Status: improv...

What Justine Did

Chapter 2

Light streamed in through my shutters, it was too early to wake up. Turning away from the light, I heard Ginny’s babbling. I groaned, but rolled out of bed. It was 7:30! On a Saturday! During Summer Vacation! I grabbed my button up PJ shirt to use as a sweater to cover my bare arms.
“JUSTINNEE! Mowningggg!”
“Good morning, Ginny.”
“Bweakfast Tiiiime?”
“Yup, breakfast time.” She started to clap as I raised her out of the crib; she loved her food. I carried her into the busy kitchen. My mom took Ginny from my arms and into her high chair.
“Justine, you’re not dressed yet?”
“Mom, the bus doesn’t come ‘til nine.”
“Fine, but it’s not my fault if you’re late then.”
I ate my Rice Krispies slowly, reading the newspaper over my dad’s shoulder. I looked at my watch: eight. I knew I’d be fussing with my hair forever, so I gave up the silent fight with my mom and went to my room.
I grabbed my favourite navy jean shorts then I put on my lighter blue, three quarter length, button up shirt and tucked it in. Then I grabbed my suspenders from the back of my suitcase and fastened them on. I’d grab a pair of Converse I didn’t pack when we left. Now for this nest on my head. Its summer camp, I thought, no straighteners. I brushed through my hair; it looked considerably well, but better in a high pony. Eight thirty. I brushed my teeth, grabbed my suitcase and ran down the stairs.
“Justine? What are you-”
She was interrupted by the doorbell. Lucy was here!