Status: Will write this story over at

I Didn't Know I'd Love You So Much


Graverobber knocked on Shilo's door as she just sighed, knowing that he must've needed something. She opened the door for him and let him enter. She knew she should've locked the gate, afraid of who might come by and tresspass her home. Thankfully, it was only Graverobber. But then again, this was Graverobber that she was talking about.

"Hey, kid! It's been a while," Graverobber said and then smiled at her, trying to seduce her. Obviously, Shilo wasn't affected at all.

"You need something, don't you?" She asked, straight to the point. Graverobber just shrugged innocently and walked around her.

"What made you think that?" Graverobber asked as one of his arms were on her shoulder. She sighed as then a little girl suddenly tugged on Shilo's pants. Shiloh just smiled and kneeled beside the girl.

"What's wrong, Emma?" Shilo asked the little girl as the girl sniffed from crying.

"Tommy took my teddy bear again, and he won't give it back," she answered as Shilo wiped the girl's tears away with her thumbs and nodded.

"All right. Let's get your bear back, okay?" Shilo told her sweetly as the little girl nodded with a smile as she ran back inside the room.

"When did you have a kid, kid?" Graverobber asked when he watched the scene. Shilo chuckled and took his hand to show him the room full of orphans.

"If it's not on the magazines then it's a good thing. I'm taking care of the orphaned children whose parents were killed by the Repo men," Shilo said brightly.

She saw the little boy sticking his tongue out at Emma while holding the bear high over his head. She walked towards the boy and gave him a stern look.

"Tommy, what did I tell you about stealing other children's toys?" She asked as Tommy was shocked to see Shilo. His head lowered as he gave back the toy to Emma.

"Sorry, Emma," Tommy whispered as Shilo got to his eye-level.

"You are a good boy, Tom. Surely, I will find good parents that will take good care of you," Shilo told the boy as the boy shook his head and hugged Shilo.

"I want to stay with you, Shilo. You're already like a mom to me," Tommy said as all the children started to come towards Shiloh and said the same thing that Tommy said.

Graverobber saw the whole scene and was rather surprised that Shilo was loved by so many children. He was equally shocked that Shilo was willing to take care of all the children living here. He saw how Shilo had changed after the death of her father. And now, he felt quite bad to shelter here and thought there would be no space for him anyways.

After Shilo calmed all the children, she went back to Graverobber's side.

"What was it that you want again?" Shilo asked as Graverobber shrugged his shoulders once more.

"Can't I just visit you?" He asked as Shilo just smiled.

"If you need a place to stay, just ask," Shilo told him as Graverobber was surprised at her reply.

"I didn't say I wanted to stay here," he told her as Shilo sighed and sat on the first step of the stairs.

"Graverobber, you live on the streets selling Zydrate. I'm sure you are getting tired of sleeping with rats," she told him. Graverobber was surprised at how grown-up Shilo sounded.

"Kid, I'm used to it. What made you think I want to stay here with little brats like them," Graverobber asked while pointing at the room full of children as Shilo ran up the stairs suddenly.

Graverobber didn't know what to do now. Did he say something too far? Was she going to get something to hit him with? Obviously, he questions why anyone would be nice to a guy like him. Should he leave or stay? He took the first choice until a little girl came towards him and tugged on his pants, which was about to come loose if she had tugged one more time. He looked down at her while trying to hold his pants up at the same time.

"What do you want kid?" He asked the girl as the girl smiled at him.

"Are you going to be our daddy?" The little girl asked as Graverobber was speechless.

"Daddy?" He asked, not hoping he heard right. The girl nodded.

"You're married to Mommy, right? You're the only guy that enters here other than Danny," the girl told him as the Graverobber shook his head. He knew the 'Mommy' was Shilo, but what made her think he was going to be their 'Daddy'? And who the heck is Danny?

"Sorry, kid. I'm single and proud. Now go along with the other little kids," he told her as the girl frowned and walked back to where the other children were.

Shilo finally came down the stairs with a pillow and blanket and gave it to Graverobber.

"Here you go, Graverobber. You can have the other vacant room upstairs, and the kids won't be going upstairs unless they need something from me. Are you happy with those arrangements?" Shilo asked him as Graverobber was speechless again.

"Oh, um... I didn't say I was going to stay," Graverobber told her as Shilo just smiled.

"Of course not. It's just a place for you to sleep until you find a better home," she corrected him. "It's that much I can do for you since you did help me a lot."

"Kid, you aren't that ungrateful afterall," he told her and messed with her (real) hair. "I'll think about it. If I come to your house tonight, it means I've decided to stay here for a bit." She smiled and nodded.

"See you tonight then, Graverobber," she told him before she entered the room where the children were.

"This place isn't that bad at all," Graverobber thought with a smile and then left to go back selling his Zydrate.
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Characters may be out of character. If you don't like my story, I understand. I wrote this for my own pleasure. And if you like it, thank you in advance. Disclaimer: I do not own Repo! The Genetic Opera or any of the characters (Shilo Wallace, Graverobber, Amber Sweet, Luigi and Parvi Largo, etc.). I do own this story though and the characters I made up.