Status: Editing it up a little. =)

Falling For My Best Friend's Sister

Falling For My Best Friend's Sister 4 - Edited.

Lucky's POV:

Kassielyn is probably like the best-est friend I’ve ever had in my whole lifetime of living! I mean, she gave up being popular for me! How awesome and sweet was that? Only true friends are able to do such things and I knew now that she truly was a true friend and probably will continue to be till like the end of time – well, hopefully, she will anyway. And I will too.

When I asked her why she refused Crystal’s proposal, she just replied back like she didn’t even care even the slightest bit about it by saying, “Yeah well, being popular and reigning as Princess of Lexington behind her sounds a bit too boring and over dramatic for me,” she shrugged and added, “And besides, all Crystal ever even talks about is shopping, parties and guys! I mean, like seriously, it’s bad enough I have to put up with that every time we have a family reunion which is like every other month and now I’m supposed to like follow in her footsteps?! How stupid is that?!”

Before I could open my mouth to tell her that it’s probably not as bad as it sounds like and that maybe if she gave it a chance, she could probably end up liking it even. I don’t know why I was about to go and suggest that, but maybe it was because of that little nagging thought I always had whenever I met someone new.

It was a fact that whenever I made a new friend, something or the other would happen to them and they would get some type of bad luck and have to live with it for the rest of their lives. I mean, just look at Sunshine. What a great person she was before she met me and entered into Danny and our lives.

But, Sunshine’s from the past and this definitely wasn’t the time to relive that moment. Now was the moment to snap back into reality and remind Kassie what was the right decision to make and for all the reasons why she should.

She must’ve sensed that I was about to say something negative and not agree with her, because she beat me to it before I could even think of the right thing to say back to her.

“And do not even try to tell me wrong! Because I know her better than most people and let me tell you, it is not something that anyone would enjoy! It’s torture! Like pure, pure torture!”

I sighed and rolled my eyes at her.

”Oh come on, you’re a girl! You’re just as crazy about shopping and boys as the next girl! I mean, who doesn’t love guys?” I retorted back.

"Well, that is true," she grinned flirtatiously.

I laughed and soon Kassie joined in with me.

"You are impossible." I told her.

She immediately stopped then and leaned in close to me.

"So," she drew the word out. "Anyone caught your eyes lately?"

I grinned at her.

“Ah, not really,” I shrugged. “Not yet.”

I noticed Kassie brighten up then and I knew this couldn’t be good.

“Well, then why not have a little look around at some of our finest selections?” she gestured around the tables that contained some of the older guys and then some of the seniors. “We have three times of guys here: Cute; hot; and smexy.”

“Smexy?” I questioned her.

“That’s my word for sexy,” she winked at me, then groaned as she added, "Coz you know apparently, sexy can be considered as a "bad word" to some people."

I laughed and rolled my eyes at her again. “Are you sure you’re not being “over dramatic” about this right now? I mean, looks are not really everything there is to a guy. There’s other things that-“

While I was speaking, I moved my eyes around at the random guys seated at the random tables. One of them had caught me looking and winked back at me causing me to shut up immediately.

I smiled back and then back towards Kassie.

“Who was that?” I asked her.

“Oh, just my guy friend, Mike,” she answered me back, biting into a carrot. “Why? You want him?”

She wiggled her eyebrows at me and I shook my head. “No, I was just wondering, is all.”

I started to look around again and soon my eyes stopped on someone particular. He looked older than me, so I assumed he was probably a senior. My eyes seemed to be glued on to him as he was talking with a bunch of other older guys. I was practically gawking at the guy and I knew that any second now he would probably notice or one of his friends would and he would wonder what the hell I was doing, but he didn’t and finally, Kassie noticed where my eyes and mind had wandered off to.

“Well, well, well,” Kassie said, causing me to snap my head back towards her. “I see you’ve got your eyes on Mr. Popular.”

“Who is he?” I questioned, my eyes flitted back over to him.

“His name’s Sam. Sam Luna. He’s the most popular junior here and he has the same dreams as Crystal – to rule the school and become the King. And so far, he’s doin’ pretty good. I mean, even the senior girls are already bowing down to his every whim. I’m sure it won’t be too long before the guys start too.”

“Oh wow,” was all I could say back, but then another thought crossed my mind. “Does he…have a girlfriend?” I tried my best to sound nonchalant, but I knew Kassie was probably looking through my whole act.

“Nope!” she took a sip of her diet coke then and peered at me through her eyelashes, probably waiting for my reaction.

”But…” I struggled to find the right words to ask her, but only came to mind. “Why?! I mean, he’s just so…!”

“Hot and smexy?” Kassie filled in for me.


It was then that the guy’s, Sam’s, eyes flickered over and locked with mine. It was almost as if he had super hearing and overheard every single word that I had just uttered about him. I quickly shoved my head down before he could see my reddened face.

“Shit! Is he still looking?” I whispered to Kassie.

“Yeah, like practically gawking. Kinda like you were almost,” she giggled and I reached over to hit her, and that was when our eyes met again. My eyes widened a bit and I could feel my face turning an extra shade of red. “Alright, he’s not looking anymore.”

I sighed in relief and picked my head up to see that Kassie had lied! He was instead looking even more intently at me. My open up ajar and I had to grit my teeth down extra hard to keep myself from jumping up and running straight out of there, which would make myself look even stupider.

To distract myself then, I turned my head towards Kassie who had gone red as well from trying to stifle a laugh.

“You told me he stopped!” I scolded her.

She was laughing too hard to respond back to me. Ah, I felt so frickin’ embarrassed! It took her a while to stop, but when she did, I noticed that the guy was no longer staring back at me and Kassie was alright to give me some more info on him.

“Some people think he’s gay.” she said all of a sudden. She had caught me off guard and at that time was stuffing the rest of my pizza into my mouth, but just hearing something like that was enough for me to start choking on it. I quickly swallowed down some of my soda and when I was done with my mini-heart attack, I turned back towards Kassie to see if she were really serious about this or not.

"Why? Is he?" I wondered aloud.

I sure hoped not, but you know how everyone always said that the cutest of the guys always turned out to be gay. And even though I had nothing against people like that, it still made me feel really bad for all those other girls who try so desperately to get them to fall for them, but sadly, it just won’t ever happen.

“Nah, they’re just haters," she smiled at me. “But, I don’t think so. Coz, you know what I think?”

I waited to hear what she had to say, but then I realized that that wasn’t a rhetorical question.

“Oh, no. What?” I piped in.

“I think that he’s probably just waiting for that girl to pop up in his life and join him in this quest to rein the school,” I watched as Kassie took out a small compact mirror out of her bag and start reapplying her make-up as I thought over what she had just informed me in. “Like that’ll happen though!”

“Well, it could. You never know right?”

She shrugged and without thinking then, my eyes swept back over to the popular table and noticed Danny seated there as well now. He caught my eye then and waved to me. I grinned and waved back.

“Hey.” I heard a deep voice behind me say then and as I looked up, I saw the guy who had winked at me just moments before while Kassie and I were boy hunting for some new eye candy for me or whatever.

"Hi." I smiled back and up at him.

"Oh hey, Mike, what's up?" Kassie added in.

“And hey to you too, Kas.” he grinned at her next.

“So, uh, what brings you here?”

“Well, I was just bored sittin’ alone, thought I’d come on over and join you two,” the guy and Kassie looked as if they were sharing some private joke that I clearly had no part in. “If that’s alright with you, princess.”

“Sure, why wouldn’t it be?” she challenged back to him.

“Oh, I don’t know, you seem pretty pissed at me these days.”

”But, that’s only ‘cause you’ve been avoiding me.”

”And that’s only ‘cause of your bitchy little cousin.”

“Yeah, well, Crystal does have a bit of tendency to being bitchy,” she grinned up at him then in a much nicer way. “And sure, you may have a seat.”

Instead of taking a seat next to Kassie on the round table we were seated at, he took the one next to me. It was then that I noticed his appearance some more. He had a deep blue black colored hair with the soft blue eyes, much like mine but not as bright. One of his eyes was covered with his side bangs. I realized he was emo then, but he was a cute one. With some black eyeliner and matching black nails, he wore tight black skinny jeans with a chain on the side – which, by the way, I knew by now was not allowed in school – a black Jack Skellington hoodie and a pair of black and white converses – which he had drawn two guys and a heart on the right pair and on the left there was a similar picture but with two girls instead.

“So, you’re new?” Mike turned to me.

“Uh yeah, I’m Lucky.” I replied.

After meeting Kassie and seeing how she hadn’t at all reacted towards my name as I had expected, it didn’t even occur to me that Mike might not do the same.

He gave me a wide grin before joking, “Well, that you are,” just as I was about to set him straight, he continued on. “This school’s pretty much the best school you’ll ever find in California.”

I smiled back at him. “Yeah, we’ll see about that. High school is high school no matter where you go.”

“Well, it’s nice to meet you anyway. My name’s Mike.” he stuck his hand out at me then and I shook it.

His hand felt soft and warm in mine. Unlike most guys who had chubby or strong fingers, he had thin and soft ones that seemed to fit perfectly through mine. Cheesy line, I know, but right now it just felt as if that line were perfectly true and whoever had made it up obviously has experienced something like I was right now.

I mean, no matter how hard I tried to look away from that beautiful face of Mike’s – with his bright shining eyes and the wide grin plastered on his face – there was just no possible way for me to avoid it all. And much to my surprise, it seemed like the exact same for him as well.

It was only when Kassie said, “Uh…guys?” and snapped her fingers in between us, that I finally retreated back to earth and managed to look away.

But, I realized it then that Mike hadn’t let go of my hand as of yet and instead he was rubbing it softly with the back of his thumb. I looked at me through the corner of my eye and gave him a small smile to show him that I didn’t mind at all. Mike just grinned back at me, causing me to blush redder. Thank God, that Kassie had noticed this between us yet or else who knows what she would’ve started thinking – or worse saying!

Suddenly, I saw Danny coming over to us and I quickly averted my eyes away from him and towards Danny instead.

“Hey Lucky.” he said. He was smiling, but I knew something was up from the way that his eyes were down and looking sad.

“Oh hey, Danny.” I tried to say casually; instead of like I actually wished he weren’t here right now. I knew what he was about to do and I didn’t like it.

Danny turned his eyes off of me and trailed them towards Mike.

“Who are you?” he said to him.

I wanted to open my mouth and tell him straight, but before I could do so, Mike beat me to it.

“I’m Mike,” he said. “Lucky’s new guy friend.” I felt Mike drop my hand down then. “Is that your boyfriend?”

“No. Brother.” I answered him quickly, hoping that hearing that Mike would find the courage to hold onto my hand again. But, he didn’t. And maybe he did, but he just didn’t feel like doing so while Danny was still here.

“So, uh, Danny, what’s up?” I asked, getting up and walking over to him, so whatever he said then, I could make sure it was only between us two and so, neither Kassie nor Mike could hear.

I figured that the sooner I spoke with him, the faster I’d figure out what was up and what his excuse was for coming here and then hopefully solve it and send him back to his popular table on his merry way.

“Nothin’ much,” he grinned then and I knew he wasn’t going to be letting this up anytime soon. “I just saw you eyein’ my buddy Sam.”

My eyes went wide a little as I realized what he had just said.

”Wait, you’re friends with the popular guy Sam Luna?”

“That’s right,” he grinned even wider. “So, uh, you like him, don’t you?”

My cheeks grew red as I started sputtering up air as I tried desperately to find the right words to make him shut up without letting him know that’s won.

“Like him?!” I finally managed out. “I don’t even know him! Why the hell should I go and like someone I don’t even know?”

“Sure. I know you’ve given up on that habit, but just…be careful, won’t you? It’s true that old habits die hard.”

I couldn’t believe he was saying that and too in front of my new friends. If he was so bent on opening up old wounds, then I could do the same.

I grinned at him and batted my eyelashes. “Oh don’t you worry, dear brother, I’ll try my absolute best to stay away from older guys and I hope you can accomplish the same with the ladies. And you know how some girls may look soft and sweet, but inside there’s so much more and a whole different story,” I waited to see the reaction on his face before adding. “Anyways brother, I wish you well and bid you farewell.”

“Touché.” he muttered.

“Hmmp!” I spun around on my heels and went to go sit back down in my seat.

After Danny was gone and off my case now, I looked over Mike again through the corner of my eye, but no matter how long I stared at him, he just ignored me and wouldn’t look back. So, I just shrugged and gave up, huffing slightly and started picking at my food with my fork.

“So, is your brother like getting a ride everyday with his friend now?” I heard Kassie ask me then.

“Oh, uh, yeah, I guess. I mean, he seems pretty close with “Mr. Popular” and who knows maybe he’ll turn popular too and then he’ll think he’s too good for us and probably refuse to be seen in public with me, so yeah why not right?” I answered her, bitterly.

I knew that Danny really wouldn’t do something like that. He loved me too much, but I was still too pissed to care what came out of my mouth.

“I’m sure he wouldn’t do that,” Kassie tried to assure me with a gentle smile, but I just shrugged my shoulders at her. She shut up then and I felt kinda bad, but before I could say anything, she beat me to it. “I wonder how it feels to ride on a motorcycle anyway.”

“I know, right? I’ve always wanted to ride on one.” I replied back with a grin.

“I have a motorcycle.” Mike finally spoke up.

“Seriously?” I turned my head towards him.

This was a perfect advantage for us to start talking again and I wasn’t going to be wasting it by saying or doing anything wrong this time.

“Yeah, I could like bring it in tomorrow and give you a ride on it, if you’d like.” he suggested.

I felt my grin widened at the idea.

“Thanks, that’d be so awesome!” I exclaimed.

I heard Kassie clear her throat from across the table, reminding me that she too was here with us.

“Does, uh, this motorcycle of yours fit three people?” she asked quietly.

Mike laughed. “Yeah, you can come too, Kas.”

“Ooh yay!” she cheered.

It was settled then, we were gonna get a ride on Mike's bike tomorrow. That'll show Danny!
♠ ♠ ♠
Mike's Outfit:
Mike's Chain: