Status: Editing it up a little. =)

Falling For My Best Friend's Sister

Falling For My Best Friend's Sister 5 - Edited.

Lucky's POV:

The next day as promised, Mike drove his motorcycle to school and had told us about it during lunch. I simply couldn’t wait for the day to end after hearing about it then. And when it finally did though, Kassie and I raced outside to look out for it. I was the first to spot it and when I did, I started to suddenly get second thoughts about it.

But, they immediately cleared up when I felt a soft hand on my shoulder.

“Ready to go, ladies?” I heard Mike say in my ear.

I turned around to find his beautiful face staring at me expectantly.

“Uh yeah,” I answered him. “Definitely.”

“Cool.” I swear I could feel a cool breath of air on my face as I stared intently back into his eyes and suddenly, I could no longer feel the nervousness that was once all clogged up in me.

“Oh, this is gonna be so awesome!” Kassie squealed from next to me and

I had once again forgotten that she was around and witnessing this as well. I bit my lip from letting myself revealing my blush and nodded my head in agreement. Kassie and Mike went down the steps of the school and I followed behind them. I was just about to walk over to the school parking lot when I felt a sudden grip on my elbow pull me back. I snapped around and was soon face-to-face with Danny.

“What?!” I asked him incredulously.

God, I can’t believe he’s about to seriously do this now!’ I thought angrily to myself.

“Where do you think you’re goin’ with that emo guy?” Danny replied back through his teeth.

“First of all: his name is Mike! And second: he’s letting me and Kassie take a ride on his motorcycle.” I pulled my arm away from him then.

“Well…!” he sounded pretty tired and I wondered if I should just stop it, but then he opened up his mouth again. “Sam told me that that guy isn’t good; he’s trouble. Real, big trouble.”

I shook my head at what he was saying. It was impossible and he was lying and we both knew it.

“Why would Sam care about me?” I asked aloud.

Just the thought of something like that made my ears burn bright.

“Well, I swear to God, if he hurts you in any way…!” he trailed.

I just rolled my eyes and placed my hands on hips.

“Lemme guess,” I added in. “You’ll get Sam to beat him up for me?”

“You’re damn right I will.”

Wow, he sounds pissed.’ I thought to myself, dropping my hands.

But, I could see right through his act, so I dropped my attitude as well.

“Well, maybe it’s not Sam that cares so much about me, it’s you!” I accused him.

Danny stayed silent then and instead just sighed softly. I knew what was coming then. He stuffed his hands in his pockets and was staring down at his shoes.

“Danny…” I trailed off, not knowing what to say.

“Just…just be careful. Please!” he said softly then. “I mean, I already lost one girl in my life, I really don’t need to lose another one.”

I knew Danny was talking about his late girlfriend, Sunshine. They were both really in love, but then one day she got into an accident and he was never the same again. He’s been pretty upset ever since then and that was one of the reasons why we decided to move back here – to help him forget about her already and just move on to someone new. As if that were so easy. I knew exactly how it felt to lose a loved one and it definitely wasn’t an easy thing to just get up and move on just like that.

So, it wasn’t anything new for me when Danny was being a little overprotective over me all the time.

“Hey, you comin’?” I heard Mike call to me from the parking lot then.

“Y-yeah, I’ll be right there!” I called back to him. Then I turned back towards Danny, he was hanging his head again. “Aw!” I leaned over and hugged him close to me. “Don’t worry, Danny, I promise, nothing is ever going to happen to me!”

Danny sighed deeply and then finally raised his head up. “If you say so.”

“So, can I go?” I asked, hopefully, looking deep into his eyes.

Danny nodded then and in all my happiness, I pulled him into a tight hug and kissed his cheek loudly. Then, before he could even think of changing his mind, I quickly ran over to Kassie and Mike.

“Hey, everything ok?” Mike asked, upon my late approaching.

“Yeah, everything’s perfect.” I grinned at him.

“Oh, I so can’t wait for this!” Kassie added from next to me.

Dammit! When did I seriously become this clueless and oblivious to others around me?!’ I cursed myself. ‘I mean, this isn’t the first time I’ve found a guy cute and it certainly won’t be the last, but why does this stupid thing where I think that Mike and I are the only ones left on the Earth thing keep happening? Kassie’s my best friend and I keep forgetting about her and pushing her away until she says or does something to snap me back to reality.’ I shook my head at myself. ‘God, I’m such a hopeless mess…

“So, hey, ready to get on it?” I heard Mike ask me.

“Yeah. Sure!” I thought of something then. “Oh hey, you mind if I sit up front? You know like in front of you, because I have this strange fear where I feel as if I sit in the back I might fall off and if I sit in the middle, the same thing’ll happen, except that time I might take Kas with me. And I really don’t think that’ll be the best thing for us.”

”Oh yeah, that’s no problem.”

“Thanks, ‘cause I’m pretty sure if I have you behind me, nothing’ll go wrong.” I smiled.

Mike grinned back at me. “Yeah, I promise nothing will go wrong as long as you’re with me.”

I felt my face start to go red at his comment, but I forced myself to focus on what really mattered. And besides, the sooner I got on the bike, the faster my fears will be gone, and the quicker Danny’ll figure out that Mike isn’t that bad of a guy once you go to know him a little bit better.

“Hold on tight, girls.” Mike instructed us.

I had figured Kassie would probably be holding onto Mike, but there was a part that I hadn’t figured out: What am I supposed to hold on to exactly?

Mike chuckled softly as he must’ve realized I had no idea what I was supposed to and told me to just hold onto the handlebars. I must’ve had a pretty incredulous look on my face, because he just laughed again and told me to trust him.

Before I could say anything else then, Mike placed his own hands on top of mine as they stretched out from underneath my own stretched out ones. I turned my head to look at him then without thinking and once again my eyes were completely frozen on him. Mike didn’t seem to really notice though or maybe he did, but just rather didn’t feel like looking back at me. I was pretty glad for that actually, because if he did he probably would’ve been completely aware of my burning face.

It was finally when Mike started the bike with a loud roar that I jumped slightly and looked away. It’s been quite a while since I’ve last ridden on a bike like this and I guess I wasn’t as used to it, so I was pretty much clinging onto the handlebars with my whole life in the beginning. Mike must’ve noticed that as well, because he went as slow as possible for me and that too without saying a word at all, probably not to embarrass me or anything.

“Hey Mike.” I said at one point during the ride when I was beginning to feel the familiar rush of the wind and felt more comfortable with it.

“Yeah?” he asked, briefly glancing over at me.

“Would you…I don’t know, like, teach me how to ride a motorcycle properly, one day? I really would like to learn.” I replied.

“Ooh, me too!” Kassie added from behind him. Her voice came out a little muffled, since she was wearing the helmet. Mike had offered his helmet to me as well, but I refused it. I was trying to show him how all brave I could really be, but I guess I should have accepted his offer while I still could along with listening to his warning about how bugs could fly into my mouth as well.

“Sure.” he answered to the both of us.

But, then I felt Mike lean down close to me and whisper softly in my ear, “Anything for you.”

I felt his warm breath tickling my face and warming it up even more. Then, without even thinking it over or what Mike’s reacting would be like, I just lied my head back down on his shoulder and closed my eyes, sighing deeply. I was surprised when he brought his hands closer to mine – almost as if he were squeezing me tight – but I wasn’t that surprised over it.

When we had finally come to a stop in front of my house, I reopened up my eyes and pulled my head back from Mike. Kassie was the first to get up and it seemed almost as if she were hyperventilating. I felt bad for the poor girl and tried my best to sooth her.

“You should have said something, Kas!” I scolded her.

“I-I didn’t want to ruin the day! Or-or seem s-s-silly.” she stammered out.

I gave her a hug and asked her to come in with me, so I could get her like a glass of water or something. I offered Mike the same, but he said he had to get going. That upset me a little, but hey at least now Danny wouldn’t get to say anything else to or about him while we were there together.

When I walked inside with Kassie, I found Danny in the kitchen.

“Well, I see you’ve gotten home all in one piece.” he said when he spotted us.

“And I see that you were totally wrong about Mike in the first place!” I retorted back.

“Yeah, yeah, whatever,” he waved his hand in the air, almost as if he were trying to dismiss the fact that Mike was the good guy here. “But, Sam still says-“

”Where is he anyway?” I cut him off.

“Home.” he answered simply.


I got a glass of water for the still pretty nervous Kassie sitting on the couch and started smoothing down her hair for her while she drank it down. Soon, the color was returning to her face and she was all alright again and I had nothing to worry about.

“Dude, Kas, next time say something if you’re having a miniature heart attack!” I warned her.

“I will. I promise!” she replied.

“God, you had me so worried!”

“Well, the damage is already done now anyway. I’ll be fine soon.”

“You sure?” I asked again to make sure.

“Yeah, positive,” she gave me one of her broad grins. “Let’s go do our homework upstairs or something?”

“Alright. But, if you need anything, I’m here for you. And so is Danny.” I smiled back at her.

It was only after Kassie and I had finished all of our homework and after she had left, that I plopped down on my bed and started daydreaming about Mike all over again.
♠ ♠ ♠
Mike's Motorcycle: