Status: Editing it up a little. =)

Falling For My Best Friend's Sister

Falling For My Best Friend's Sister 13 - Edited.

Lucky's POV:

After another difficult fight with Danny, I just gave up. There was obviously nothing that I could say or do that would make Danny just forgive me already. So, I just decided to leave.

I slammed the front door shut not caring for the loud rattle it made and just started heading towards the park. It’s been so long since I’ve last been here; I remember the last time I was here was the day we were moving to New York. I sat down on the swings and thought to myself. And that’s exactly what I was planning on doing this time as well.

Whenever I was having problems or just wanted to be alone, I’d come here. Just seeing the pretty flowers and watching the beautiful sky overhead made me calm down and just relax. I could always somehow find a solution to whatever my problem was and maybe I’d somehow find one for this problem as well.

I gently rocked back and forth on the swings, listening to them creak loudly. It was cloudy out, so there wasn’t anyone really present at the park. It was a small park with colorful rides that were much too tiny for me to try to use anymore even with my tiny figure.

I shut my eyes and tried to clear my mind of everything that was trying to cloud it up. After about ten minutes, I came up with a situation – the only situation that was left to do. To get Danny back, I decided, I had to give everything up. Or at least show him that I was ready to do whatever it took to get him to forgive me for my mistakes.

I knew that Danny was right and that I really shouldn’t be getting myself all involved with older guys anymore, because of what had happened this one time. But, whenever I was with Mike, I just…it was as if everything around me was nothing important and that only he was the one thing that mattered to me the most.

Sighing deeply and trying not to think about him as I took out my phone and looked through my contacts. I scrolled through them until I found Mike’s number along with a cute picture of him. I sighed again and willed myself to hit the delete button.

“I’m so sorry, Mike.” I whispered aloud.

I pressed the button hard and watched as Mike’s number and photo disappeared. Next, I started going through the rest of my contacts and found Kassie’s next. Even though I knew that Danny had no problem with Kassie, I still ended up getting rid of her. In the end, I just kept hitting delete after delete and all my contacts were gone.

I didn’t really have any relatives or friends from my last school, there was just Lance and Danny’s number and they were gone as well.

Why?’ I thought to myself. ‘Why did Sunshine have to go and die like that all of a sudden? I mean, none of this would’ve ever even happened if she were still alive,’ I sighed as a few tears rolled down my cheeks. ‘But, then again, we wouldn’t have ended up moving back to Florida and met Kassie or Mike.

I started swinging harder and higher, back and forth. My ears perked up then as I heard a rustle in the bushes a few feet in front of me. I placed my feet on the ground and let them drag along the ground, causing me to stop swinging. I held onto the chains attached to the swings, not allowing it to move even an inch in case I wasn’t imagining that noise.

I listened carefully, the rustling noises continued. I stared at the bushes, my mouth agape.

“H-hello?” I managed to call out. “Who-who’s there?!”

No one answered but I was certain there was someone out there. The noise stopped and I felt myself freeze. I was scared out of my skin which caused me to not be able to move my legs. I should’ve ran, I should’ve left, but I couldn’t do anything for some reason. The rustling noise suddenly started again and I jumped a little in my seat. My jaw practically hit the ground as a dark silhouette appeared out of the bushes. I squinted my eyes and tried to make out his – I was pretty sure it was a guy, because of his weight and the hood of his sweatshirt on his head just made his head look shaped more like a guy’s than a girl’s. – face.

Oh no, no no!’ my final thoughts were before I somehow found the energy in my legs again and bolted right out of my seat and towards the exit of the park. ‘It just can’t be!’ my thoughts screamed and I felt myself sweating, though it was pretty cold out. ‘Could it?’ I was curious to know then.

“Ohh, don’t think like that, Lucky,” I tried to assure myself. “Why would he be here? He lives in New York; he couldn’t have found me that fast! It can’t be him! It has to be someone else! It just has to be!”

Through my blurry eyes, I recognized the door to my house and grabbed a hold of the doorknob, twisting it home. I ran inside and slammed the door shut. Sighing deeply in relief and pain, I slid down the door. I sat on the carpeted floor for what seemed like forever with my eyes shut tight and cold tears falling down from them, until I heard a familiar voice in front of me.

“Hey, are you ok?” I opened my eyes and found Sam looking down at me with curiosity and concern in his expression.

“Just peachy.” I breathed out.

I sighed deeply and gave my knees one last squeeze, before forcing myself to get back up onto my feet. As I walked further into the room, I noticed that the food was still placed on the table as it were before I left.

“You didn’t eat?” I asked Sam, looking towards him.

“Nah, I kinda lost my appetite.” He replied with a sheepish smile.

Sighing again, I walked over to the table and began packing everything up and putting it into the fridge. It was obvious no one was going to be eating the dinner I had worked so hard on, so why let it go to waste? Might as well just keep it as leftovers and hope Danny decides to have a little taste of it when he gets too hungry to starve himself.

I realized something then and turned back to Sam.

”So then how come you’re still here?” I wondered.

“I just...” he looked almost as if he were embarrassed to finish his sentence. “Wanted to make sure you were alright. I mean, you looked pretty upset and…”

“Well, you really shouldn’t have.” I didn’t exactly mean for that sentence to come out so harsh, but I seriously couldn’t control the tone of my voice right now.

“Well, why not?” Sam wanted to know.

I took a deep, shallow breath before continuing on. “I’m not worth it.” I stated the obvious.

Before he could say or do anything to prove me wrong, I went back up to my room, leaving Sam all alone.

Why the hell does he give a shit about me?’ I wondered miserably to myself. ‘I’m nothing to him.

And that was true because the only reason he knows me is thanks to Danny or we’d never even be having this conversation right now.

I took a long, cold shower that was way overdue and then went to bed. I tried my best not to think of what had happened at the park or reminisce about the one person I seriously with all my heart wished never existed in the first place and nevertheless entered my life either.

The next day was a Sunday and it went by pretty fast and was basically just a routine of what happened the day before: Danny didn’t bother coming out of his room, but I was pretty sure he did so when I wasn’t around and in my own room instead. Sam didn’t bother coming over again though, it must’ve been because of what I had said to him yesterday, but there wasn’t really anything that I could do about it and plus, I actually don’t regret telling him that. It was true anyway, I was nothing to him and he was nothing to me. We barely knew each other! And it wasn’t good for us to get any closer than at the pace that we were at right now. It wasn’t that I didn’t want to, but it was mostly because I wasn’t allowed to because it would just cause even much trouble for me.

Even I stayed in my room most of the day. I ate nothing, did nothing, and said nothing. I just sat there, on my bed, frozen and practically numb.

On Monday, I was pretty much quiet all day. I remained silent and stayed as far away from everyone as possible. I also avoided any contact whatsoever with Kassie and Mike the entire and only going over to them at the end of the day to give them the big news.

Mike and Kassie were standing at the back of the school where Mike’s motorcycle was parked. I could hear the sky grumbling and a flash of lightning passing by me in the sky as I solemnly walked over to the two.

“Hey Lucky, where were you?” Kassie inquired me. “I feel like I haven’t seen you all day. And I really haven’t, in fact!”

I didn’t dare open my mouth to respond back to her and instead just stared at my two best friends with tears in my eyes.

”Hey, what’s the matter?” Mike noticed my sadness immediately and rushed over to me. He placed both his hands on my shoulders, but I just stepped back from him.

“I-I think it’s best if we just…stay away from each other from now.” I told them quietly.

”What?!” both Mike and Kassie exploded out.

I nodded my head.

“You-your brother made you do this, didn’t he!” Mike shouted.

“No,” I told him quickly. “This-this was my decision alone.”

“But, Lucky-“ Kassie tried to cut in.

“I’m sorry.” I told them both.

I took off the bracelet that Mike had made and given to me and tried to hand it back to him, but he refused to take it.

“Keep it,” he told me with dark eyes. “Or else I’ll never forgive you.”

I lowered my head in shame and depression and a single tear plopped down on the front of my boots. I picked my head up then and turned towards Kassie.

“Kassie, you are the best-est friend that a girl could possibly ever ask for, but you don’t belong with a girl like me,” I told her. “You belong with the popular girls.”

“Lucky, even if we weren’t friends, I’d NEVER EVER be friends with Crystal and them, because I swear to God, I have a very bright and heating passion of hatred towards those girls that will live on for generations and generations.”

I nodded, understanding her. And then I turned and started walking away, when I felt someone grab a hold of my arm and pull me into their chest. It was flat and hard, so it was obvious it was Mike. I started crying into his chest just as the first drops of rain started falling down from the sky. I felt another hand on the small of my back and assumed it was Kassie’s. My tears were mixing in with the rain and my hair was all plastered to my face.

“Goodbye,” I whispered. “And I’m so sorry.”

After pulling away and leaving them, denying Mike’s request for driving me home one last time in case Danny saw me and got all mad at me even more. I walked home by myself letting myself get all drenched in the rain and since I took the long and slow way home, I got there pretty late.

I guess I’ll never get a chance to go to Kassie’s house now,’ I thought to myself painfully. ‘And I guess I won’t be finding out about Mike’s secret.

After getting home completely soaked, from head to toe, I found Danny and Sam in the living room watching soccer.

"I hope you're happy now," I told Danny as I walked past him. "You got exactly what you wanted. I'm all alone now and I probably always will be too."

I tossed my phone onto the couch and ran up the stairs to my room. I suddenly felt like this was my last day on Earth and I was saying goodbye to all my friends before I left them forever. That wasn't a good feeling and it didn't exactly make me feel any better. As soon as I closed the door, I fell onto my bed and started crying my heart out in despair.