Heart-Shaped Glasses

Lives Turned Upside-Down

There is a place where the suicides go, being hand picked to live another day.

My name is Jamie Marie Tallon, and I am a victim of Demon Desperation (D.D.)

You might be wondering what exactly D.D. is, and how I got there.
D.D. is a place where you are hand picked after you die. A council determined if a suicide victim could be used to join there, ‘kind’. It is a terrible place; I would have loved to die peacefully, me and my brother both. We would have loved to join our parents in their afterlife (which was the main purpose of slitting our throats in the first place.)

What happened three months before

I was lounged in our grandfather’s old comfy recliner, watching some random reality show. I was a normal 16-year-old kid then you know blue eyes, blond hair, slightly tan skin. Just on a harmless visit to the grandparents. Kyle was outside skateboarding with some kids on the block, and my parents went on a quick run to the store for some eggs for tonight’s dinner. My grandfather was snoring on the couch beside me, and my grandma was busily tending to her garden.

See nothing strange about my life. Just another boring day living in a microscopic town. It's so flat that if you stood on a coffee can, you could see the capital. That just happens to be like 1000 miles away (ok a slight exaggeration).

At least it was a regular, normal, boring day, until we received the call.

Life after finding out that both of my parents were killed in a drive by shooting was untactful and harsh. Kyle and I were forced to live with our horrid Aunt Sally. She was the meanest, the most unreasonable woman you would ever know. We had to move to Virginia and start a new high school for junior year.

All the kids treated us different. They all knew us as the orphans and refused to make eye contact. Not a single person would come up to Kyle or me. We were bullied and harassed. Upon telling Aunt Sally about it (bad idea I know) she just yelled at us and told us to, “Stop being so damn antisocial.” Then she would go back to her online dating, in hope to find a victim of her own.

The problem was not us not being friendly, it was us being shot down and bitched at every time we attempted. Thus making us the outcasts of the high school.

I remember sitting in Kyle’s and mine bedroom consulting it. We both agreed the only way to escape was to disappear. Running way wasn’t going to solve anything, considering we had no friends to live with and the closest relative was about three states away. We went over our options (not like there were many) another time. Finally agreeing that no one would miss us if we just, dropped dead. So that’s what we did, together. Right there on the white sheets of his ‘bed’.
We took a razor to our necks and slashed at it until we bleed to death.
However what we saw (or at least I saw) changed the path of our destination forever. Right when the world was blackening, there was a weird figure. I am not exactly sure what it looked like, but it was covered in a cloak. He grabbed hold of Kyle and me and then everything went completely black.
When I opened my eyes there was darkness, not light like I expected an afterlife to be. I thought is was going to be like an airport type thing. You know relatives wanting to see there loved ones when they entered (Dane Cook reference).

Instead, it was dark brown and black. It took me a bit until I registered where I was. I wasn’t in heaven, but was I in hell? I didn’t recall doing anything that bad in my living life. I mean I was not exactly an angle either. You know I did the usual teenager acting out stuff, but nothing too drastic.

I felt that I was strapped to some somewhat bored and there were two bloody marks on my left wrist. I started to turn my head to the best of my ability to see if Kyle was there. Sure enough, he was about 5 yards away from me, in the same state as I was. His neck looked horrid though. Nothing changed from what we looked like before death, except for that we also had two bloody marks on his wrists.

I tried to grab his attention but was cut short when a big man opened the beat up door. Fallowing him was another guy wearing a black cloak.

“Are you Jamie Marie Tallon?” the big man asked in a very loud voice.
I tried to move my head to nod but found it very difficult.

Instead, I whispered, “yes”

“And you,” the big man bellowed turning to Kyle, “Are you Kyle Raymond Tallon.”

“yes” he whispered back.

“Good, Tom undo them” the other man came up beside me and quickly undid my straps.
It felt good to be able to move my limbs. Almost immediately, I raised a hand to my neck. I could feel all the bumps and scratches that I inflicted upon myself. Wondering is it was every going to go away.

When we were both, free the big man started to speak again. “My name is Vladimir Vamp. This is my assistant Tomas Johansson. Welcome to my cult.” My and Kyle looked at each other when Vladimir spoke the word cult. “Those marks on your wrists, they aren’t any old bites, they are vampire bites. And the tattoos that are forming around them aren’t any regular tattoo.” I checked my wrist to see lines, and swirls were growing out of the bites. Just seeing the black blood pour out and sink into my skin gave me the creeps.

“Why us?” Kyle spoke up.

“Ah good man, gets straight to the point,” Vladimir said, “you two have been hand picked by Demon Desperation or the D.D. if you wish, to become another on of us. You see, it has been a couple years since we recruited someone of your age. Usually it’s middle-aged people, like 30s or 40s. I myself am currently 234 years old. I have been head of the D.D. for more then a century and a half.”

Kyle and I gawked at each other in disbelief.

Vladimir continued, “We need some young blood, you see we don’t have many teenagers, only about 15 or so…”

Kyle cut him off, “where are we exactly?”

“Ah another good question by Mr. Tallon. You are still on planet earth you are just underground. We have the power to wake the dead, well more as I have the power. You two are going to join regular society again, but you, you are going to be drastically different. Feeding off blood and fulfilling little tasks I ask you to do. Now there is going to have to be an appearance change, but no need for name change. When we are done with you, no one is going to recognize you.”

I gulped loudly hoping that when he said, ‘no one was going to recognize us’ that he didn’t mean totally disfigure us.

“Aha, don’t worry Ms. Tallon, we aren’t going to hurt you, we are going to simply change your hair and eye color, skin tone, height, and some facial figures. We have to give you time to let your fangs grow in. No, they will not be visible all the time, only when your hungry do the protrude extra long from your gums. Other then that, they are normal looking canines.”
I took a deep breath and pinched my self. Trying to wake up from this bizarre dream. No such luck, looks like I was trapped here until further notice.

Vladimir started to talk again “Tomas will escort you to the next room, there you will be altered.”

We were motioned to stand up and follow this ‘Tomas’ into the next room.
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Hope you liked it =)