Oh Ashlee.

Do or Die

I stood in the parking lot of the school, leaning on my car with a cigarette wedged inbetween my lips, breathing the dangerous smoke into my lungs from time to time. I was trying to listen to Cordon as he spoke animatedly to me about this girl that he hooked up with at last nights party that I didn't seem to know about. I wasn't interested in how he fucked the red headed girl from the party; nor did I even want to hear about the party.

My mind was to busy thinking about things that were happening at home, like my father finally coming back. The prick actually came back, I couldn't believe him, after what he did to my mother... I clenched my fist that was warmly kept in my warm sweater pocket from the cold winter air. I brought my other hand to my face to take the cigarette from my lips and exhaled the smoke lingering in my lungs.

"Dude- are you even listening to me?" Cordon broke though my thoughts, touching my shoulder.

My eyes travled down to his hand and I gave it a meancing glare. Cordon quickly moved his hand and let out a small scoff before he started again on how he boned the girl from the party.

"Cordon- Will you just stop talking about that? I get it, she was a good fuck. You don't have to go announce it to the fucking world" I snapped.

"Someone hasn't gotten laid. No good guys out there for you eh, Zander?" Cordon smirked.

I rolled my eyes and glanced around the parking lot, people were starting to form in the usual cliques; preps and jocks, geeks and nerds, goths and emos... Yeah, those groups. I started to notice that almost all of them were staring in one direction. I followed their stares, my eyes landing on boy with reddish/brown hair with his hair cut just above his eyes in a cute fringe. He had light blue eyes with a tint of light gray. On his lower lips, he had snake bites, and his lips were a soft shade of pink. His cheeks were rosy from the touch of cold, and he had his hands stuffed in the pockets of his tight black american appeal sweater. On his legs, he wore tight black skinny jeans that made it look like he had girlie legs.

I let out a small sigh and dropped the finished cigarette from my fingers and stomped on it with the bottom of my black converse. I could hear Cordon chuckle and say something about me being entranced by the beauty of the boy walking through the parking lot.

"Hot, ain't he?" Cordon smirked.

I punched his shoulder and stayed silent, Cordon knew what that meant and the smirk he had on his face became wider.
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:o back in buisness?
This is a new slash, and I will have fun writing it!
Comments and subcribe?
Title credit: Do or die by papa roach
Love, Sky.