The Crow Watches Over Me...

Chapter 1

Have you ever thought moving away from your hometown to be a good idea? If you have, let me tell you something, it could be a bad idea.
I moved here with my best friend Kira after our parents kicked us out at 16. To say the least we weren't that well behaved. But at least we finished high school once we moved to Detroit. Although we moved here it wasn’t by choice, my grandfather passed away and left his bar/club to me. Since it was his dying wish and since he and I were so close I said yes.

By day a college student, by night a club owner. Not a bad life if you ask me. But the one problem was the club was located in downtown Detroit.
"Kira, can you take over the bar for 5 while I make a phone call?" I asked
"Sure thing Ale!" said and over-exhausted Kira (Ale is pronounced Ali).

Walking into the back room where my "office" is located I pulled out my phone to call my aunt to make sure that she was still coming into town next week before I forgot. I got the answering machine.
" You have reached Laura and Ty please leave a message after the beep!" said my overly happy aunt.
"Hey Laura its Ale, let me know if you, Ty, and Zacky are coming into town next week or not. Love you!" I said.
I haven't seen my little cousin Zacky since he was in elementary school, 4th grade to be exact, that was five years ago. He's 15 now. I was 14 then and getting ready to start high school in the fall.

Walking back into the bar I walked over to Kira.
"You can take your break now if you want to." I told her
She nodded walking out back to have a breather. The bar started to get crazy as the music blasted out of the speakers. Classic rock, at least to those who are growing up in the 2000's, this is the music my generation grew up loving.
Kira walked back in just as one of our two songs came on, Cherry Pie by Warrant. We looked at each other and laughed as we hopped up on the bar. Dancing the entire song, wolf whistles and people staring is what happened pretty much every time we got "on stage" together.

Once the song ended we got down from the bar and laughed to ourselves. Starting on my special known as "Ale's Poison" because it was one of the strongest drinks that could be ordered. It was made with absinthe, which may I add is illegal, in almost every state. Its just a small amount with a bit of jack and its made with your choice of cherry or blueberry slush, it’s a frozen drink.

It was four in the morning by the time Kira and I got home, but once we got to sleep we had to get up three hours later for school. What fun.
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