Status: Acitve! I'll Update as much as I can!! Because of School!D:

When the World Cuts Your Soul Into Pieces, I Will Be There, Zoom Into Me

The Beginning

I woke up to the sound of someone yelling my name. I curled up into a small ball and pressed myself to the wall. Hoping I wouldn't get seen tonight. I heard my door open and saw my dad come in. I pressed against the wall harder.
"Found you bitch!" I felt pain go through my head as I was dragged to my feet with my hair. I stayed quiet,not letting them get to know that he was hurting me more than he knew. I felt a spasm of pain go through my face. I cupped my eye.
"Mom!" He kicked me in the leg. I fell to the ground.
"She left dumb bitch!" He started to kick me repeatedly. I was gasping at the pain and trying not to cry.
"Honey?" My moms voice rang out.
"Shit!" My father walked out of the room. I laid there broken and hurting. I looked down to see blood trickling down my hand.
"Crap." I put pressure on my arm to help stop the bleeding. My hand was covered in blood,but it finally stopped. I got up slowly making sure that I could stand. My leg wobbled a bit. It was bruised. I got up slowly and made my way towards my bed. I laid on it for the last time.
I walked towards the stairs. I had my backpack in my hand. My parents were asleep. I quietly walked into the living room.
"I'm sorry mom." I walked out of the house. I was tired of being abused,tired of being alone. My friends hate me,my mom doesn't know anything about my dad abusing me. I ran. Tears sliding down my face. No one will ever know. My legs burned as I came to a stop. No one will ever know. I looked down the streets. I saw one car coming down the road at great speed. I threw my backpack down and jumped in front of the car. The feeling of it hitting me was like some one standing on your chest. I was flying through the air. I made impact with the ground. My legs hitting first. I heard someone screaming.
"TOM! You just hit someone!"
"Oh,Mien GOTT!" I heard someone running.
"Call an ambulance!" I felt someone put their hand on my face. It was warm and soft. I opened my eyes. I was staring at a engal. That's when the pain started. sucked in a breath.
"Don't die!" I heard a voice say. It was the engal's. His voice was indescribable. I tried to move my arm. I felt something lift me. I heard the sirens. No! I wanted to die! I couldn't move my body. I stayed limp. I kept trying every time my strength going away. Gott just let me die! Each time I would try to move the darkness came closer.
"No." My voice rang out as the darkness engulfed me.

Bill's P.o.v.

I was staring out my window. Today was just another long boring day. I sighed and looked out the windshield. I saw a girl. She looked like she was going to cross the street. She stepped out into the street.
"TOM!" She made an impact with the car. Tom screeched to a halt. I jumped out of the car. I ran to see the girl laying on the ground. She looked like she was dying.
"Oh,Mien GOTT!" Tom yelled.
"Call an ambulance!" I screamed on the top of my lungs. That's when the girl twitched. Her eyes opened for a split second and rolled back into her head.
"Don't die!" I started to panic. The sirens could be heard. I picked her up. She was bleeding everywhere.
"No!" Her voice rang out. She fell completely limp.

Stevie's Po.v.

I woke up and was staring at a bright light. I heard a beeping sound. Shit! This wasn't heaven. My head started to pound as I tilted it to the left.
"Hello?" My voice was raspy. I heard someone move. I saw a pair of chocolate brown eyes.
"She's awake!" His voice rang through my ears. It was no other than the man I admire and loved. Bill Kaulitz. I took in a breath. I saw another pair of eyes.
"W-Why the hell is Tom and Bill Kaulitz here?"
"We're so sorry! You stepped out so suddenly!" Bill shot me a very sympathetic look.
"You know who we are?" I nodded.
"Who doesn't!" Tom shook his head.
"We're going to take care of the checks and everything." Tom got up to get the doctor.
"How long was I out?" My voice was quivering.
"Only for a day!" I looked at him.
"You're supposed to be out alot longer!" I tried to get up. I looked down. I saw everything was intact. I looked down and saw my arm. It was bruised up really badly. It was black and purple.
"Why did you jump in front of the car?" His lips next to my ear made me shiver.
"I-I" The door opened and I saw the doctor. He looked at the charts.
"Stevie Emerson."
"Alright,now can you move everything?" I flexed every muscle a little. A small spasm of pain went through the muscle. I nodded my head.
"Now do you have anyone to contact?"
"N-No sir." I replied quickly. He looked at me and quirked his eyebrow.
"Alright." He seemed unsure. He walked away and I relaxed. I didn't want to go back to that hellhole. I looked towards Bill and Tom.
"Don't you need to be somewhere?" They looked at me confused."Like a concert?Photoshoot?Or a interview?"
"Nein!" Bill got up."We took a break from that."
"I-I'm sorry." Tom looked up from his phone.
"It's not your fault!" I sighed knowing it was. I looked around.
"Here's your backpack!" I grabbed it from him. I looked in it. Everything was still intact. I sighed.
"You know you can go now." I moved a little. My eye twitched from the pain even though I probably had pain killers.
"Nein! We're going to stay here and help you,since we did this to you!" Bill was going all diva on me.
"I did this to myself."I mumbled that so no one could here that.
"What?"" I tensed.
"Nothing!" I laughed nervously. He didn't seem to buy it. My head stung. I held it.
"Are you hungry?" Bill got up and looked at me. As if on cue my stomach growled. He started to laugh and walk out the door. I blushed.
"So where do you live?" Tom walked over to me.
"I-I don't have a place." He raised his eyebrow like the doctor did.
"Your lying!"
"No I'm not!" I sat up suddenly. My head pounded even harder. I laid back down. Tom had concern in his eyes.
"Are you sure? Because someone is here for you." I tensed up. My eyes filled with horror. He seemed to notice it.
"Hey! Are you alright?" I laid there. NO! He can't be here! Just not here.
"Stevie, she says she's your mother."
"N-No! She's not." I felt the tears coming on.
"Did this get out on tv?" He nodded. Schiesse! I'm screwed. I saw the door open. There was two figures. I tensed up and grabbed Tom's shirt. There they where. My mother and father.
"Stevie!' My mom hugged me. I flinched at the contact. My father stood there staring at me. I looked at Tom. I know he knows somethings wrong.
"Why'd you leave?!"
"I-I had to go to the store and get something." I lied through my teeth. My mom seemed to buy it,but my dad he knows why. He stepped closer to me.
"Jessica,honey,Stevie looks like she's hungry. Why don't you get her some food?" I looked terrified.
"Oh that won't be needed sir,my brother is getting her some food." Tom saved me. He glared at me.
"Young man,who are you?" My mom started to notice Tom.
"I'm Tom Kaulitz,nice to meet you ma'am." I looked at him. When did he become a gentleman?
"Why are you here with my daughter?" Tom looked down.
"I-I was the one that hit her." My mom's eyes widen. She got up and was about to hit him in the face.
"Mom,I didn't look both ways,it was my fault." She looked back at me.
"Stevie,baby are you alright?" I sighed.
"I guess." Bill came in with food. I felt hunger rush over me. I never knew that I was that hungry.
"Here you go Stevie." He handed me the box. I opened it to see spaghetti. I looked up.
"Danke." He smiled. My mom looked at him.
"Hello,ma'am. I'm Bill Kaulitz. Nice to meet you."
"Hello." My mom looked at me for a second.
"Where do I know him?" She was confused for a second.
"My CDs?"
"Oh,yeah!" She looked at them."But I remember two other guys on the cover!"
"Mom,they're not here." I sighed. I looked up and made eye contact with my dad.
"Boy's you can leave,we can handle her." My dad had his teeth clenched as he said that.
"Sorry,sir, We both want to help her since we did this to her,we'll pay the bill."(No pun intended!)
"That's sweet!" My mom was happy. My dad was glaring at me. I looked up at the clock. It was about 5. My dad kept staring at me and made me feel uncomfortable. I looked down and stared to eat fast.
"Wow,slow down." My mom turned towards me. Giving Tom and Bill a few seconds away from her constant chatter. Tom looked a little annoyed while Bill looked happy answering her questions. I sighed and eat slower. I was starting to panic. My dad got up.
"Jessi, I think she'll be fine,just lets go home and get some rest." My mom walked towards me.
"Gute nacht,honey." She kissed my head. They left. Bill and Tom were staring at me.
"Stevie,what's up with your dad?" Tom broke he silence. I never thought that would be telling them this,but if I do then I won't go back.
"M-My dad abuses me." My eyes started to water. Bill gasped and grabbed my hand. Tom stood there shocked."My mom doesn't know,anything. A-And the reason you hit me is because I wanted you to." Bill looked into my eyes."Because I wanted to d-die." My voice choked at the word."But you wouldn't let me." The tears started to flow freely.
"Stevie!" I Felt Bill's arms wrap around me."I promise I won't let you go back. I promise you will never get hurt again!"
"Thanks Bill!" I sobbed into his shirt.
Bill and Tom never left my side knowing that my dad will try to get me. Now,he won't be able to. Today is the day that I'm being discharged. Today is the day of my 19th birthday. February 22. Bill and Tom don't know that it's my birthday and I want to keep it that way. I'd been in the hospital for a week. Bill and Tom insisted on taking them with me. They say that I was one of the few people they felt connected to. I'd finally agreed to stay with them,because I didn't want to go back. My mom and dad don't know I'm going to disappear today,nor that they'll never see me again. The only thing I'll regret is that I can't take my mother. She was the only one that showed me any affection,but now I have Tom and Bill. Tom's like an older brother to me. Always worrying. Bill is my best friend. Even though I want it to be more. He probably doesn't even see me like that. I'm just another girl that's worthless,but still can't help falling in love with him. Love at first sight. I walked out of the hospital to be meet by a black escalade. Bill had my bags in hand and put them in he back. I shivered as my hand made contact with the cold metal of the car. I opened the door and got in. It smelled of coffee and mint. I sighed as the car started to move.
"Where are we suppose to go?"
"Were going to stay in a hotel out of town. I sighed as my hometown passed through the window. I defiantly won't miss it. All the people that hurt me is here and now I won't. I closed my eyes. I could hear the beat of Tom's music. No loud noises or my had will hurt. I fell asleep to the sound of Tom and Bill talking in the front.
"What are we going to do?"
"We're taking her with us! We can't abandon her." Bill's voice rang through my head."She's the"
"The what?"
"The one."
I fell asleep thinking of what he said and the promises. The one? Is he really not going to hurt me? I hope I can tell him the way I feel.

Little did they know that Bill wouldn't be able to keep one of those promises. Hearts will be broken,lies will be told,people start drama and who will come out alright? Stevie,Bill,Tom? Where's Gustav and Georg? Will they love each other or plain out hate each other? Find out as the story continues.
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Hope you like it Stevie!!!<3 This is for you and for being an amazing friend!! You help me get through the days!! Comment!!!:D