Status: Editing it up a little. =)

Falling For My Best Friend's Sister

Falling For My Best Friend's Sister 3 - Edited.

Sam's POV:

I couldn’t believe that Danny was back and here to stay for a good two years before high school was over. I wasn’t quite sure what the other guys in our jock group would think of him. I mean, he was the new guy and no one ever really liked the new kids.

But, he also had a pretty cool personality, way different from the type that he had when we were kids. He was so much shyer and quiet then and know he was loud and hyper; it makes me feel as if I never really quite knew him that well.

I invited him over to our table, so he could get to know the other guys and they could decide if he were good enough for us or not. I was kind of afraid of their answer; if it were yes, that’d be great, but if it were no, then…well, I’d never get to talk to him ever again. And that just wouldn’t be right. Danny didn’t know anyone else in this school besides me and I couldn’t just abandon him like that. It wasn’t nice.

But, I was also Sam Luna. The Sam Luna. The guy ever girl craved for and the guy that every other guy wanted to be! I was the leader and king of the jocks. I was the biggest and best since freshman year and I couldn’t just let all that go down the drain for a guy I haven’t seen since we were five, could I? I couldn’t let all my fans down, could I? I wasn’t really that selfish, was I?

I was lucky when I found out that they actually accepted him. It was such a relief to me and probably to Danny too, except he just didn’t know what would’ve bound to happen if he weren’t chosen. He would’ve been left all alone and dealt to make his popularity all on his own. He would have to choose his own friends then and face on all the challenges of being a new kid here all on his own. He couldn’t have made it all on his own. So, I was glad. Like, really, really glad for him and myself as well.

At the end of the day, I was walking over to my bike in the school parking lot, Danny followed next to me. We were talking about the different kind of sports there were here and what Danny had in mind for being a part of. So far, he seemed to be pretty interested in soccer and was thinking of joining the soccer team.

We first started talking about it in biology class where we sat together as lab partners. Danny seemed to go on endlessly talking about it that it even lasted after the bell rang as I walked to my locker to get my things out and then followed him to his so he could do the same. I wasn’t at all tired or pissed off at him. He had a love for soccer as did I and I knew what it felt like out there on the field, so who was I to judge him, a newcomer?

I was just about to turn around and bid him farewell, when all of a sudden I realized that he had shut up and his eyes were now stuck on my bright red motorcycle sitting in front of us, waiting eagerly for me to get on it and ride on home. I missed it a lot too, it was my first and I had bought it with my own money. I paid for the gas, I did the daily washings of it, and I even got it waxed every other week, so that it stayed perfectly shiny enough for me to see my own reflection in it.

“Whoa, this is your ride?!” Danny asked, looking at me incredulously.

I chuckled at the expression on his face, then thought of something.

“Yeah, you wanna ride on it?” I offered him.

“You’re serious?!”

”Um, yeah, I think so. So, you wanna or not?”

”Uh duh, of course I do, dude!”

“Great, I think I have an extra helmet in here somewhere,” I picked up the seat of the bike and started digging through it to find the black helmet I bought along with red one that I always wore. Finally, I found it under a bunch of candy wrappers and some empty and crushed cans of soda. “Here ya are.” I noticed the look on Danny’s face had changed then. His face had fallen and he was frowning. “Hey, what’s the matter, man?”

“Ah, I gotta ask my little sister for permission first though!” he groaned.

”…Little sister?” I furrowed my eyebrows at him.

”Yeah, she’s like really protective of me and stuff. And I’m sure she must be waiting for him right now. I don’t know if she’ll let me go with you without permission.”

I never knew Danny had a sister. Back when we were kids, he was a real shy kid, so maybe that’s why he’s never mentioned it before. And isn’t it always the mother whose the most protective over their son? I mean, I’ve never heard of a little sister being the responsible one in the family.

But, before I could ask Danny anything else, he ran off. For a while, I sat on the bike with the helmet on my head, wanting to make my escape already. But, I knew I couldn’t do that, so I waited a little while longer. Finally, I gave up and decided to go look for him. I knew he couldn’t have left without telling me about his sister’s decision, so I knew he had to be around here somewhere.

I moved my head around in every direction and then finally I found him, on his knees, on the ground, before two teenage girls. Lord knows what he was doing. I shook my head and rode over to him.

“Yo, Danny, you comin’ or what?” I asked.

I had the helmet on my head, so his sister’s face wasn’t very clear and plus there were two girls there, who knows which one was his and which one wasn’t. But, before I could take the helmet off and take a better look at the two, the sister opened her mouth and agreed to it, causing Danny to jump up and grab her and kiss her on the cheek. She pulled away from him and he jumped up on next to me.

I rode off and towards our neighborhood. I could tell that Danny was pretty disappointed that the ride was over so quickly, so I decided to make him an offer than that I knew he couldn’t and wouldn’t be able to resist.

“Hey, what if…I gave you a ride on my bike everyday, if-“ he cut me off before I could finish my sentence.

“Oh my god, man, I would love that so much!” he exploded out on me.

If…” I continued.

“If?” Danny’s face started to fall then.

”You gotta do something for me in return.”

”Like what?”

”Hmm,” I started to think. “Well, I don’t really know right now, but when I think of something, I’ll let ya know, k?”

“K, thanks again, man!”

”Yeah, you’re welcome.” I smiled at him.

Ah, he was cute and so naïve and young. He had so much to learn. And maybe, just maybe, by taking him under my wing and make a mini-me out of him, I could actually be able to boost my popularity score a bit higher. I was almost, almost, almost as popular as the seniors. I was only a junior, but I had promised myself that by the end of the year or the first month of senior year, I was going to be the Emperor of this school. Yeah, that’d be a great dream to live. I could almost feel it happening to me. The ladies pampering me, the guys praising me, wanting to be me, but knew that they could never amount to something as high as I have, and all the freshies and sophomores bowing down to me as I paraded down the halls to my every class and lunch period. Yeah, sigh!

Anyways after dropping Danny home, he asked me if I wanted to stay, but I refused, saying I had other things to do. Like, think more about my future at being king/leader of the whole school. But, I couldn’t just say that out loud to him. I mean, who knows he might either think of me as being really conceited and stupid, or he could possibly even think of doing the same and then all of a sudden, one day, he’s the most popular guy in school and I’m even lower than a new kid at school.

I shuddered at the thought of that and hurried on back home. Right now, I was just in my room, lying back on my bed and staring out my window. My eyes searched along the room across the house from mine. It was Danny’s, but it wasn’t Danny’s room. It was a girl’s. His sister’s probably, I had assumed. And I knew it was wrong to be a peeking Tom, but it’s not like I could help it or keep myself from looking away.

I was a guy and she was a chick. I was cool and popular and who knows she might be just as good looking. I mean, she did have Danny as a brother, so she could herself be just as popular.

There were two girls in the room, sitting on the bed in the corner of the room. Probably the sister and the friend. So far, for the past ten minutes, I’ve been trying to catch even just a little glimpse of one of the girls’ faces, but that hasn’t happened yet. I don’t know why I was so interested in the two, but it was a whole lot better than starting my chemistry homework.

Ah, I could always just get one of the nerds to do it for me, anyway.’ I reminded myself.

After a while, Danny came into the room and said something to the two. Then, one of the girls exited and the other one was alone with the girl. They talked for a few minutes and then they started play fighting. I chuckled quietly to myself as the girl threw a pillow over at Danny.

Man, this is actually better than TV,’ I thought to myself. ‘This could actually keep me pretty interested and occupied when I was bored with my life or anything.

Danny pushed the girl and she fell back on her bed and Danny got on top of her, pinning her arms down and grinning in her face. And it was then that I finally got to see her face and god, was it beautiful! After that no matter what I did, I couldn’t seem to get her face out of my head.

She was simply beautiful with dark brown hair and the brightest blue eyes. She grinned back at him, then punched his shoulder and moved her lips saying back something along the lines of “Get the hell off of me now.” I could read her lips even from here.

Danny leaned down and kissed her head. I felt something burn in my heart then.

Wait, were they like together or something?’ I wondered to myself.

I waited to see what they would next then. Danny got off of her first, then he stuck his hand out to her and she took it, hoisting herself up. Just as they had done that, the other girl came back into the room and I saw her features next. She looked familiar and I realized I had seen her before around the popular girls at our school. She had a lighter shade of brown hair and dark hazel colored eyes. She looked pretty cute, but she wasn’t as nearly as pretty as the other girl was and that was what bothered me the most.

Danny left the room and I sighed, pulling myself up in a sitting position. I fished out my phone from my back pocket and scrolled through my contacts looking for Danny’s number, which I had gotten from him during lunch.

I started to text him then.

Sam: Hey.
Danny: Hey, what’s up, man?
Sam: Nothin much. Just lyin on my bed. You?
Danny: Just bored in my room.
Sam: Oh.
Danny: Yep.
Sam: So, hey, can I ask you a question?
Danny: Sure. What?
Sam: You remember when we were outside the skool and u were talkin to those two girls? Who were they? …just wonderin.
Danny: Oh, one was my future gf. :D & the other one waz my lil sis.
Sam: What’s their names?
Danny: Well, my lil sis’s name is Lucky and her friend’s name is Kassie.
Sam: Wow, isn’t tht gurl like younger than u tho?
Danny: Yea, but she’s still real cute, don’t u think?
Sam: Yea, I guess. So, u gonna ask her out?
Danny: Nah, my sis’ll prob. think it’s weird tht I actually fell for her friend alreadiee. She’ll never let it go.
Sam: Wow. Well, guud luck with her then.
Danny: Thxx man.
Sam: Welcome. So, I’ll talk to u l8er then.
Danny: Yea, see ya.

I was kind of upset over the fact that Danny had a crush on the girl that I was attracted to as well, Kassie. I was even slumped over for a while, but then I reminded myself that I was Sam. The Sam Luna that everyone wanted to be or be with and anyway, I could always get someone way better than her and older as well.

I leaned back on my bed, placing my arms behind my head and staring up at the ceiling, after placing my phone back in my pocket. I smiled at that thought, but then frowned. For some reason then, I saw her face on my ceiling. I blinked my eyes rapidly and even slapped myself a few times as well as going into the bathroom to wash my face with cold water.

Mom called me for dinner then, so I decided to go check if it worked when I came back there for bed time. But, I figured out that it hadn’t worked when I was eating my mashed potatoes and meatloaf and her face came up on my plate and challenged me to go ahead and to eat her.

I dropped my spoon in shock, not really caring for my parents’ surprised looks and just replied back that I wasn’t very hungry tonight. That was a lie, because I was actually starving today, but I didn’t feel like eating that beautiful face of hers, so I just left.

I raced upstairs and into the bathroom for a quick, long shower before heading off to bed. In there, I made sure to wash my eyes with soap and extra cold water, before going back to my room. I dried my hair with a small towel then I just tossed it somewhere. I knew mom would get in the morning, so I just left it there for her.

Then slowly and carefully, I shut off the light next to me and climbed into bed. I wasn’t very tired, since it was still around eight and I usually went to bed around ten, but there was nothing else better for me to do.

I looked up and there she was again – smiling brightly at me with her hair flying around her small face in the background. She looked…stunning. And if that didn’t make it harder for me to fall asleep, then every time I shut my eyes, her vision came back to me and instead of seeing the darkness I was supposed to, I saw those shiny, bright blue eyes of hers.

They seemed to be overpowering me and making me feel weaker. There was a part of me that desperately wanted to reach up and touch her, any part of her would do.

I don’t mean that in any perv-y way, but it seemed like she actually wanted the same thing as I did. So, slowly I crept my hand up to at least get to caress her hair back a little from her face, but then I saw her shaking her head at me and I heard that same tinkle of laughter I heard from across the street.

And then something snapped in my head and I realized what the hell I was doing exactly and jerked my head back down.

I ran my hand across my face and through my wavy hair while mumbling, “What the fuck was I just about to do? Make out with my ceiling? Stupid, stupid, stupid!”

That was not what Sam Luna did in his free time. Sam Luna made out with real girls who were crazy for him. It was usually not the other way around. In fact, it was never the other way around!

Another thought occurred to me then: This girl was my best friend’s – or childhood best friend’s right now – girlfriend and I couldn’t just go ahead and fall for her! Like what the hell, it was totally against the guy code!

I sighed and then turned over on to my side, where I found my window open and leading through it was Danny’s sister sleeping with her window open as well.

So, I guess his sister is out of the question as well, huh?’ I thought to myself, as I finally started to feel my eyes start to droop down and close.
♠ ♠ ♠
Not much conversation in this ch, but it was pretty long, huh? =)