Status: Editing it up a little. =)

Falling For My Best Friend's Sister

Falling For My Best Friend's Sister 30 - Edited.

Lucky's POV:

The date ended way too soon even though we've been out for more than four hours. But, when Sam dropped me off at home, Danny caught him just as he was about to leave. I was standing in the doorway with the door open and Sam was standing on the front porch, so it seemed as if he had just knocked on the door and I had opened it. Danny invited him in and I happily obliged.

Pretty soon, I was feeling much better, so Danny never got to anything about the day's craziness.

While Sam and Danny watched TV, I got bored and started texting Kassie. I invited her over and even thought of asking Mike and Ivan over as well, but then I realized it might turn out to be a bit awkward since both Danny and Sam hadn't come close enough to actually get used to the two of them.

'Maybe next time.' I promised myself.

When the bell rang a few minutes later, I called out, "Come in!" since I already knew it was Kassie.

Danny, however, on the hand wasn't exactly pleased with me. He scowled deeply at me.

"What?" I snapped. "I know who it is!"

He opened his mouth to say something back, but before he could Kassie walked in to the living room and he immediately shut up. I jumped up and pulled her into a tight hug.

"Hey!" Kassie squeezed me back. "It's nice to see you too! I mean, it's been what...a whole day since I last saw you!" she joked.

"I know!" I laughed. "But, I just couldn't bare the separation any longer."

"Ugh, females." Danny muttered from the couch.

I rolled my eyes. He was so enjoying this, but he just didn't want to admit it.

"Oh, come sit down!" I grabbed her wrist and pushed her down next to Danny. I couldn't help giggling quietly as she fell mostly on Danny's lap than on the couch.

Kassie's face immediately bloomed up and she rushed to pull herself away. I thought I saw a hint of a smile and his face turn a little red as well. But, both disappeared too quick for me to make sure.

After everyone was all settled on the couch, with Kassie and I in the middle of Danny and Sam. Now that Kassie was here, Sam could wrap his arm around my waist and I could snug close against him without having to explain anything to Danny. It was obvious that the couch wasn't big enough for the both of us and that snuggling would have to take part in order for us to all be squashed together.

I took out my phone again then and started texting Kassie, even though she was right next to me, but there was just some things that couldn't be said out loud.

"Hey so, you and Danny, what's up?" I wiggled my eyebrows at Kassie while I watched her read the message.

I waited patiently for a reaction, but Kassie had purposely put on a blank look on her face.

"I don't know what you're talking about." she replied back.

"Oh come on, you know you like him!" I couldn't help grinning as I sent that one.

I was obviously just playing with her. We did this sometimes. I teased her about Danny and she teased me about Sam. But, back then I didn't know I even had feelings for Sam, so it never felt personal. He was cute and Kassie felt like we would be a good couple, so it was only fair for me to think the same of her and Danny.

"NO, I don't, Lucks. So, stop trying to make me admit something that's not even true."

I continued to stare at her though and then Kassie turned around when she couldn't take it anymore. She gave me a wondering look and I shook my head. She shrugged and turned back towards the TV. I hoped I hadn't insulted her or anything, so I quickly punched in another text before it was too late.

"Hey, Kas, I'm sorry. You know I'm just kidding. Right?" I smiled ruefully at her.

"Of course I do, Lucks. I'm not even mad. I'm serious," she gave me a sweet smile back. Her gaze shifted then and I knew exactly what she was looking at as well as what her next text was going to say. "So, you and Sam, huh?" Kassie mimicked my eyebrow wiggling. "What's up with that?"

"Nothin'," I smirked. "Besides the fact that we're going out now." I added a emoticon of a smiley face with its tongue sticking out.

"WHOA! You serious?" Kassie texted back quickly.

"Yep!" I replied with a smirk-y face. "But, just don't tell Danny. He doesn't exactly know about it...yet." I quickly added.

"K. I promise I won't. But, when did this even happen?! Come on, I need the deets and FAST!"

I couldn't help giggling quietly at her excitement. I was feeling pretty giddy about being in a secret relationship myself, even though it wasn't the first time.

"He kind of...sort of..." I didn't know if it was safe to send Kassie the rest of the message; you know in case Danny just happened to peer down at that same exact moment and catch the end of it.

"Come on, out with it!" Kassie urged me on.

"Alright fine!" I huffed, then immediately regretted it. But, neither Danny nor Sam heard it; they were way too into the TV show to even realize that Kassie and I had been texting each other back and forth for almost ten minutes now. "He kissed me on my b-day. Happy?"

"Very! Well, I would be. If you know, you had mentioned this to me EARLIER! Like, REALLY? I canNOT believe you didn't tell me!"

"I'm sorry! It's just...everything happened so quick, I could barely catch up." That was true, for the most part, plus there was all that Jason stuff. But, I couldn't drag Kassie into all that mess too. It was bad enough Sam was in it.

"Well, then I guess you had a better sweet sixteen then you expected, huh?" Kassie sent a smirk-y face along with a wide grin as well with that text.

"Yeah. I guess." I sent back a grin and a blush-y face.

"Hey, how come you two are texting each other if you're like right next to each other?" I heard Danny speak up then.

I snapped my head up and noticed there was a commercial on the TV now and felt Sam's arm slowly slipping away. I turned back towards Danny, he was leaning in close to Kassie; he was trying to read our texts!

"Uh, uh, no reason!" I stammered.

"Uh, there has to be reason, or else you wouldn't be doing it. Duh!" Danny countered back.

"Hey, no looking!" I cried out. "It's private!"

"Private?" he arched an eyebrow. I swallowed and tried not to sprout a guilty expression. "What could be so private you have to hide from your own brother?"

"I-I'm a girl. I have girly needs that can only be expressed with other girls...?"

It was obvious Danny wasn't buying my lie.

"Well, actually, Danny," Kassie spoke up then. We all turned towards her. "We..." I could see Kassie faltering and I wondered if it was because she too didn't have a lie up her sleeve or if it were something more. It didn't take her long to bounce back up though. "We saw how much you were into the show, so we didn't think it was right for us to interrupt you guys with our boring conversations."

Danny still looked skeptical, but he nodded anyway.

"So, then can I at least know what the topic of your conversation was?" I knew the question was not for me, because Danny still had his eyes on Kassie and I could tell Kassie had seriously no idea how to answer his question.

Without thinking then, I stabbed a quick message to Kassie.

"Don't tell him anything!"

"Why not?" Danny prodded.

"Uh, what?" I questioned.

"Why can't she tell me anything?" Danny referred to the phone in Kassie's stretched out hands.

"Crap," I muttered under my breath. I had to think fast, but nothing came to mind. I couldn't let Danny figure out about Sam and I so quick. We just barely started going out. I couldn't let him ruin it for me already! "Because it's none of your business!"

Danny must've figured he wasn't going to get anywhere with me, so he moved on to Kassie.

"Oh come on, Kassielyn," Danny said lifting up Kassie's chin. I noticed her face turn bright red. "You'll tell me...won't you?"

Maybe it was because I could tell Kassie was about to crack, because without even wasting a second, I cried out, "Stop hitting on my friend!"

Both Kassie and Danny snapped their eyes over to me.

"I'm not hitting on her." Danny answered bitterly, dropping Kassie's chin.

"Well, I mean..." I trailed off, not knowing what to say.

Danny shook his head and then pushed himself off the couch. He disappeared off to the kitchen and an uncomfortable silence layered over the rest of us.

For a few minutes, I wasn't exactly sure what had just happened. Kassie looked upset and I was just plain confused.

"You know you really shouldn't have said that." Sam spoke up then.

I had almost but forgotten that he was still here. I could feel anger fueling in me as I realized that Sam was seriously taking Danny's in all of this.

"Oh yeah, well would you have liked it better if he had found out the truth and tried to break us up for it?" I yelled at him.

"No, you know that Lucky. But, what you did was really uncalled for."

"But, why?!" I wanted to know so badly. "What did I even do that was so wrong?!"

Sam sighed. Then looked up at me. "You really don't know?" he asked me with curious eyes.

"Duh, that's why I'm asking!" I didn't mean to get so worked up on Sam, but everyone was always taking Danny's side. Never mine. They never saw what was important to me.

"Ok, I'm only going to tell you this because of what just happened. Otherwise I wouldn't have; Danny's swore me to oath." I leaned in close to Sam. Where was this even going? To me, it sounded like they were both making a huge deal out of nothing. "Danny seriously likes Kassie."

I was just totally stunned for a whole minute. It seemed as if Kassie was too, because at the same exact moment we shouted out, "What?!"

"I'm serious!" Sam insisted. "At your birthday, you should've seen him going on and on and on about how pretty Kassie was looking and how her hair is so nice, and how her eyes are the cutest he's ever seen. It just never ended!"

"Wow!" Kassie blushed bright red.

But, all I could do was just stare back at Sam as if he was speaking another language. I didn't know what to do with this little piece of information - blackmail, perhaps?

But, no that felt wrong. Sure, if Danny knew about Sam and I, he...he wouldn't even think. He'd break us up the second he found out.

But, I wasn't that evil. I couldn't do that to my best friend. Not to Kassie.

"Go," I said in a quite voice.

"What?" Kassie asked, leaning in towards me.

"Go tell him you feel the same way...before it's too late."

"Wha-what? No! Oh, no, no, no," Kassie shook her head crazily. "I can't do that. That's impossible. Insane!" I snapped my head towards her and gave her the evil eye. "I-I mean, just-just because he said all that stuff about me doesn't mean he actually likes me! Maybe we're reading too much into this."

"Do you really want to wait to find out?" Kassie flinched back at my voice, so I lowered it. "If you don't go now, you'll regret it. I know you will, Kas. Don't ask me how I know, but I just do. Maybe we are reading too much into this, but if you don't go and talk to him you'll never find out what the truth is here."

"B-but," Kassie blubbered on. "You told me he's still in love...with his ex."

"Yeah, he probably is, but he just needs that one push to get back on his feet. And you can be that feet! He's still depressed over his death, true, but if he just tried to move on, he could've - a long, long time ago!" I chuckled a little. "But, I guess it's better he didn't, because then you never would've been given the chance to help him do it."

"Do you really think so?" Kassie asked quietly.

I glanced over at Sam. His face had fallen, he had probably reached the same conclusion as I had. I turned back towards Kassie and nodded.

"Yes. I really do."

"O-ok then," Kassie said a little more confidently.

She stood up then and walked briskly towards the kitchen. But, as soon as she got near the door, she stopped and hesitated. She turned back towards me and I nodded, urging her on.

As soon as Kassie slipped into the room and the door closed behind her, I launched myself off the couch and pressed my ear up against the door. I felt Sam come up behind me and listen along with me.

I really hoped I didn't just make things worse for all of us.