Status: Editing it up a little. =)

Falling For My Best Friend's Sister

Falling For My Best Friend's Sister 16 - Edited.

Lucky's POV:

When school was over for the day, Kassie told me that she had some project to work on after school, so she couldn’t home with us, so it was just Mike and I. I didn't have too much to complain about that though and it actually only made me happier, because then I'd be able to spend some more time with Mike.

But, it didn't go at all the way that I had wanted to. Instead, Mike ended up telling me his secret and since I hadn't expected it at all, it hit me pretty hard.

"Lucky, I just can't keep this from you or in me any longer!" he just blurted out. "You need to know and you need to know now, before anything else goes wrong!"

Before I even had a chance to say anything about it or make some excuse to keep this from happening, Mike just spilled it out.

“Lucky, I’m bi.”

I just stared at him, taking it all in, with my mouth open wide. I had no idea how I was supposed to react to something like that though; I didn’t know if I was supposed to burst out laughing or burst out crying. Half of me figured Mike was just joking, but the longer that the other half of me stared at him, I could see it – his…bi side – and I began to believe him.

“But, but, you-I.... How can you…” I couldn’t get my words straight.

“I’m so sorry, Lucky!” he threw his hands up. “I really wish I wasn’t like this, but I was born this way and there’s nothing I can do about it!”

“So, I-I have no chance?” I managed to squeak out.

Warm tears began spilling over my cheeks and onto my cheeks then.

“Lucky, Lucky, please don’t cry!” Mike reached his hands over and tried to give me a hug, but I moved back from him.

“How can I not?!” I sobbed. “I love you!”

”And I do too, Lucky! But, it’s like I said that day, you deserve someone a lot better than me! You’re beautiful and you’re young, you definitely can find someone that’s better than me,” Mike hung his head then as he began to get his last words out. “I belong with someone that’s like me. Not someone that’s like you, because…” he looked up then, with a frown across his face yet determined eyes. “Because I’m not like you at all.”

I finally just gave up then and let my shoulders slouch, Mike took that as an advantage then and wrapped his arms tight around me where I cried nonstop into his chest.

“Please,” I begged him. “Just this once. I never did get it that day or the other times either. Just think of it as a going away present, yeah, that’s it.”

I held my head up high to look into Mike’s eyes and see what he thought of it.

“O-ok.” He answered hesitantly.

Mike leaned in close to me and finally, finally our lips touched! It was just so perfect! Everything about it was; from the way that our lips molded perfectly together to the way his hands immediately embraced my waist, pulling me in closer.

But, what wasn’t perfect was how Mike every so often kept trying to pull away from me, but there was no way that I was going to let him go that easily. I had been waiting for this moment for as long as I’ve known the guy and I could be pretty determined whenever I tried my hardest.

I wrapped my arms tight around Mike’s neck and moved my body up against his. I could hear soft moans escaping from his mouth and that caused me to smile a little wider. I inserted my tongue into his mouth then and felt Mike’s hands clutching at my shirt as his own tongue twirled against mine.

I could feel idea after idea forming in my head on how to go about this so Mike would never leave my side.

I pulled my head away from his momentarily and then began nibbling on the side of his neck. Mike’s hand slid up and down my back making me groan myself.

This all just felt so…right. And so nice. It felt so good to be touching him like this and having him touch me back. His hands felt almost like magic against my back and I’m not just talking about the back of my shirt, but my actual back! His hands had slipped underneath my shirt as I began kissing him again.

But, just as I slipped my hands underneath his own shirt, Mike pushed me away.

“Ok, I that that’s enough now!” he was panting hard.

But, I didn’t think it was nearly enough. I wanted more! I wanted the whole Mike to all myself! I didn’t want to share him with anybody but me! I felt so envious then of whoever it was that had stolen Mike’s heart just like that and had refused to give it back!

“Who is it?” I asked him bitterly.

“Who?” he looked confused.

“That other…person that you’re in love with.” I clarified for him.

“Oh,” Mike stayed silent for about a minute, but he eventually ended up answering anyway. “It’s a guy in my math class,” he said, rubbing his neck with the back of his hand. The same hand that was rubbing my back only seconds ago. I stared at in a craving way, I wanted it back on me, touching me, stroking my skin, making me moan and want him more. “His name’s Ivan.” He added then.

Another question struck me and even though I knew that asking it would only cause me more heartbreak, there was a part of me that desperately needed to know the answer to it.

"Do you love him more than me?" I asked Mike with a steady enough voice.

Mike stayed silent for a long time, but then he finally dropped his head to stare at his shoes and answered me in a solemn voice, "I-I don't know."

“Ok,” I nodded, understanding exactly what he meant by that. I pulled away from him and began looking around; there weren’t too many people around and the parking lot was practically empty. The sun was beginning to go down as well and I remembered what happened the last time I got home late. Danny was finally on speaking terms with me and I didn’t want to mess that up again. “I better get home now.”

”Do-do you want me to give you a ride?” Mike spoke up then, looking up and over to me.

“No thanks,” I told him. “I can get home myself.”

I started walking before Mike could say another word, but after moving away a few feet, I figured Mike would say or do something, but he didn’t even try stopping me. I took that as a better answer to everything and continued on my way.

It began raining soon and it got pretty cold as well.

Wow, what a perfect weather to go along with my mood.’ I thought bitterly to myself.

A few minutes into walking, I heard the faint roaring of a motorcycle. I turned to look over my shoulder and saw a red bike riding only a feet few away from me. I couldn’t recognize it, but I could make out that there were two guys seated on it.

A wave of panic washed over me as I began to realize what could happen if they were to pass by me. I was a girl, all alone, all wet from the rain, and all defenseless as well.

“A girl walking all along at night might as well be an open treasure box.” was my dad’s excuse for not letting me go out too late at night.

But, as the bike got closer and closer to me, I recognized the two guys seated on it and noticed that it was only Sam and Danny, which was just as worse, because I really needed to be alone right now.

“Hey, Lucky, what are you doing out here?” Danny asked me.

I didn’t answer him, afraid that my voice might crack if I were to try.

“You need a ride home?” Sam asked me this time.

For some reason, I felt my head nod and my feet moving towards them. Even though, my heart was telling me to ignore them and just head home myself, but my head was pounding away too much and telling my heart to just shut up and trust it; it knew what it was doing, for the first time in a long time.

When we reached our house, Danny offered Sam to come inside and he agreed. I went directly into the kitchen where a towel was kept on a small silver hanger and began drying my hair with it. There were still tears running down my cheeks, but for some reason, I didn’t even care if Danny noticed them or not – which he did, by the way – I was way too numb to care for anything right now.

Danny got in my way after I left the kitchen, deterring the way to the stairs.

“Lucky, what’s the matter?” he asked me.

“Nothing.” I whispered. Like I knew it would, my voice cracked, making it obvious that something was the matter.

Sam joined Danny over by the stairs and stared at me with sad eyes.

“He told you his secret, didn’t you?” he said then, shocking me a lot more than it should have. "I figured it out a few days ago." he clarified for me.

I nodded my head, though I wasn’t too sure as to why I was.

“Wait, what secret?” Danny cut in then.

“Mike’s secretly bisexual.” I could hint a bit of laughter in Sam’s voice as he answered him.

“No way, he’s a fag?!” Danny exploded out then, laughing along with him.

That got me all fired up then. My hands balled into fists and were clenched.

“He is not a fag!” every word came out emphasized and through my teeth as hot tears spilled over my cheeks. Both guys turned to look at me with surprise in their eyes. “He’s my friend and I loved him and he loved me back, so I don’t give a shit what he’s like, ‘cause it’s not his fault that we can’t be together, it’s not his fault at all!” I said not stopping to take a breather, because I wanted it all to come out, to just come out and prove them that they were wrong about Mike, in every way.

By now, I was sobbing and there were tears cascading down from my eyes pretty fast.

”Ok, ok, calm down,” Danny wrapped his arms around me and tried to sooth me. “We’re sorry we said that.

”I love him so much!” I cried in his arms.

“Hey, hey, don’t worry, you’ll find someone way better,” he muttered into my hair. “Someone normal.” He then commented.

I pushed away from him and pounded my fists onto his chest.

“No one understands my situation!” I cried in frustration. “No one understands my love for Mike! No one does!”

I was about to run up to my room, when I felt someone grab my arm back. I looked over my shoulder and saw that it was Sam.

“I understand.” He told me softly.

“H-huh?” I looked at him in confusion.

“I’m also in love with a girl that doesn’t even know I exist, let alone like me back and it hurts just as much.” He told me.

“Who?” I found that a little hard to believe since Sam just so happened to be the most popular guy let alone junior in the school. That just couldn’t be true – at all!

“Well, I can’t tell you that,” he chuckled a little. “But, what I can is that you shouldn’t be so upset over him. With a little time, you’ll be over it and find someone just as great as him.”

I stared up at Sam for a few seconds and then walked forward, embracing him. He hugged me back softly.

“Thank you.” I whispered in his ear.

“You’re very welcome.” He replied back.

I pulled back from him and gave him a small smile, before heading upstairs to change into my PJs.

The next day at school, Mike introduced me to Ivan. He was emo just like Mike and he was just as cute. He had a light pink hearted face with messy black hair and was wearing an Escape the Fate band tee with black skinny jeans and black and purple vans.

Mike didn’t say a word to me about anything that had gone on yesterday, but I was actually kind of hoping he would. Instead, during lunch, he just brought Ivan up to me to show me and Kassie – who I had filled in about everything during classes we had before.

“Hey, you’re pretty cute,” were the first words that came out of Ivan’s mouth when he first saw me. “No wonder Mike here fell for you.”

I blushed at that and felt some of my depression melting off my shoulders.

Maybe Sam’s right,’ I thought to myself then as I stared at the two in front of me. ‘In due time and with a little help from my friends, I would soon get over Mike and move on.

“Um, thanks.” I replied back to Ivan.

”My name’s Ivan and you’re name is Lucky, right?”

“Um, that’s right.”

“Well, it’s great to meet you!” he leaned forward then and planted a kiss on my cheek.

My face turned redder and Ivan grinned at me along with Mike and Kassie. In the end, Ivan and I actually became good friends and I no longer felt jealous of him. Mike and him were always together after that and I guess I didn’t mind too much, but there were times when I often would feel sad, but I’d get over it just as fast when I saw how happy Mike was with him.

But, they didn’t exactly have their happily ever after like I had figured they would. They were actually having some problems at school because of it. Whenever they were seen together at school, whether they were holding hands or even just talking, someone would always yell out, “Fags!” at them, making them look crestfallen and heartbroken.

That always got me pretty fired and I would always be there to defend them. By the end of the day, my throat would be pretty sore from yelling at all the people who were always so mean to the two.

But, the good that came out of this whole thing was that even though Mike was with Ivan now for good, he would always greet me with a kiss and a hug even if we hadn’t seen each other for a period. Ivan didn’t mind as much as I expected him too and sometimes he even ended up doing the same.

I was just happy that Mike was happy. With every day, I began to realize that Sam was right; I would find someone better. But, I would never forget about Mike - not even when I was married and had children, or even when I was an old lady and lying on my deathbed. That's how much I loved him and always would.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ivan's Band Tee:
Ivan's Skinny Jeans:
Ivan's Sneakers: