Status: Editing it up a little. =)

Falling For My Best Friend's Sister

Falling For My Best Friend's Sister 20 - Edited.

Lucky's POV:

A few days after what happened at the mall, another bad event occurred after it.

I had no idea why all this was happening to Danny and I and I just wished it all would just stop and rewind back to when everyone was happy and alive. Danny, Mom, Dad and I, living happy and perfectly together.

Before all the problems started, our family was like the perfect ones. Mom was at one of my most famous hospitals in our town. Dad was a professor at that most famous hospital that was also part of college. Danny was a happy and carefree guy with an amazing girlfriend that was more like a part of the whole family than just an outsider. And I, I was the bad girl with too many secrets. I did things I'm not proud of and I'd do anything to go back in time and stop me from starting all this. But, those things that just can't be undone.

After our parents' death, I made myself give up all those nasty habits and bad lifestyle as well as finally leave the person who made me like that. My boyfriend, oh he was spectacular! At first, anyway. He was the one I turned to when my parents were too busy with their work or too obsessed with Danny and his achievements and he helped me out every time by making me feel better in the end. He taught me things no girl should ever learn how to do at such a young age - or ever actually - but since I had no other way to turn, I kept on coming back to him.

July 3, 2008 was the last time I saw or heard of him. I left him a note explaining to him that we could no longer be together, we could no longer see each other and that it was best for him to just forget about me. Of course, I didn't know the consequences of what doing that would be at the time and of course, I also didn't know that he would be back. The thought of him back to haunt me never even once crossed my mind, until what happened after the mall thing.

In the middle of my heavy dreaming, I was shaken awake just like the day of the mall. I knew what to expect this time and tried going back to sleep not caring for what Sam wanted this time. But, the shaking just wouldn't stop and I wasn't getting any sleep due to it. So, I pushed his hands away and pushed myself up to a sitting position.

After rubbing my eyes for a few seconds, I leaned over to flip the switch on the lamp next to me, but for some reason no matter how many times I tried, the lamp just wouldn't turn on.

"Sam, why do you keep doing this to me, man?!" I groaned.

"Lucky, listen to me!" he replied back in a hushed voice.

"Mmm?" I looked around the room, it was pitch black and as hot as hell. I turned my head back towards Sam, figuring he probably knew what was going on. "Sam, why won't the light turn on and why the hell is it so hot?"

"There's been a huge blackout; the whole city's gone dark." he said.

"Blackout?" I sat up straighter and tried to focus. "But, there were no thunderstorms listed on the news or anything."

"It must've been due to the excessive heat."

Excessive heat? Well, now that I thought about it, I did remember today being hotter than usual.

"Where's Danny?" Sam asked, almost demandingly.

"In his room, of course. Wait, why? What's going on? And what time is it? It can't possible be morning yet; I feel like I just went to bed a few hours ago."

"That's because you did Lucky and you might feel a little scared when I tell you this, but I promise you, I'll keep you safe."

That immediately got me going; I was wide awake now.

"Sam, I want you to tell me clearly, what is going on." I was in total control and responsibility mode now.

"Alright," Sam started. "When the power got out of my house too, my mom noticed we were out of candles, so I thought of asking you guys if you had any. When I was outside, getting the extra key, I heard some noise and-and saw...well, there were some guys trying to get into the house."

I was speechless.

'No, no this couldn't be happening,' I tried to tell myself. 'Sam's not really telling me this; I'm dreaming. Dreaming, yes. Dreaming of Sam.'

A dreamy look crossed my face as I tried to convince myself that I was still asleep in bed when Sam came to see me.

"Come on, we gotta go find Danny and get out of the house before they find us!" Sam's voice cut through my daydream and I was jolted back towards the present. Sam slid of my bed and I tried to follow suit, but ended up stumbling. Sam wrapped his arms around me to steady me. "Careful there."

"Thanks." I mumbled.

"Look, just stick by me, alright; I don't wanna be responsible for getting you hurt again."

I nodded and followed along side Sam as we exited my room and started heading towards Danny's side of the hall. It seemed to be taking us forever to get there and the hall seemed to be longer than it usually is.

My eyes started to droop and my vision started to blur, so I closed them for what felt like three seconds. And when I opened them again, I was suddenly alone in the dark. But, that wasn't even the biggest problem - Sam was no longer with me. And that was enough to get my nerves to go crazy.

"Hello!" I tried calling out and my voice echoed out in front of me. "Sam? Sam, where are you?"

I kept walking, figuring if I'd find Sam along the way as well as Danny. When all of a sudden, I felt someone grab me from the back. I tried to scream out when they slapped their hand over my mouth making my voice come out muffled. I forced my eyes open so I could see what was going on.

I was being dragged backwards and pushed into the living room. There I saw two other tall figures standing with small flashlights in their hands. It was too dark for me to see who they were, since their lights were trained towards me. I was being blinded by the light, but there was no way for me to block my eyes from the glare.

"I've got her," the guy holding me snarled. "I've finally got her!"

I twisted my neck around as best as I could to see his face, but he was wearing a black ski mask. I knew there was very little for me to do to escape, so I did the first thing that crossed my mind. I bit down hard on the hand in front of me.

"Ah, bitch!" he pulled away and shook his hand in front of him.

He was the only one not wearing gloves, so the skin was torn and bleeding from where I bit him. While he was distracted, I took my chances and sprinted away. I couldn't get too far, because the two guys got in my way and blocked my view from both directions. I tried running left, when another two came and blocked the way. I was completely surrounded in a circle with no way to go and nothing to do to escape.

I noticed that all of the figures were dressed in black; black jackets, black jeans, black gloves, and even black shoes. I was scared so badly, but I tried not to show it. And since my mouth was free now, I screamed as high as I could; high enough to probably even break glass. My voice was so loud, I hurt my own ears, but I still didn't stop. The figures shifted in front of me to stop me, but my screaming stopped them from getting too close.

But, the guy who had grabbed me before managed to come up from behind again and shut my mouth.

"Shh!" he hissed in my ear.

"Let go of me!" I yelled.

"Not until I'm done with you."

I wondered just what he meant by that when he raised his ski mask a little higher to reveal a pair of lips. I felt the guy nudge his chin with mine and then start kissing my neck, licking and biting it in places. His hands began traveling up and down my body. I groaned miserably as big, warm tears began sliding down my cheeks.

"Hey man, when do I get a turn?" a voice from one of the figures arose.

The guy holding me moved his face away to spat back, "Never! She's mine and mine only."

"Hey, I heard she's got a bro, maybe you can do him." another figure said to the first one.

I gulped and then started screaming again.

"Sam!" I yelled out. "Help!"

I have no idea why I didn't call out for Danny instead, when he was my own brother and Sam was just a...a what? Friend? Neighbor? Stranger? No, not stranger. He's seen too much to be a stranger.

"Shut the hell up! I am sick and tired of listening to this!"

He started kissing me again and I could feel my voice faltering all on its own. I heard a loud noise then and both Danny and Sam stumbled down the stairs and into the room.

"Lucky!" they both cried out at the same time.

"Well, well, I've been expecting you." the guy chuckled and stepped away from me, but not far enough for me to get away.

"Get away from my sister!" Danny yelled.

"Make me." the guy replied back simply.

Danny tried to cross the room, but before he could get to me, two guys from the back grabbed him and they began a struggle.

"So, Cupcake, if that's your brother, then I'm assuming this is your new lover, huh?" I felt a tug on my hair and a scream lashed out of my throat.

"Don't you dare hurt her!" Sam looked both frightened and mad.

"Oh yeah and who's going to stop me?" the guy sneered back at him. "You? I'd just love to see you try."

Sam glared at him for a beat, but then sighed deeply and met my eyes. I knew he was ready to give up, because he didn't want to see me hurt, so I once did the first thing that crossed my mind. While they were still distracted, I raised my right foot and kicked the guy in the nuts as hard as I could. I heard a satisfying crunch and many loud curses aimed at me.

"Ow, you bitch!" he exhaled sharply. "You've gotten feistier, huh?"

I ran towards Sam then and he held me close to him. I breathed a sigh of relief, even though it wasn't over yet, I knew nothing bad would happen to me once I was with Sam.

"Wow, was I right or what, you have found a new lover!" The guy looked incredulous, even under his mask.

"Listen, you-!" Danny's voice cried out then.

I looked over at him to see that the two guys he was fighting off were now on the ground, groaning in pain. I wondered where Danny learned how to fight back like that.

"Yes?" the guy turned towards him then.

"What do you want? Why are you here?!" Sam demanded him.

"Well, that is all my business and none of yours." he replied back snootily.

The guy's eyes met mine under his mask and he winked. In a flash, he took out two things from his pocket. The first - even though it was dark - I recognized as a gun. On the shiny revolver, there was a dark red rose painted on with a long stem attached with lots of thorns on them.

Much to all of our dismay, the guy strolled over to me and pointed the gun right at my forehead. My breath caught in my throat and I stopped breathing for more than a minute. But, instead of shooting me right there and then like I figured he would, he grinned brightly and pulled it away. He ran the butt of the gun down alongside my face and I shuddered at the sudden chill.

"I'll be back for you, my love." was the last thing he said, before he held up the second thing in his left hand.

I recognized what it was exactly the same moment he dumped it down on the ground. Heavy, dark smoke started rising from it and I started coughing against my whim. I fanned the air in front of me, trying to see and think clearly.

After the smoke was gone, the whole house was empty. I was surprised at the sudden quietness and it hurt my ears when Danny finally spoke up.

"We should call the police." he said.

It was then that I started getting this really weird feeling. I gasped and my knees suddenly gave out. Since Sam was holding me, he ended up coming down to the ground with me. Even though it was still insanely hot, I felt cold all over.

"Hey, hey, what's the matter, Lucky?" Sam asked me, concern filling his eyes.

"I-I have no idea." I tried to make my voice come out strong, but it ended up breaking down.

Danny dropped the phone and rushed to my side.

"What did he do to you?!" Danny demanded to know.

"I-I-I'm not...sure!" I struggled to get my words out.

"I-I think she's going into shock." Sam sounded so far away, even though I knew he was right next to me.

"What?" I couldn't understand anything anymore and it was making me want to cry.

I shuddered again and Sam pushed my hair back and pointed at something on my neck to Danny. I saw his writhe as if he were in pain and his hands ball into fists.

"What? Wha-what happened?" I wanted to know so badly.

I tried to follow Sam's point and see what it was that they were all looking at, but I couldn't; I'd have to twist my head around to do that and that wasn't doable. So, Sam took out his cell phone and I looked into it.

"Oh, Lucky." Sam moaned.

I gasped and my fingers tentatively touched the red blotchy skin. I felt faint.

"He-he gave me a hickey?!" I sobbed.

Sam wrapped his arms around me and I cried into his chest. This whole week had taken its toll on me and I felt like I was going insane. I no longer felt responsible or strong, so I let Danny and Sam do everything for me once again. I felt powerless and like there wasn't anything I could do to make things better again.

The power shortly came back then and Danny got the chance to call the police. They tried to ask me many questions, but I found that I couldn't answer too many so I left that to Danny. I didn't even feel it when Sam picked me up off the ground and carried me back up to my room. He set me down on my bed and then turned to leave.

I struggled to sit up and say, "Thank you, Sam."

"You're welcome, Lucky," he didn't turn around. "And I'm sorry you got hurt again because of me."

"No, it's-" I tried to tell him, but Sam just walked away.

I slept for what felt like a few minutes, but was actually two hours. Then I sat up and thought, I thought real hard about everything that had gone on tonight and how everything was linked to what occurred at the food court.

I thought about the guy who had dared infiltrate our home in the middle of the night and give me that...that love bite. The guy who dared call me "Cupcake" and point a gun at me.

I shuddered, thinking about that cold metal thing. But, then I stopped and remembered back to something that happened similarly a while ago. There was only one person in this whole world that liked to call me Cupcake and that was.... No, no that's not possible.... Or is it?

'Could-could Jason seriously be back? After all these years? How could he have possibly found me?' I thought to myself.

I didn't want to believe it, but when I thought about it, it all made sense. Jason's favorite band - Guns 'N' Roses, which would explain the rose painted onto his gun. Jason's nickname for me - Cupcake, which very few people had every known about. And that voice - that deep, deep voice - couldn't possibly belong to anyone else.

"Jason's back!" I whispered incredulously. "He's found me again. He actually found me again." I muttered senselessly on and on.

I knew one day or another I'd have to hear from him again, but so soon, it's not even been a year! And-and the fact that he'd come back this way - the same way that I left through - I never could've ever expected.

I gulped, feeling fresh tears appearing at the brim of my eyes and a lump in my throat, because I knew that once Jason gets a hold of me this time, he wasn't going to let go of me as easily as last time.