Status: Editing it up a little. =)

Falling For My Best Friend's Sister

Falling For My Best Friend's Sister 33 - Editing.

Sam's POV:

It's been two days since Lucky's caught me kissing some other girl - who I didn't even touch let alone kiss back - and she hasn't talked to me since.

I had no idea if we were still in a secret relationship with each other or not, because I haven't had a chance to see her. I still visited the gym frequently, but I never did see that blonde girl again. I was glad I hadn't, because there would've been nothing stopping me from going over to her and giving her a piece of my mind; things would've gone ugly and fast.

Danny was going out with Kassie at that point and was even more oblivious to Lucky and I. Well, maybe not as oblivious as I thought, because he happened to call me over to his place one day to discuss something "really important about Lucky".

Seeing as I had no choice, I went over and discussed whatever he wanted to. At that point, I really didn't care what was going on in his world, I just wanted a chance to see Lucky if she happened to be at home.

"So Sam, I've noticed since yesterday that Lucky's been feeling sort of down," he started off. I nodded, feigning interest - as if I hadn't already known that. "And I think I know why."

That snapped me to my attention. I sat up more straight and my fingers grew restless.

'It's not possible that Danny actually found out about Lucky and me, is it?' I wondered. 'Could Kassie have probably told him about it? Was he going to get mad at me about it or tell me it was ok for us to be together?'

"Wh-what do you mean?" I tried to keep my voice neutral, but there was no stopping my voice from cracking. "She told you? Or you found out by yourself?"

I knew I shouldn't have been the one asking all the questions, and especially if Danny knew the truth now, but I couldn't help it. It was all coming out and happening without my permission.

"No, she didn't tell me anything," he gave me a weird look over. "But, I have my assumptions. There's definitely something going on with her and I think it's because of a guy."

I literally almost swallowed my tongue at that. So, he didn't know, but he did have a hunch and that was just as bad.

"So-so, what else do you think?" I asked casually. If I could find out about anymore of his hunches, I might be able to stomp down on his guesses before they rose up and turned true.

"Well, I was hoping you'd do me a favor by helping me bug Lucky's phone so I could find out all the people she's last spoken with."

I nodded, because what else could I do? There was no refusing Danny, or else he'd get suspicious of me.

"Maybe it's nothing though," I added tentatively. "Or else wouldn't she have told you about it already?"

"Yeah, I know, but I just hate seeing her like this. If it's nothing, I want to be absolute sure of it, but if it is something.... Well, I don't want to take the risk of not knowing and just letting it go on behind my back."

I nodded. "I understand."

I sighed.

'Why did all this have to be happening? Why couldn't Lucky and I just be together in peace?' I wanted to know. 'Why did people like Danny, Jason, and who knows who else have to keep getting in the way?'

I heard footsteps descending the stairs and looked up to see Lucky coming down them. Her face was pale and sad. As soon as she saw Danny and I standing together, she groaned and turned back around, trotting back up the stairs before either of us could say anything.

"You see that!" Danny turned towards me. "She doesn't say anything or come down for food. At school, she's the same. I figured maybe Kassie could get something out of her, but she returned empty handed the same way as I did," Danny's eyes brightened then. "Maybe you could talk to her. She likes you, you might be able to get something out of her."

"I..." I trailed off, not really wanting to get in the middle of this; I didn't want to betray either one of them, but this was a good chance for me to spend some alone time with Lucky. So, I agreed. "Alright. I'll go see what I can do."

"Thanks buddy, you're the best!" Danny slapped his hand down on my shoulder and pulled me in for a hug. Guilt overwhelmed me, but I swallowed it back down.

I hurried up the stairs and down the hall to Lucky's room. I knocked on the closed door and waited for her to open it. I knew she wouldn't, but maybe I could trick her into letting me in and then we'd have a nice, long talk over everything and make things work again. I turned the knob around and was surprised to find the door unlocked. I creaked the door open and slipped inside the room.

"Hello?" I called out. "Lucky?"

I looked left and right, but she wasn't in the room.

I hurried back downstairs and told Danny.

"What do you mean she's not there?" Danny exploded out.

"I mean, she's not in her room! I've looked everywhere, she's just not there."

Danny pushed past me and took the stairs up two or three at a time. I followed behind him as fast I could. He barged in through Lucky's half opened door and swiveled his head back and forth around it.

"Uh, hey?" we heard a small voice say.

We both spun around to find Lucky staring at us with curious eyes behind us.

"Where were you?!" Danny demanded, rushing over to her.

"In the bathroom." Lucky stated slowly.

"Well, you couldn't have told me or Sam before you went?"

Lucky stopped and raised an eyebrow. "So, I have to tell you two before I go to the bathroom now? For what?"

"For your safety, of course!" Danny snapped back.

"What the hell could possibly happen to me in the bathroom?"

"Well, you could break your leg again!"

"That's because some buffoon was in the bathroom with me that time!" Lucky snapped back, but she didn't look over at me.

"Well-" I cut in before Danny and Lucky could start with their usual arguments that always turned into something more as it got more heated.

"Oh come on, Danny, Lucky's fine right, so let's just go," I kept my eyes on Lucky. "We've a lot to do, remember? We need to prepare for our secret plan." I smirked and turned towards Danny.

I lead him away and let the word 'secret' hang over the air for a little while longer. It'd certainly keep Lucky over the edge as she tried to figure out what we were talking about.

I turned around and blew a kiss at Lucky, who was still watching Danny and I leave. But, she immediately stuck her tongue out and stormed back to her room.

I'd get her back. I knew I would.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yeah, I know this was another short ch.
Sorry about that guys, but I did get it out faster than the other one, did I?
Keep a look out for the others, won't you, my dearies. =D