Status: Editing it up a little. =)

Falling For My Best Friend's Sister

Falling For My Best Friend's Sister 18 - Edited.

Sam's POV:

After a few days, I finally got what Danny meant when he said that Lucky wasn’t exactly the easiest person to deal with. Behind her sweet complexion and attitude, there was a really bossy and temperamental side to her. All day, all night, she would boss me and Danny around and treating us like her servants. I guess that really was what we were because I was the one who offered to do everything that Lucky wanted, but I didn’t think she would get this far into it.

She would sit on her bed with pillows placed behind her back and call me and Danny back and forth from downstairs to upstairs and then back downstairs for things.

“Sam!” I heard her call me for the tenth time this hour.

“I’m coming, Lucky!” I shouted back to her.

When I got to her room, I found her holding an empty bowl.

“I want more cookies, please.” She said sweetly.

’Well, at least she’s still got her manners.’ I thought to myself.

I took a deep breath and exhaled.

“Unless that’s too much work for you.” She looked a little upset.

“No, no, that’s ok, I got it.” I perked up again.

I raced back down the stairs and dumped a few more cookies into the bowl from the kitchen.

“Man, it’s like she got pregnant overnight or something.” Danny muttered as he came into the room and sat on one of the stools. He stole a cookie from the bowl and munched down on it.

“Yeah, I know right.” He had read my mind exactly.

Danny followed me back up to Lucky’s room.

“Lucky, you can’t keep this up,” Danny scowled at her. He stood in front of her with his arms crossed over his chest. “It’s your fault just as much as it is Sam’s.”

“Danny, it’s fine!” I insisted. “Besides, I’m gettin’ a lot of exercise this way, you know.”

Danny sighed deeply and looked next to him at me, then turned his head back towards Lucky.

“You wanna head over to Sam’s house now? You know get out of your room? Watch some TV; hang out in Sam’s room?”

Lucky shrugged her shoulders, but I could tell from the glint in her eyes that she so wanted to hang out in my room. Everyone does, because I am Sam the Superstar.

“If it’s alright with you, buddy; I don’t think she’s gonna be too bossy when she’s over at your place.”

”It’s cool.” I grinned at the thought of Lucky actually sitting in my bedroom, on my bed, with me.

I didn’t bring too many girls into my bedroom – ‘rents didn’t think it was too appropriate and neither did I, but Lucky was different and I was sure mom and dad would think so too.

“And Sam if you don’t mind, could you…you know,” Danny leaned over and put a hand on his back. “I’m still a little sore from the last time.”

”No problem.” I smiled even wider, but I tried not to seem too enthusiastic in front of Danny as I walked over to Lucky and picked her up bridal style.

As I walked down the stairs with her in my arms, I tried to come up with something to talk about because it was pretty obvious that Lucky was in an awkward position. Something popped into my head all of a sudden – something that I should’ve noticed a long time ago, but never really did.

”Hey Lucky,” I started. “How come I’ve never seen your parents before? Like they’re never home when I’m over and I’ve never heard you or Danny talk about them?”

Lucky stayed silent for a long time and at the same time stared at me with penetrating eyes. I almost fell down in the middle of the stairs due to those beautiful eyes on her beautiful face staring at me like that, but I caught my balance in the last minute and righted the both of us up again.

She sighed deeply and finally answered in a morose voice, “They’re dead.”

My breath caught in my throat and I stared at her in confusion.

”Wait, then who are you currently living with?” I wanted to know.



”I know, he’s not old enough,” she interrupted me. “A few months ago, our parents were murdered and we moved back here. Danny may not be a legal adult since he’s only seventeen, but he will be soon and till that happens you have got to keep this a secret, because if you don’t, we’ll both be put up for adoption and we’ll never see each other again!"

"Don't worry," I assured her. "I won't say a word about this to anyone; I promise." I gave her a small smile, but she didn't return it.

"Good." Lucky frowned and turned her head away.

I was so glad that Mom and Dad weren't home to witness me carrying Lucky into our house and taking her up to my room; God, that would've been a disaster!

After I gently placed Lucky down on my bed, I started cleaning up a little. I walked back over to Lucky once I was done flinging dirty socks and empty food wrappers into closets and underneath the bed.

"Alright, is there anything you want to eat or drink?" I asked her as I watched her look around the room.

"Um, you got any RedBull?" she asked me back.

"Yeah, I think so; be right back!"

I practically ran down the stairs and into the kitchen, but skidded to a halt when I spotted my mom in there. I decided that it was better for me to just tell her that Lucky had come over than letting her find out about it herself later on.

"Hey, uh, mom, you know my friend, Danny? Well, his sister's come over and I was wondering if you could make some snacks for us."

Mom's face immediately lite up. "Sure, sure, just give me a second!" she replied happily.

In two minutes, mom had filled up a plate full of different types of fruit along with two strawberry banana milkshakes.

"Thanks, ma!" I bounded back up the stairs, careful not to spill the drinks in my hands.

When I showed it to Lucky, all she did was just stare at the plate in front of her with an eyebrow arched.

"My mom can be really health conscious." I explained to her.

Lucky didn't seem to mind too much though and was soon making a fruit kabob with a fork Mom had added along. I got underneath my bed on the right half and pulled out a bag of cookies and two cans of RedBull. I handed one to Lucky and bounced down on my bed. We talked a little and soon Lucky fell asleep.

I watched her for maybe a half hour - creepy, I know, but I just couldn't help it - admiring her beautiful features, her lush black hair, the way her medium sized chest rose and fell with every breath she took. I was in such a daze that I actually jumped when I heard my phone ringing from somewhere in my room.

I started to desperately search for it as fast as I could before Lucky woke up and finally found it underneath the pillow Lucky was sleeping on. I actually had to climb over and let my face hang only inches above hers just to get it back. There were so many times when I couldn't help letting my eyes trailing down onto Lucky's fair skin and had to practically push myself away from her.

It was Danny who had called me to let me know that I should bring Lucky home now. I sighed sadly and told him that she had fallen asleep and that my mom had returned home, and it would be a strange sight if she saw me with her like that. He said ok and agreed to come over and take her back himself.

After he had come over and taken Lucky away, I went back up to my room and stared up at my ceiling, grinning and content. I had gotten the chance to spend so much time with her and that too in my room! What more could a guy ask for?

I soon fell asleep as well, dreaming of Lucky and I together out on a real date, having the times of our lives. It made me wonder if such a thing was really possible or if I was just insane and nothing like this could ever happen.