Status: Editing it up a little. =)

Falling For My Best Friend's Sister

Falling For My Best Friend's Sister 2 - Edited.

Lucky's POV:

Sigh! Well, it’s the first of school for me and my brother, Danny, at Everglades High School and I gotta say, I’m feeling both sad for leaving and also just as happy for finally getting out of New York. You know how everyone says it’s a bad and rather weird place to live, because of all the things always going on in there? Well, they’re right to say all that. It’s all true. It is a horrible and weird place to live in alright, and there were so many times I was like this close to like leaving already, but I remained there and there were times when I totally regretted it.

So, when I heard from Danny that we were returning to California, I didn’t know what to really think or feel at all. I was just surprised is all, but he was right. There was too much danger and problems back there for us to handle, it was much safer here.

I used to live here, but after an incident occurred concerning Danny, our parents were forced to move us away to a place where less drama went on. Ha, as if New York was a much better place! But, it was their decision and I was too young to get a count in it.

I was going to be a fourteen year old sophomore here, whereas Danny was an eighteen year old senior. Weird, I know. But, it wasn’t like Danny asked to left back a year. It wasn’t his fault at all!

Anyways, I like seriously hated being the new kid at school. This was like the second time I was being forced to do this and even though I used to live in this town, it doesn’t mean that anyone even remembers me or Danny anymore. Ok, maybe they’ll probably remember Danny, but me? No way!

And besides, I’ve seen all the movies and read all the books, no one ever likes the new kids. Well, not until a little while later, of course, but it really depends on who you are and what you do that determines where you are put on the social ladder of every high school.

And to make matters even worse, mom just had to christen me with a name such as lucky. I mean, why couldn’t she name me something as simple as Linda or Lisa, or I don’t know, something common like Lucy?! Why Lucky? I mean, I like the name, it’s cute and it stands out, but it also stands out the wrong way.

Everyone’s always like asking me the same question over and over again: “Your name’s Lucky, does that mean you’re really lucky?”

And when I try to explain to them that it’s just a name, they choose not to believe me and just thinks that I’m only lying to them because I rather keep all the luck I’ve got hidden inside of me with me. So, instead they ignore my thoughts and just go ahead and use me, thinking that just because I was named Lucky, hanging around with me will cause some of my “luck” to rub off on them.

I mean, how stupid is that?! What am I, a leprechaun? I mean, I’m not even that short and I absolutely hate the color green!

And so, when I actually start to get to know them and start enjoying their company, they find out what I had told them in the first place was true and they go ahead and just ditch me for someone who’s better.

So, now I just stayed away from people like that and let them think what they wanted.

The reason why my mother dearest decided to give me a name such as Lucky was because at the time that I had gotten out of mom’s stomach, I looked awfully like a dead child. Normal babies would start to cry as soon as their eyes opened up to the bright lights of the hospital room, but not me; my eyes were as wide and opening as…well, as a deer caught in headlights, I guess.

The doctors had pronounced that I might not survive the night. They did their best and well, I guess either they were just really good at their job, or whereas mom thought of me as just plain ‘ole Lucky.

Danny was pretty lucky too, if I do say so myself. He’s my older brother and since he had a normal name, nobody ever used him. Plus, he was hot and popular, so he had a lot of friends.

But luckily, he was going to attending the same school as I was, so I wouldn’t have to face all these kids all on my own.

Anyways, right now I was leaning against the locker next to Danny’s and watching as he struggled against it to get it open. For a few minutes, I left him with his problem and was going through my schedule, but then I got tired of hearing his desperate cries as he started to give up and I decided to just go on ahead and help him out.

“Here, let me do it!” I pushed him aside.

“Hey, if I can’t do it, then I doubt you could.” he replied back.

“Oh yeah?” I challenged him. “Well, watch and learn, junior.”

I got my two fists ready in front of me, then I slammed both straight at the metal locker and soon it immediately swung open.

“Whoa, where’d you learn that?!” he looked at me amazed.

“Lance thought me.” I answered him simply.

Lance was my friends back in New York. He was probably like my best friend since the first day I entered that school. And then a few months later, I figured out why: he had this huge crush on me! I told him I wasn’t really interested in a relationship and that I only liked him as a friend, but that didn’t stop him from flirting with me constantly. He was a really awesome friend and there were times when I desperately needed him and missed him badly.

“Yeah, well, I do too.” I smiled faintly as I remembered that cute little face of his.

“Hey, you’re not wearing that necklace he gave you?” Danny asked me, snapping me out of my thoughts and bringing me back to the present.

“Oh yeah, it doesn’t look good with the outfit, so I just took it off.” I told him.

“You miss him too much to wear it, huh?” he knew me so well.

I shrugged and blinked rapidly, trying to keep the tears away.

“Aw, come here, give Danny a hug.” he stretched his arms out and I leaned forward, resting my head on the nook of his shoulder.

I stared down at my outfit to try and get my mind off of him. I had bought it back in New York, but never got the chance to wear it exactly. The outfit consisted of: this really cute plaid bustier top with a buffalo plaid hoodie over it with the zipper down and a pair of tie dye skinny jeans and for the shoes, I wore my white plaid sneaker boots, which I absolutely adored.

And to top it all off, I wore a black and white splattered metal stud bracelet and a black and white diamond heart pendant. And then also a little black eye shadow.

I tried to stay off the makeup as much as possible; I didn’t need to draw too much attention to myself. It would just make it easier to target me, is all.

The bell rang then and Danny and I went our separate ways. I had a pretty good day after that. Sure, there were times when we had to find a seat and sit next to each other and there were some sophomores who already knew each other and I was left all alone, but I still tried to make the best of it.

“Um, hi…?” I said, giving them a small wave.

“Hello, you must be the new girl. What is your name?” one of the girls on the side said, speaking to me as if I had come from a foreign planet instead of just from another state.
I stayed quiet for a little while, contemplating in my head if I should tell them my real name or not.

“Uh, we’re waiting!” the girl in the center snapped, shifting her weight from one leg to another.

She seemed like the popular type. She had perfectly layered blonde hair, had baby blue little eyes, a heart shaped face and a whole blonde posse as well.

And I knew that whatever I was to say now was going to be held against me for good, whether it was a good thing or a bad. So, I had to be careful of that intimidating little face of hers.

“Um, it’s Lucky.” I finally answered her.

“Wow, for someone with a name like that, you don’t seem to be a very colorful person.” a redhead retorted back. She was probably the only odd one out of all them, but she also seemed like an important part of the group as well.

Well, at least she didn’t ask what I thought she would.’ I reminded myself.

I opened my mouth to say something back then, when the blonde one in the center walked up to me and looked me up and down with one perfectly picked eyebrow raised, as if she were examining and analyzing every part of me.

“Hmm…you-“ she was just about to say, when another cheery voice interrupted her.

“Hey there, girls!” it said.

The girls all turned around and I did too, following their eyes. Behind us, I saw a girl with honey brown hair and dark coffee brown colored eyes. She wore a pretty black nevel ribbed racer top with a brown leather jacket over it, black skinny jeans and a pair of brown boots. On her fingers were several black rings with matching earrings. And to top the whole outfit off, on her back was a small brown leather backpack.

She had a pretty cute fashion sense, much similar to mine - the matching accessories with clothes type.

“Who’s this?” she asked, giving me a smile.

“New girl.” the blonde girl replied, smugly.

“Oh hey, what’s your name?” she asked me this time.

I opened my mouth to reply, when the redheaded girl beat me to it.

“Not important.” she said.

The two girls strutted away then, as the other girls followed trailing behind them. But, that one girl stayed back and turned to me as soon as the blonde one was out of earshot.

“Hey, I’m Kassielyn,” she said, holding her hand out at me. “But, you can call me Kassie for short.”

“Hey, my name’s Lucky.” I smiled and shook her hand in mine.

“Cool name. So, hey, you’re not really lucky, are you?”

I frowned then. “No, not really.”

I got ready for her next response, but when I heard what it was that she said, my heart lifted up a bit.

”Yeah, I didn’t think so. Coz you know, my grades are really low in history and I was hopin’ for a bit of luck. Been prayin’ for it too. But, oh well, what can you do? A name’s a name.”

“Kas, are you coming or what?!” the blonde girl yelled over her shoulder.

“Um, no thanks, I actually think I’m gonna hang with Lucky today.” she answered and my eyes lit up next.

“Ugh, whatever!” she turned and went back to her little posse.

“You don’t mind do you?” Kassie turned back to me.

“No way!” I smiled.

”Cool, so you wanna grab a table?”

”Yeah, sure, that’d be great.”

We found an empty table located somewhere in the middle of the room and took a seat across from each other.

“So, who is that?” I asked, remembering back to what had just happened moments ago. “I mean, I know she’s probably some popular chick, but…”

”Oh, that’s Crystal Meyers. She’s basically the popular girl and ruler of this school, as well as my cousin,” Kassie explained. “She has this crazy idea of making every single one of her relatives and cousins a queen bee or jock king of their school and whoever refuses is like to be disgraced or whatever!”

“Wow,” I giggled. I then remembered something. “Oh, I totally forgot, I’m supposed to be looking for someone.”

”Oh who? Maybe I can be of some help.” Kassie offered then.

“Aw, thanks, it’s-“

I was cut off then by someone who grabbed my arm from behind.

“Hey, where have you been? I’ve been lookin’ all over for you!” Danny whined at me.

”Where have I been? Where have you been?” I retorted back at him.

Danny ignored me and instead turned his attention towards Kassie then.

”And hello, who might you be?” he asked her.

Before either Kassie or I could reply back, another voice cut in through.

“Yo, Danny dude, over here, man!” a guy called out.

“K, bye, I’ll see you later then!” before racing over to a different table, Danny kissed my head loudly and gave a quick smile back at Kassie.

“Soooo,” Kassie turned to me with a smile after Danny was gone and out of earshot. “Who was that? A boyfriend?” she grinned at me.

”Ew, yeah right! He’s my bro actually.” I corrected her.

“Oh. He was cute, by the way.” she muttered. I could’ve sworn I saw her face flush for a few seconds then.

“So, where do you live?” Kassie asked me after we went through a bunch of random other questions.

I told her how I was new to the school, but not new to the town or the area I was currently living in which was the same house I was living in when I was younger. It was our own house, which was on rent for the past many years. I told her the address of the house then and was surprised to find out that she too lived in that same area.

“Oh my gosh!” she exploded out on me. “I live like two houses right before yours! Wow, we could be like the best of friends and go over to each other’s house like everyday!”

I smiled at her suggested and nodded in agreement.

Wow, first day of school and I’ve already made a friend and soon to be best friend.’ I thought happily to myself.

We talked some more then and got some lunch as well. When the day ended, Kassie and I met up again and we walked outside together. She was going to come home with me and help me with unpacking the rest of the boxes in my room.

I was just thanking her once again for being so nice and helping me out with everything, when Danny ran over to us.

“Hey Lucky!” he looked real excited over something, but then again he almost always looked like that.

“Hey, you ready to go home?” I asked him.

Actually…” he trailed off.

”What?” I raised an eyebrow at him and stared at him expectantly.

“My friend just offered me a ride on his bike and I was just wondering if…I could maybe go home with him instead.”

“No way!” I rejected him immediately. “I promised mom I’d take care of you and there is no way that I’m letting you go off with some-some hooligan on a bike. It’s just not safe!”

“Ok well, one: I’m the older one; two: he’s not some hooligan, ok. I’ve known him since I was a kid; and three: it is perfectly safe!” he retorted back.

“Oh, really? Well, one: mom obviously doesn’t think you’re responsible enough to do anything; two: who knows how long that was and what type of guy he is now; and three: how would you know? You’ve never been on a motorcycle before.”

Danny opened his mouth to say something, but then shut it back again because he knew there was nothing else he could say to make me see otherwise. So, then all of a sudden, he drops down on his two knees and starts begging his heart out.

“Please, please, please, Lucky!” he was saying, when a guy on a bright red motorcycle rode up and over to us. On his head, the guy wore a black helmet, so there was no way I could make out his face or who he was exactly and if he was anyone I had met before. Danny did say that they were friends when they were kids, so there could be a pretty big chance that he was someone I knew as well.

“Yo, Danny, you comin’ or what?” the guy asked him.

“Please! Please! Please! I promise I’ll do anything you want, if you just let me have this one little chance!” Danny begged at me again.

I haven’t seen Danny this excited since before the incident happened and we were forced to retreat back here. It just didn’t feel right to just discourage him. I sighed deeply and then nodded.

“Yeah, fine. Just…be safe, please. I do not need any more problems this year and you know that.”

“Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!” Danny planted a huge kiss on my cheek and hugged me tight. “I love you, you know that?”

“Alright, alright, enough of the hugging and kissing already!” I blushed, pushing him away.

Danny drove off with his friend and Kassie and I got started on our walk home together. As I figured, Danny got home first and had already made a mess in the living room. There were popcorn pieces all over the couch, the table in front of it had papers and magazines all over it, and the TV was on, but there was no one watching it.

“Hey.” he said, as we came inside.

“Hey.” I repeated back.

I found Danny in the kitchen washing his hands and then wiping them on a small towel.

“It’s only been like what, ten-fifteen minutes since I last saw you, and you’ve already made a huge mess in the living room?” I said to him. “What are you two, like having a party and forgot to invite me or something, huh?”

”Hey, I’m sorry, but we’re guys, we can’t help what we do, you know that,” Danny replied back, looking up at us then. I swear I saw his eyes light up then as he noticed Kassie next to me. “And hello again to you too. Since we’re obviously gonna be seeing each more often, you might as well tell me your name now.”

I’m Kassie,” she smiled. “And you are?”

”Daniel. Daniel Kline.”

I stifled a laugh. “Daniel?”

“What? That is my name!”

“So, where’s your friend?” I looked around the room and noticed he was nowhere to be found.

“Oh, he’s in the bathroom.” Danny answered.

“Alright well, we’re gonna go upstairs.” I was already heading up the stairs when the bathroom door opened and it was in my room when I was about to shut the door that I heard a deep male’s voice talk back to Danny’s soft one.

I shrugged, not really in the mood to head back downstairs and meet him and get to know him and all that, I had more important things on my mind. One of them was: to get this room all fixed and unpacked before tomorrow. But, at least I had help, right? And besides, Danny did say that those two were childhood friends and who knows how they both found each other again, but there were many other opportunities where I could be introduced to him.
♠ ♠ ♠
Lucky's Outfit:
I would totally murder 2 have this outfit, I'm not kidding.
Lucky (Imagine Black Hair):
Sam (with shorter hair):
Danny's Outfit:
Sam's Outfit:
Kassielyn Outfit:
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