Status: Editing it up a little. =)

Falling For My Best Friend's Sister

Falling For My Best Friend's Sister 31 - Edited.

Lucky's POV:

Everything was so quiet in the kitchen, I wondered if they were even talking or not, so I cracked the door open to get a view of what was going on. Danny was leaning over the sink and Kassie stood behind him. Her hand was outstretched as if she was going to place it on his shoulder, but it was frozen in midair.

Danny had no idea Kassie was even there and I was afraid they were both just going to stay like that forever. So, before I could change my mind, I grabbed phone and texted another encouragement her way.

I realized that was a stupid mistake a little too late. A little ding sounded out from Kassie's phone and Danny snapped around. I closed the door shut before he could see us and immediately felt guilty for what Kassie was going to have go through now because of me.

I had no idea what Danny's mood was. He could've still been pissed and for Kassie it must've been like being trapped in the lion's den with the lion still present in it.

I heard muffled voices from the other side and then inched the door open again.

"What are you doing here?" Danny asked Kassie.

"I-I was..." Kassie stuttered back. I heard her gulp and then start all over. "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine!" Danny snapped back.

"But,'re crying." Kassie had whispered that so I wasn't sure if that was what she had said at first.

I fixed my eyes on Danny's and sure enough they red and puffy.

"T-that's ridiculous!" Danny angrily swiped at his face.

"Damn, he's back to thinking about Sunshine," I stage whispered to Sam. "And no doubt about the day of her death."

"What exactly happened?" Sam asked.

I sighed. "Long story short: she was in a car accident. It was a classic hit-and-run, basically."

"Oh. Wow. And how long has it been?"

"About a year and a half, I suppose."

"Um, if I did...or said anything, then I am so, so sorry, Danny. Really." Kassie was saying.

I turned back towards the kitchen and watched as Danny's face crimsoned and softened.

"It-it's not you..." he struggled for words. "It's just...I'm really missing someone right now, is all." he turned his face away.

Kassie nodded. "O-ok. I'll-I'll leave you alone then."

She turned to leave then, but I waved her back.

"Go on!" I mouthed to her. "Keep it going!"

She reluctantly turned back.

"Um, Sam mentioned you talk about me!" Kassie blurted out then.

"What?!" Danny jerked his head and immediately his eyes were on us.

This time, Sam slammed the door shut and I was only inches away from getting another bloody nose.

"Oh, I am so dead!" he moaned next to me.

"Don't worry, I promise I won't let him hurt you." I told him.

"Aw," he grinned. "I'm holding you onto that though - I'm serious."

I glanced back over at the kitchen scene and noticed Danny's face burning up. I could only see the corner of Kassie's face and that was only through the toaster sitting next to the sink, but I could tell it was equally red.

Danny stepped back over to Kassie and lifted her chip up, forcing her to meet his eyes.

"What exactly did he say?" he asked her.

"I - well, he, uh..." I could tell Kassie was just about to have a panic attack or something, but I knew Danny could see that and he wasn't going to stop till she was out of breathe and flopping on the floor like a fish out of water.

I seriously felt like just storming in there and slapping Danny across the face. How could he be so stupid? Couldn't he tell Kassie wasn't going to be able to answer him when he was all up in her face like that?

"Ugh, I can't watch this anymore!" I released the door and let it swung shut. "God, what have I gotten Kas into?! Danny's seriously killin' her out there!" I moved away from the door, my head dropped and my fingers raking through my hair.

"Hey, it's not your fault," Sam reassured me. "You didn't know this was going to happen."

But, I should've known. And that's why I was going to fix this before it got even more out of hand and there was just no going back.

With what little courage and confidence I had, I surged forward, past Sam and into the kitchen. Both Danny and Kassie snapped to attention at my entrance. Danny immediately dropped his hands and took a huge step back.

"Ok, you two, I seriously cannot take this any longer. Either you two can fess up and just admit that you're both into each other, or I can do it for you!" I declared. I grabbed Kassie's arm and turned her to face me. "Look, Kassie, do you or do you not have feelings for Danny?"

I knew he was trying hard not to seem like he cared, but Danny was still waiting, and peering expectantly at Kassie.

"I-I...well, I mean, I-" she stammered on.

"Just forget it." Danny muttered. He turned around briskly and was about to walk out through the back door. I reached out to grab him, but he slipped right through my fingers.

"Wait!" Kassie cried out then. "It's true! I do!"

Danny stopped and turned around slowly.

"What?" he asked softly. "What did you say?"

"I like you a lot. In fact, I've had a crush on you since the first day you came to Everglades. But, I was afraid of saying anything to Lucky, because I felt like you were an upperclassmen and might not have been interested in me, a underclassmen. And even though I'm related to the most popular girl at school, I'm nowhere near her level of importance or even anything like her. I mean-"

Kassie probably would've just gone on babbling and Danny probably would've let her, if it weren't for me cutting in the middle.

"Okay, anyway!" I turned towards Danny then. "Now Danny, it's your turn. Go on and express your feelings for Kassie. But, try to keep it under the minimum of two minutes." I joked.

I moved back and let Danny close to the space between Kassie and him.

"I felt exactly the same way and I don't care at all about all that other stuff." he told her.

"Really?" Kassie titled her head and blushed.

"Really." Danny breathed.

They stood there, gaping at each other and just staring into each others' eyes - just like in the movies. It made me feel a little sick in the stomach, but I ignored the feeling and grinned despite it.

"Well, are you two just going to stand there all day or kiss already?!" I gushed.

Kassie reddened immediately and looked down at her feet. But, Danny leaned forward and cupped her face in his hands and leaned down his head to kiss her softly on the mouth.

"Whoa, how did that happen?" Sam exclaimed, as he walked into the room.

Danny and Kassie didn't seem to have noticed his appearance though.

"It's all thanks to me!" I told him.

Sam wrapped his arm around my shoulders and I leaned into him a little as we watched the two kiss in front of us.

"Hey, Danny, I've got something to tell you," Sam said then. I tensed underneath him and hoped and prayed with all my might that it wasn't about what I thought it was. "Since you're so crazy about Lucky's best friend and she's so alright with it, I just want you to know that I, as your best friend, am crazy about your sister."

I pushed Sam off of me and gulped. I watched, shocked and scared out of my skin as I waited for Danny to explode out on me.

He stopped kissing Kassie first and then it came.

"Wait, what?!" he cried out.

"Oh, h-he's just kidding!" I cut in. "Right, Sam?" I glared at him angrily. How could he just think of telling Danny about us without even consulting me first?

"O-oh yeah," Sam's voice broke, but he quickly cleared it. "It was just a joke. I didn't mean anything about it."

He was upset, that was clear. But, he had to understand: it was better to keep our relationship a secret, if it meant that it could still go on. What was the point of telling Danny if he was only going to break us up in the end?

He didn't care that I was finally dating someone reasonable and someone he could actually trust. All he cared about was the bad things. The fact that Sam was a year older than me and the fact that Sam was only tolerating Danny most of the time because of me.

He wouldn't be able to take that.

My eyes glanced over at Kassie - and just in time too - because I seemed to be the only one who had noticed the dazed expression on her face.

"Oh shit!" I cried out.

I tried to move forward and grab Kassie, but she fell backwards before I could get to her. Luckily, Danny was still holding onto her and had his arms wrapped around her before she could fall to the floor.

"Whoa, what happened?!" the anger washed off Danny's face and was replaced with immediate worry. "What's the matter with her?"

"It's nothing," I assured Danny. "Sometimes when she gets too anxious or excited, her body can't handle it all and she shuts down. She'll be alright in a few minutes."

Danny nodded, then leaned down and picked Kassie up. He carried her towards the living room and I watched him as he laid her down on the couch and then took a seat on the edge.
When I knew Danny wasn't going to come back, I turned towards Sam. He had a sad look on his face, but I was seething.

"What the hell was that about?!" I hissed at him.

"I'm just..." Sam dropped his head and sighed. "Really tired of having to keep this all a big secret." I opened my mouth to tell him that it was better than nothing; it was better than not being together at all, when Sam cut me off. "You know people at school are beginning to call me gay? Because, I can't get a girl. If they knew I was with someone as beautiful as you," he sighed again. "Then none of this would be happening."

I tried to keep my breathing under control along with my anger. "So, the only reason you're into me is so you won't look gay in front of your so called "friends"?"

Sam snapped his head up. "What? No! Lucky, I-"

I shook my head. "What the hell, is seriously so wrong with being gay?!"

I could feel tears appearing at the brim of my eyes.

"There's nothing wrong! It's just..."

"Then what," my voice squeaked. "is popularity seriously much more important than me and my feelings? What, is Sam the Jock Prince seriously falling from the top of the charts just 'cause he doesn't have some trophy girlfriend hanging off his arm?"

I seriously didn't even care about all that; what I really cared was that there really was no chance of Sam and I being together for real. It was too big of a risk and not one I was willing to take so soon.

Sam seriously looked defeated and it broke my heart to have made him look that. He took a step forward.

"No," he answered determinedly. "All my life, yes, it has been. Being popular, being liked, having the right "friends", all of it. But, now?" He took another step towards me.

"Now?" I breathed.

In this light - the light of the kitchen that was hanging over Sam's head - he looked absolutely amazing. He was so good looking, it was hard to believe I just happened to have caught his eye.

I felt breathless and my whole body went warm. All my life, I've been interested in the wrong people - the wrong guys, mostly - but they've never once made me feel this way.

"Now, it all just feels so stupid. I don't need all that. I just need you. I just wanna be with you. Lucky. I've...I've never met anyone else like you before. You're and I couldn't have wished for anything more," Sam took my chin in his hand and lifted my head. "With you, Lucky, I don't have to pretend! I can be me! I don't have to always talk about sports or be mean to people. All I have to do is be me. And it's been so long - so, so long - since I've been able to do that."

A sob escaped through my lips. I knew exactly what he was hinting at, but I wasn't sure if I was ready to hear something like that. Those three words would forever change things between us and I didn't want things going too fast for us.

I nodded, letting him know that I understood, then slipped out of Sam's arms and headed towards the kitchen door. I stopped in front of it and took a few seconds to collect myself, before pushing through it and into the living room.

Danny was still sitting on the couch and was fanning Kassie with a newspaper. He hadn't seem to have heard anything though.

"I didn't quite imagine for things to go out this way." he said, sensing my presence behind him.

"So, how did you imagine it?" I wondered aloud.

"I don't know, I guess, a bit more romantic."

"Hmm, well you get what you get." I couldn't help being a bit bitter. It was only fair. Danny smiled though and squeezed himself next to Kassie. He wrapped his arms around her protectively and held on tight. "So, what about Sunshine then?" I asked without meaning to.

"Well, it's like you said: she's gone forever now and it's time I get used to that already. I'm sure she would have wanted me to have moved on by now and I'm finally going to do it now," he nuzzled his face close to Kassie's. "It looks like I've found a new ray of sunshine."

"That's sweet." I said softly with a small smile.

Danny closed his eyes and within seconds he was snoring softly. I sighed and looked around for something to do. Sam entered the room quietly and took a seat on a couch across from Kassie and Danny.

It felt a bit awkward for me at that moment and was glad when the doorbell rang. I used that as an advantage to get out rid of the icky feelings that were taking root in the center of my stomach.

By the time I got to the door, no one was there. There weren't any signs that proved that anyone was out there in the first place.

Except for one. There was a piece of white paper dropped on the welcome mat in front of the door. It was placed so that the writing was on the other side and I was facing the blank side.

I figured it was just some type of advertisement or something and decided to use it as a distraction instead of having to go back inside and face Sam again.

But, when I picked it up and turned it around, I realized it wasn't an advertisement at all. It was a note.


I gasped and lurched back from the front porch and back into the house. I looked around frantically, my eyes desperate to find him.

I had no idea what I'd do if I did find Jason though; I was torn between stabbing my nails into his eyeballs and falling to his feet, begging him to just leave us be!

'What right does he have to be doing this to me? To us?!' I seethed. 'What the hell does he want?! He's already taken and ruined everything!'

Tears brimmed up in my eyes, but I wiped at them frantically. There was no way he was going to get the satisfaction of seeing me cry.

After a few more seconds of checking the perimeter, I headed back instead the house. I crumbled the note up and stuffed it into my pocket.

"Who was it?" Danny asked.

I tried not to let the fear and angst show on my face. I let it fall neutral and then answered him back in a calm voice, "Nobody. Probably someone just playing a prank or something."

Danny nodded and closed his eyes, moving close to Kassie again. I gulped and took a seat next to Sam on the arm chair I was sitting in before. I didn't push Sam's hands away or even think of doing it, as he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close.

Sighing, I lied my head down on his chest and allowed him to start stroking my hair. But, I was nowhere near in peace.

All the while, I kept thinking and groaning about what I had put my friends through. No one would be safe from Jason. Not me, not Danny, or Kassie, or Mike, or Ivan, and forget Sam, he's the main target!

I smothered my face in the crook of Sam's chest and held onto him for dear life. I couldn't believe this was actually happening; it all just felt like a bad dream.

I'd give anything up if it really were. Even if that meant giving Sam up to save his life.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yeah, so things are hard for Lucky now.
What do you think she's gonna do about that?

Well, keep thinking.
Next ch. will be up as soon as I can get it .
Thxx for reading and liking! =)