Status: Editing it up a little. =)

Falling For My Best Friend's Sister

Falling For My Best Friend's Sister 22 - Edited.

Lucky's POV:

When I finally located my blue cased Nokia, it turned out that it's been in my pillowcase this whole time.

'Man, how could I have possible forgotten that I kept it there?' I wondered to myself as I dug through trying to catch the phone as my fingers kept slipping across the silky pillow. 'No wonder my neck has always been hurting this past week and here I thought it was just from the stress.'

When I saw that the call was from Lance, I was so excited, but as soon as I heard the voice on the other end, I froze.

"Hey there, Cupcake."

I gasped and my phone almost slipped right through my fingers.

"Jason." I whispered.

'But, but, how had he gotten my number?' I wondered. 'And where, where was Lance?'

I looked around and saw Sam seated on my computer chair and talking with Danny, who was leaned against the table. I didn't want them to overhear and figure out that it was Jason who had called me, so I lowered my voice before going on.

"What do you want from me?" I wanted to know.

"Why, my sweet, you already know what I want," I could hear a sickening grin in his voice. "I mean, you've said it so yourself just minutes ago."

I felt the breath knock out of me as I realized that Jason's being spying on me, on us.

"Jason, please, why can't you just leave me alone? Please." I begged him softly.

I heard him chuckle darkly on the other side.

"If you really thought it would be so easy for me to forget you just like that, then why do you think I came all this way? Why do you think I spent all these months hard at work trying to locate you as fast as possible? I love you, my dear," I shuddered. "And you know me so well by now, so you should know I always get what I want and if I'm not given it on time, well then...I never stop pursuing that one thing till I get it. And you. Will. Be. Mine - again."

I felt a big lump in my throat forming and getting lodged in. I pursed my lips hard and tried to think of something to say, to do to make him see reason, but I already knew that was impossible.

"Hey, Lucky," I heard Danny say. I turned my head back towards me, blinking rapidly to keep the tears at bay. "What'd Lance say? You two talkin' about anything good?"

"Y-yeah," I forced my voice to stay strong. "I-I'm just missing him a lot, is all. But, he's fine. So, am I."

That was probably the biggest lie I could've ever said to anyone. Who knew where Lance was now and how Jason had managed to get his phone away from him. If there was one thing Lance was in love with more than me, it was the cell phone I had gotten out to buy for him. He worshiped that thing and never let it out of his sight.

"Alright, cool. Well, let me know when you're done, because I got a bone to pick with that guy. I can't believe it's already been two months since we moved back here and he decides to call now at a time like this!" Danny went back to conversing with Sam, who was frowning exceptionally at me.

"Wow, you're brother sure is gullible," Jason gave a short laugh and then his voice darkened again. "Almost as gullible as Lance himself."

I gulped, my heart hammering in my chest.

"What have you done to him?" I whispered incredulously.

"Oh my sweetheart, I haven't done anything...yet."

"You better not hurt him!" I tried to sound threatening, but even I wasn't convinced.

"Ha! I can do whatever I want, whenever I want, you know that.... Or don't you remember what happened the last time someone got in my way and tried to keep you away from me?"

How could I possibly forget? It was a day I tried my best to never think about; the second worst day after my parents' death. The day I saw the rare anger in Jason's heart that not only made me wary of him but frightened as well, very, very frightened.

Jason and I were heading back from one of our dates when some guys got in our paths. They were drunk and weren't in their right mind to know what they were doing. But Jason didn't care and as soon as one of them stepped forward and offered me a ride home on their bikes, Jason grabbed him and started pounding his face into the pavement.

I begged him to stop as he got closer and closer to almost killing him, but he refused to listen to me. It wasn't until he heard police sirens that he pulled away and dragged me away from there. I wasn't sure whether or not the guy was dead or if Jason was going to get caught when his friends turned him in, until I heard the story on the news.

He was alive, but struck with critical amnesia. He didn't remember a thing and while with everyday I feared someone or another would recognize Jason and I and do something about it, he never got in trouble for it. And that fact continued to eat away at me even after years after it occurred.

Jason managed to get away just like that and that was only one of the many reasons why for so long I've been trying to break up with him. Danny thought I was madly in love with Jason and didn't think I noticed any of his flaws, but that's where he was wrong, because I've been through the thick and thin with him and know just what he was all about.

So, I was kind of glad when Mom and Dad's deaths sparked a new revelation in me. With them gone, I finally understood what it was like to be responsible for my actions. Danny was my only family left and I had to take good care of the both of us; it would've been just what Mom and Dad wanted from me - even though I wasn't born the boy in the family, I acted like it plenty of times and I had to continue to do so if I wanted to keep my life from spiraling out of control.

I learned to stop hating Danny for all his advantages and start loving him again. I leaned how to save money instead of wasting it on junk food and accessories I didn't need. I learned how to keep us from getting discovered and pretend to live as if our lives were normal. And most importantly, I learned how to forget about Jason.

Mom and Dad's death was a like a wake up call for me and it gave me a great excuse to get away from Jason as well. Surely, he must've known about the incident - no murder - and realized I was gone on the first night. But, the one thing he didn't do was understand. He didn't get why I left him and there was no way I could explain it to him without doing it face-to-face and that wasn't something I was entirely comfortable with.

"Just tell me what it's gonna take for you to get out of my life already." I said slowly and in a measured voice then.

"Hmm, maybe," he laughed. "Or maybe not. I'll have to think about it a little. I'll call you back. See ya later, Cupcake." He ended the call and I fell back on my pillow.

"What's wrong, Lucky?" Sam was the first to ask.

"Nothing, I'm just feeling really tired all of a sudden." I answered him, which wasn't exactly a lie.

"But, it's only like seven thirty." Danny replied back.

"I'm just really tired from all the Jason stress," I gulped. "It's nothing to worry about. A few hours of sleep and I should be fine. I swear."

Danny and Sam exchanged a glance and I felt like they didn't completely believe me. Then Sam nodded his head and Danny sighed.

"Alright, we'll leave you alone then." Danny said.

He came over to me and placed a small kiss on the top of my head before heading out the door with Sam.

My thoughts were swirling with emotions and memories even before they closed the door behind them.

'He was a bad boy,' they said. 'He was in a gang.' they reminded me. 'How could you possible fall for someone like that? How, Lucky, HOW?!'

I cried silently for hours before I finally fell into a restless sleep.