‹ Prequel: Backwards
Sequel: For Good, or For Bad
Status: Done! <3 Comments welcomes :3 (Expect a sequel!)

But, He's My Boyfriend

One shot.

I grinned in the arms of my beautiful boyfriend blushing starring into his eyes. He smiled and leaned in and pressed his lips onto my cheek. He tightened his grip around my waist and I let out a quiet whine of pleasure. Shawn kissed down my neck, pressing his lips softly against my skin. I closed my eyes breathing in his sweet scent of vanilla.

"I love you, Nikki." He whispered in my ear before planting a kiss on my lips. I smiled leaning my head on his shoulder.

"I love you too, Shawn." Just as mine and Shawn's lips were about to reconnect the warning bell rang signaling five more minutes until first period classes start. Shawn sighed shaking his head. He stood up grabbing his book bag and slung it over his shoulder and bent down to grab my book bag too.

"Come on or we'll be late." I nodded taking my book bag from him and we walked out of the Auditorium.

Shawn and I have been together since sophomore year, and these past two years with him have been amazing. I love him so much. But recently him and I haven't been spending much time together. He's been busy with student government, he's the president, and he just started soccer. I see him in school during the day, but after school something always comes up. Whether it's an emergency student council meeting, or soccer practice, or just a project that he has to work on, these past few weeks have felt distant.

Shawn is more popular than I am. He knows just about everyone in this school and is friends with the majority of them. I pretty much keep to myself. My social life doesn't exist beyond him. Where every he goes I'm right by his side. Parties, cheering him on at a soccer game or in the office while he gives the morning announcements. My life pretty much revolves around him. And I'm OK with that.

The bell rang and I headed to the cafeteria for lunch. I dropped off my books at my locker than walked in to the cafeteria. Shawn was already seated wit his many friends crowding him. I slowly walked up the them and he smiled when he saw me sliding down in the booth to make room for me.

Everyone smiled at me and I smiled back with a small wave. Shawn kissed my cheek and wrapped his arm around my shoulder and I sat quietly at his side while him and his friends socialized. They discussed their plans for the weekend kicking things off with a party tonight At Rachel's house. Of course I'd show up behind Shawn, smiling and sitting quietly where ever he sat. That's usually how most social events went when I was with Shawn.

I was always a shy person. I never really branched out to the people or made many friends in elementary or middle school. When I got to high school I was no different. Just your average teenager trying to get by. Then one Chemistry period during my sophomore year I got paired up with Shawn as my partner. We started talking and soon enough he started calling me and I guess things sort of just went on from there. Every day in my head I thank Mr. Mondalla for paring us up. If it weren't for him, I would be a high school nobody staying home on Friday nights and no boyfriend.

Even though I never socialize at parties, or school functions, I'm still out there. Being exposed to all the things teenagers do. Shawn may be at a big party with a lot of people and friends always calling him, but he never leaves me behind. He's always reaching out for me and making sure that I'm OK. And I love him for that. Some of his friends get annoyed by how much attention he gives me compared to them, but they'll just have to deal with it.

"See you guys later." Shawn called. I sighed when I saw his ex girlfriend Lexi jump up from her seat and run over tackling Shawn into a hug.

"OK hun. See you later." She glared at me and I frowned looking down at my shoes. Shawn waved to his friends then wrapped arm around my waist and we walked to the library. I dragged my feet along starring straight ahead. I could see Shawn glance at me a few times from the side of my eye. I bit my lower lip looking down when he pulled me in to the realistic fiction section.

"Are you OK?" Shawn asked stepping in closer to me wrapping both his arms around my waist. I nodded forcing a smile.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I whispered. Shawn half smiled kissing my cheek and pulling me in for a hug. Our lunches usually went like this. We'd sit in the cafeteria for about fifteen to twenty minutes, Shawn chatting and me just sitting and listening, then we'd come to the library for some alone time. Which would only last for about five or ten minutes.

Shawn smiled down at me and pressed his lips to mine softly. I wrapped my arms around his neck taking another step in closer to him closing the gap between us. As my lips parted Shawn's name was called. He turned to see who it was and I rolled my eyes dropping my hands to my side as Clare approached us with her trusty clip board,

Clare is the school treasurer and is always on Shawn's ass about something. Stealing him away from me leaving me to walk the halls alone. I can't stand her. Clare pushed back her glasses and scampered to Shawn's side holding her clip board in his face.

"Have you forgotten the dead line to place the uniform orders?! We need to make some calls now, before the season starts." Shawn glared at her shaking his head.

"We'll call after school." Clare shook her head grabbing Shawn's arm and dragging him with her.

"Impossible. There's far too much to do after school. Now is the only free time." I shook my head watching Clare walk away with my boyfriend. No type of alone time.

I sat down sighing heavily and pulled my knees to my chest. Shawn is all I have. I don't live with my parents and lost touch with most of a family about two years ago. I've been living on my own for three. My dad is an abusive alcoholic, and my mom died in a car accident. With out Shawn, I'm alone in this world.

The warning bell for next period rang and I gathered myself and headed for my next class. Only two more periods before school is over. I'm sure I can pull through and the time will pass in decent time.

When school finally ended, I descended down the hallway to my locker and sigh in contempt when I saw Shawn leaning against it. He smiled at me holding out his arms and just as I was about to hug him Lexi jumped into Shawn's arms.

"OMG! Party at my house tonight!" I stepped back some giving the two of them some room. Shawn nodded pulling away from Lexi.

"Cool, me and Nikki will drop by." I rolled my arms crossing my arms over my chest. Lexi glared back at me then put on a smile for Shawn.

"Kay, party starts at 8!" She skipped off hugging other guys and telling them about her party. I bit my lower lip fighting back the strong urge to say mean things about her and shook off the anger that was starting to build inside me. Shawn shook my lightly and I looked up at him.

"Is something wrong? You've been acting real down lately." I shook my head, confused.

"No I haven't." Shawn sighed turning to my locker and opening it for me, grabbing my book bag and homework, then handing them over to me. "Thanks." I muttered. Shawn rocked back on his heels forcing a smile.

"I have student government for about an hour. Do you wanna come or I'll pick you up at your place later." I stared at Shawn for a moment. It's like he's always finding something to do so that he doesn't have to be with me.

I slowly backed away from him turning my back. "I'll just see you tomorrow." I started walking away but Shawn grabbed my arm.

"You don't want to go to the party with me?" I shook my head trying to escape his grasp.

"Not really."

"Come on Nikki, please? It'll give us a chance to spend some time together." I looked back at him dropping both arms to my sides.

"Why don't you just come over after the meeting so we're not surrounded by a hundred other people." Shawn sighed wrapping his arms around my waist.

"You know I like parties. Please Nikki? Come with me to the party and I'll sleep over your house tonight." Shawn kissed my cheek then moved his lips down to my neck. He hasn't slept over my house in about a month. I smiled thinking of how we'd spend the alone time. I wrapped my arms around Shawn's neck and pressed my lips to his lightly. He smiled looking down at me.

"Is that a yes?" I nodded grinning. He pecked his lips to mine once more before heading off to his meeting. I turned and started walking towards the door.

"Hey Nicholas." I turned looking back at Lexi.

"Enjoy your fun with Shawn while you can."

I threw my book bag to the floor and stormed inside my room and rummaged through my drawers. Lexi! Lexi Lexi! God! I shook her from my head and looked for a good outfit to wear tonight. I need something that will make Shawn's jaw drop and have him glued to my side. I smiled pulling out my pair of super black skinnies, then grabbed a purple V neck. I took a quick shower then sprayed myself with Axe. It took my about seven minutes to put on my jeans, then I pulled on my V neck. How should I do my hair? I comb threw it with my fingers then grabbed some more body spray.

I glanced over at my digital clock and it read 7:54. I smiled to myself grabbing my phone off the charger. There was a knock on my door and I rushed to answer it. I shook my hair from my face then turned the door knob. Shawn starred at my wide eyed and his mouth dropped a few inches.

"Wo- Wow. Nick you look amazing." I blushed stepping on the other side of my door then closing it behind me.

"Thanks. You look good too babe." He smiled pulling me closer to him and pressing his lips to mine. I smiled in between kisses feeling like patting myself on the back. Way to look super hot Nicholas! Pats self on back.

"Come on, let's head over to the party." I nodded and Shawn grabbed my hand and we walked outside to his car.

When we got to Lexi's house, there were people everywhere. Some were having a water gun fight and others were getting wasted on the curb. Shawn and I walked up the pathway with our hands joined together. We walked inside and headed to the living room. Lexi jumped up from the couch when she saw Shawn and rushed over to him. I shook my head in disgust as she threw herself at him, causing him to let go of my hand.

Lexi was wearing a black short skirt and a white top with no straps. Her belly ring was showing and she pulled down the back of her skirt so her whole ass wasn't hanging out Dirty whore.

Shawn seemed impressed though, he scanned her up and down smiling. "Uh wow Lexi! You look amazing. More like slutty. She grinned grabbing his hand and pulling him to the couch where all her other friends were. Shawn waved me over and patted the space next to him. I half smiled making my way towards him but Lexi's best friend Kathy moved and sat next to Shawn. I stopped and glanced between her and Lexi. They exchanged glances and Lexi nodded winking at her.

I shook my head turning around. "Where are you going?" Shawn called over the loud music.

"To get a drink! I replied." I rummaged through Lexi's fridge and found a bottled water hidden in the back. I grabbed his then closed the fridge. I walked out of the kitchen and sat at the bottom of her stair case leading to the second floor. I sat there for what felt like forever, but was really only twenty minutes. I checked my phone and didn't have any missed calls or messages. Maybe he forgot about me.

I stood up and walked back into the living room. It felt like someone just sucker punched me in the gut, when I caught sight of Lexi sitting on Shawn's lap. They were laughing and sharing smiles. She cuddled into his lap and he didn't seem to mind it at all. I can't let this happen. I can' let Lexi steal him away from me. Shawn's all I have. I shook my head and made my way over to where they were and tapped Shawn's shoulder.

"Oh! Nikki where were you?" I half smiled shaking my head.

"Surprised to noticed I was gone." Shawn shook his head sliding Lexi off his lap and grabbed my hands.

"Of course I noticed you were gone. Where'd you go?" Lexi sprang up from the couch and clapped her hands together.

"Ok everyone! It's spin the bottle time." My stomach started to churn and I squeezed Shawn's hands shaking my head.

"Let's go somewhere el-"

"Shawn come on." Lexi said tugging on his arm. Shawn shook his head.

"No thanks Lexi, I'm good." She pouted pulling Shawn's hands away from mine and wrapping them around her waist.

"Please Shawny? I miss those soft lips of yours." He starred at her and chuckled. He's laughing? Are you serious!? I shook my head and turned away storming to the door.

"Nicholas wait!" I ignored his call and rushed out the front door and began walking down the black in the direction of my apartment. "Nikki wait, please!" I shook my head still walking. Shawn jogged to catch up to me and grabbed me, spinning me around.

"I wasn't going to play Nicholas chill." I pushed Shawn away from me.

"Chill?! You want me to chill? How am I supposed to chill knowing some skank is trying to steal you away from me? Can you not see that? Obviously you can't because you were laughing back their like it was nothing. Just forget it Shawn. I'm done."

"What do you mean your done? Lexi doesn't mean anything to me just ignore her." He question pulling me closer to him.

“I can’t Ok! And I can’t keep fighting for you like this! It drives me crazy Shawn. All these people pulling you away from me it drives me insane! You're always being pulled away from me. Whether it's for student government, or at lunch or at parties! I can’t handle it anymore, I give up.”

"No, no Nikki." I shook my head pulling Shawn's arms off me and ran home.


The weekend went by and I was back at school in the cafeteria, sitting alone. I starred at Shawn smiling with his other friends. Lexi was sitting with them. He hasn't said a word to me. He called twice the night of the party, and left messages both times. But I guess the messages he left didn't mean anything.

Nikki please pick up. I'm really sorry please don't be mad. You know I love you more than anything
Why won't you answer? Call me back please. I still wanna sleep over, I wanna spend some time with you Nikki. Pick up your phone.

I bit my lip shaking my head. Maybe I should have answered. I looked back at Shawn's table and saw Lexi sitting on Shawn's lap with the biggest smile plastered on her face. I shouldn't have given up.
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Comments? <3
I hope this still matches the theme D:
I got lost half way threw x_x
and sorry if it seems rushed v.v