turned sheepish. “I was busy.”

”Whatever,” She muttered and walked into the living room. I walked inside and shut the door behind me. “So, what exactly is this big idea of yours?”

“Well, for starters have you tried apologizing to him?”

”Well, duh! That’s like the first thing I tried, but do you seriously expect him to listen so easily?! God, you don’t know him, he’s as stubborn than ten mules put together!”

“So, where is Danny like right now?” I asked her.

“He’s still all locked up in his room.” She answered me back.

“Ok, so here’s one idea: Why don’t you try making his favorite food for him?” I suggested and then added, before I could stop myself. “You do know how to cook, right?”

“Uh, yes!” she retorted back at me. “I’ll have you know, I happen to be the best cook in…the neighborhood!”

“Good. Then, make him the best dinner ever and see if it somehow warms up his heart a little.”

“Alright, I’ll try.”

I smiled at her then. She was so sweet and naïve about so many things. I wondered then how she would react when she found out about that guy, Mike. I didn’t want to see her with her heart broken, it was bad enough seeing her all upset in the living room when she had that fight with Danny.

I don’t remember how long I just stood there staring at her, but it only took the sound of someone coming down the stairs – Danny – to snap me out of it. I noticed Lucky had seen him as well and was staring back at him with tears in her eyes, but he just walked right past her and into the kitchen. I assumed he had probably gotten hungry from staying up in his room all day. This was the perfect opportunity for Lucky to move in and make him his favorite meal, I only hoped that she knew that and I didn’t have to tell her that and show Danny that I was going against him and was partnering up with Lucky and thought she was right over him. I didn’t need to lose Danny as a friend as well.

I noticed his eyes were all puffy and red, probably from crying over his dead girlfriend and I could tell Lucky had noticed them as well. Danny grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge it gulped it down straight from it and then walked out of the kitchen after putting the cap back on and replacing it back inside the refrigerator. But, before he got the chance to head back upstairs, Lucky stopped him.

“Danny, wait!” she cried, stepping in front of him. Danny just ignored her and tried to walk past, but Lucky just kept getting in the way until finally he just gave up and stopped moving. He simply stood there then and hung his head, refusing to meet her eyes. “Danny, talk to me, please! Just say anything!”

”Get out of the way.” he muttered.

“But, Danny, we’ve got to talk about this!”

"There's nothing to talk about."

"Yes, there is!" Lucky insisted.

Danny just shook his head and pushed past Lucky, and as hard as she tried, he just wouldn't listen to her and soon he was back up in his room where he slammed the door shut hard.

I turned my head towards Lucky then, she was crying again and that was enough to make me upset as well.

“Hey, it’ll all be alright.” I tried soothing her.

“But, Danny’s never been this mad at me before! Not even when-“ she stopped herself then and I looked at her curiously, hoping she’d go on, but she didn’t. “God, I was just so stupid to even bring up the stupid Sunshine thing!”

I put my hands on Lucky’s shoulders and tried of something to say that would make her feel better, but she wouldn’t even look at me. I looked around the room and my eyes landed on a small clock hanging on the wall. It was almost seven thirty.

“Hey, when do you guys have dinner?” I thought of then.

“A-at eight,” Lucky answered. “Why?”

“Well, then you better get crackin’ at that little dinner of yours. And I plan on staying to see just how good you really are.”

Lucky picked up her head then and wiped away at her tears.

“Thank you, you’re actually really very nice,” she said to me then. “And I’m really sorry about what I said about you.”

”It’s fine.” I told her.

Lucky walked towards the kitchen and I followed after her. I took a seat on a small stool that was placed outside of the kitchen and watched as Lucky moved around, gathering all the items that she needed and then soon getting down to work.

She was pretty fast and she was done in over a little more than ten minutes. The food look so amazing, I couldn’t wait to start eating. Just watching all of it just sitting there with the steam rising and then heading towards my nostrils and trying to pull me in with its beautiful scent made me start drooling.

I reached over to grab a piece of chicken, when Lucky slapped my hand away.

”Danny gets the first bite out of everything, then the guest.” She scolded me.

Ok.” I groaned.

She grinned happily at me then and I noticed the bright sparkle in her eyes.

God, she’s so beautiful!’ I thought to myself.

While Lucky was busy setting the table, I decided to go on upstairs and get Danny down for dinner. He was being pretty stubborn at first, but I somehow persuaded him into it. As he walked down the stairs though, he showed no emotion at all on his face and just simply sat down on a chair next to me while Lucky remained standing.

"Um, Danny, I'm sure you'll love today's dinner. You wanna know why?" Lucky started. "Because I've made all of your favorites!"

"I'm not hungry." he muttered simply.

“But, you’re always hungry for friend chicken, remember?”

”Well, I’m trying to lose a few pounds.”

Even I knew that was a lie, Danny was too lanky already.

“But, Danny-“ he cut her off before Lucky could continue.

“Excuse me.” Danny stood up and pushed back his chair, but I could tell Lucky wasn’t giving up anytime soon. She ran over to him and pulled him into a hug.

“Danny, please, why can’t you just forgive me already?!” she cried. “I’ve already apologized like a million times already!”

Danny sighed deeply and turned away, he wasn’t hugging her back. He tried pushing her away, but Lucky wasn’t letting go. But, he was finally able to pull back from her and side step her.

“What exactly do you want from me, Danny?!” she exploded out then. “Do you seriously want me to have no guy friends, no boyfriends, or no husbands ever?! You can’t protect me for the rest of your life! What do you want me to do? Turn into a nun? And then once I’m done with that become an eight year old, two hundred pound, cat lady?! Like the ones they show on TV with as many cats to fill up her whole entire house? Huh? Do you want me to be like that? Huh? While you’re off being some rich bachelor who’s got a long line of girls so in love with you and that only listens to his best friend, but not his own sister?! HUH?!” Lucky was back to crying her eyes out and once again I was dragged into the midst of all of this. Danny still refused to say anything and I knew it must’ve been driving Lucky crazy. Her face was bright pink and was all tear-stained. “Fine, be like that! Like I even give a shit anymore anyway!”

She ran upstairs and slammed the door shut. I turned my head towards Danny then.

”You really shouldn’t have done that.” I said to him.

”Yeah, well, there’s a reason why I did.” He told me.

Lucky was right about one thing though, Danny really did listen to me a lot more than he did to his younger sister. I wondered what the reason for that could be, but it wasn’t really any of my business and I’ve already caused enough trouble to begin with.

A minute later, I could hear loud footsteps coming down the stairs and I found Lucky wearing a black hoodie over her shirt and black boots on her feet. As she reached the bottom step, she pulled the hood of her jacket up, covering her head.

“Where are you going?” I asked her.

“Anywhere but here!” she answered bitterly.

Lucky pulled the door open and then slammed that one shut as well.

“Let her go,” He shook his head at me. “She’ll be back.”

I knew this was my entire fault; Danny and Lucky shouldn’t have been having this fight at all. It was all because of me. I just had to go and get all jealous and tell Danny on her. I knew I had to fix this up somehow though.