Sequel: Awake
Status: Complete.



"Yours..Blake's...Mine..Dean's.." My mother mumbles to me as we fold laundry, setting them in stacks.

I sigh, glad to be around her, and only her. Blake and Mace are working today, thank goodness.
I know I shouldn't be happy Blake's not here, but after what he said, he hasn't spoken to me, or even looked at me.
I fear I've pushed him too far.
It's nice to be away from drama and just have a simple afternoon of folding clothing with my mother.

"Oh, some of Mace's clothes got mixed in with ours" I glance up at her and the t-shirt's she's holding.

"Oh" Is all I say, gently setting a skirt of mine in my pile.

"Well, that's the last of it. Honey, take yours, Blake's and Mace's clothes and put them away"

"Must I?'' I question, not wanting to enter that boys room.

"Yes, you must, now go" Chewing on my lip, I place the three piles of attire in our wicker laundry basket.
I take my time slowly putting mine and Blake's apparel away
As I stand in front of Mace's room, I try to convince myself it's okay.

It's just his room, he's not even in there, just put the clothes away and leave, that's all you have to do.

I take a deep breath and push the door open, entering.

It's dark and cool, a strange stillness resting about it.
A odd smell seems to settle in the air.
Almost like blood and rotten fruit.

Ignoring it, I quickly open his dresser drawers, almost throwing the clothes in.
I stop, seeing something in the back, in the shadows.

Hesitantly, I reach out, my fingers wrapping around something cold.
I pull it forth to see it's a camera.

"Do you like pictures Farrah? I do, I should show you my camera sometimes, there's lots there to see"

I grip it tightly, restraining myself from turning it on.
He wanted to show them to me anyway, so what could be the harm in taking a peek?
I press the little silver button on top of the camera.

I flip through about ten pictures, each has the same thing in it.

I flip back one more and freeze, the air catches in my throat.
I can't breathe.
I can't move.

I can only stare at the picture.

Me on Blake's lap, our lips connected.
I regain enough sense to flip back even more.
Blake and I, from a couple nights ago almost all of them of us kissing.
A few of me sleeping in his arms.

They were taken from the hallway.

I'm about to turn it off when I see a little 'Play' icon in the middle of the screen, showing that it's a movie.
I press a few button trying to turn it on, finally it starts.

Blake's hands are on my back, me in his lap, our lips attached after a moment he pushes me off.
"Go to sleep Farrah"

It ends, as does my ability to stand. I stumble backwards, the back of my legs hitting his bed, making fall onto it.

I feel something under thighs, tossing the camera away from me, afraid and shocked, I pull whatever it is out from under me.

It's notebook, I flip it open and hold back a scream.
He drew pictures of me and him.
I'm naked.
He's naked.
He touching me and doing things to me.

Drawing after drawing, he's doing strange, repulsive things.
My face differs in each on, from screaming in pain to enjoying it.
Spiders, frame the outside of every horrid scene.

Throwing it away from me I jump up and run, wrenching his door open.
I race down the hallway to have strong arms wrap around me and crush my body into a cold chest.

"What did you think of our picture's?"

I scream.
♠ ♠ ♠
Mwhahaah! I'm evil, I know. Well I was getting a little bored and I felt things were dragging out, so here ya'll go!
Things will be moving more fast past, more questions will be answered and asked etc.
You'll see:)

This chapter goes to The-Joker, rivals are insane, beLIEve;, Rockin.Lika.Haner, Fixed At Zero, BooMonster, heartxxxbreaker, theUnknownandCurios, Potter;, per sempre., Purplegiraffe99 and sociallyawkward:)