Your Eulogy Will Be Music to My Ears.

Chapter 18


He walked outside the club.

Huffing while outside, and pitching a fit.

She was ditching him for a summer in Norway.

That’s when he heard the door open to the outside.

“Son, you can’t seriously be mad at her. For taking this one in a life time chance,” A voice said.

“I know, but this was supposed to be the last summer I could see her before I left.” Oli said.

“So, now you know how she’ll feel when you dump her on the door step to go on tour. This is a chance for the both of you to leave on good terms.” The voice said again.

He looked up to see that Roger guy talking to him.

“So you like her a lot don’t you, son?” Roger asked.

He wanted to scream yes. But something else inside said no.

“She’s my best friend. I just don’t want to lose her.” Oli said looking at Roger

“Okay kid, but you’re losing out on her. Your choice in the end, I guess.” Roger said walking away.


“So, I guess this is goodbye.” They said in unison.

They each nodded in agreement.

Neither looking at each other in the eye, because for them it was hard to say it.

They hugged one last time before she left back for Norway.

Before she docked back on the ferry, Oli gave her a small meaningful kiss on the forehead before leaving to the city of steel.
♠ ♠ ♠


sorry it took so long, i had to work this weekend. :\