Your Eulogy Will Be Music to My Ears.

Chapter 25


He woke up from the dream.

Everything about that dream felt real.

Hell it was real in a matter of speaking.

The dream was a memory.

A memory made in 2005.

How long ago that year actually was.

He smiled to himself remembering how it all came about.

11: 15 p.m. Sheffield, England.

They walked inside his house.

Up the stairs and to his room, once inside his bedroom he walked towards his TV and turned it on.

While she sat down on the floor by his bed, he jumped on his bed and looked around.

“Hey, over here, why do you always sit on the floor? There is a bed?” He said looking at the TV.

“Just do,” She said shrugging.

He shook his head. He got off the bed and walked to her.

He knew she wouldn’t get off the floor without a fight. Finally after what felt like forever he successfully pulled her off the floor.

He nudged her to the bed, and she sat on it, while he sprawled on it.

Looking over his shoulder, again he shook his head.

“Why do you have to be so complicated and awkward?” He said.

“I’m not doing anything; you said sit on the bed. So I am.” She said sticking her tongue out.

He rose from his position on the bed and grabbed her to lie down.

She giggled. He loved that sound. Regardless if he was slightly annoyed at her for being like this, her laugh could change his mind in a second.

She looked at him.

“What?” She said.

“Nothing listening to you,” He said.

“Oh,” She said looking away.

Before she could turn he grabbed her face and placed a kiss on her lips.

This simple kiss he gave her took a turn, and each of them let their guard down.

“Are you sure you want to do this?” He asked.

“Yes,” She said breathlessly.

He looked at her eyes, hovering over her and nodded his head.

He shook his head before he could face seeing what happened next.

He couldn’t face this memory. It was way too much for him to witness.

Getting of his bunk he walked to the front thinking of a plan.
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fill free to tell me to update more because i've taken way too long.
