Tell Me

"Why do you keep 'helping' me? Do I look like I need it? Do I have a big sign on my forehead saying 'helpless' or something?" I barked.
He shrugged his shoulders lazily and flipped his hair out of his eyes, "No, it's just I'm a caring person."
"Maybe you should careless then." I glared at him, and turned only to hear him mumble something as I walked off.

What happened to the old cheer leading, brand wearing girl that the Dillion family knew and loved? They think that Reese changed her style and interests from the pressure of high school a few years back. Was it high school or was it something- or someone back at her old school that changed her? Now Reese is self-dependent, and thought to "hate everything and everyone." She admits she hates a lot, but not everything.

Will her new life in yet another new state change her back to her old ways, or at least tone down the hate?