Your Eulogy Will Be Music to My Ears.

Chapter 4

[Westward Club and Village]

It was after hours of the school day.

Oli and his group of friends were hanging out at Westward. Pretty much every kid that loves music hit every night of the day.

Regardless if school was the next day.

He stood with his band mates and younger brother. Girls were surrounded around him and the band.

Tonight was his night to let off some steam. Mixture of words with Lorraine, he wanted this night be better then ever.

While waiting outside smoking a cigarette he noticed someone walking.

People who usually live in near or around Westward aren’t financially stable. That’s when he saw the least likely person he thought lived near here.


He could tell it was her. Though, she didn’t want attention drawled to herself, she hid her face in her jacket.

This really intrigued him, so he decided to follow her. The band wasn’t set to perform until 9:45.

He didn’t tell the guys where he was going. He figured they’d probably think he’s out fucked with some slut.

He decided to walk along with her but not with her. He couldn’t let her know she was being followed by him.

Twists through alleys and what not let him to a small house, basically in shambles.

The grass wasn’t cut and some of the roof shillings missing. He saw her walk inside this house.

Taken aback by this move he wanted to see more.

Around the house and towards the back yard he saw the upstairs light turn on.

He saw a lonely tree near the window with the light.

He climbed up the tree and saw Lorraine sitting on the bed. The bedroom was small, had a desk with a light with lit the whole room along with old computer.

He continued to watch her, rubbing her eyes she was crying he noticed. That’s when he saw her bedroom door open.

He saw a plump woman walk inside and sit on the bed with Lorraine. Guessing it was her mother, he felt a bit of guilt.

She was scholarship student.

While he wasted away his parents’ money making half ass grades, she was busting her ass with grades that made her family happy.

He slid down the tree, that’s when he noticed it was already 9:40.
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