Heart-Shaped Glasses

There's Never A Place

"That will be 10 dollars," I gave a fake smile to a girl while handing her, her bag.

"Thanks," she said and handed me the cash.

Yes, I am at work, you would not find me anywhere else saying things like that. It turns out that working here is a butt load of fun. I have the same shift as this guy named Adam, and he's really cool.

"Jamie!" Adam called in a yell type whisper.

I turned around, "Adam" I mimicked.

He brushed some of his black hair from his face, "What's up?"

"Same as one hour ago,"

He laughed, "we only have an hour left until our shift is done, then we're free to go cause menace if we want," he pumped his fist in the air.

"Hell yeah to that," I laughed and stepped out from behind the counter to straighten out some of the merchandise. I picked up some of the fallen headbands and placed them in their respectable places. Then I felt to arms wrap around my waist. I quickly swung around to see a familiar face smirk at me.

"Hey babes" Frank said.

"You almost gave me a heart attack you loser." I grasped my chest dramatically.

"Love you too babe," he pressed his lips lightly to mine. I smiled as he placed many butterfly kisses on my lips and nose.

I heard someone clear their throat next to us.

"Not to be the barer of bad news but, I'm supposed to be lookin' after Jamie and if the manager walks in she's gonna flip a tit."

Frank pulled away and gave me puppy dog eyes, "there's never a place."

"Frank when we get back, I'm all yours."

His face lit up, "So when do you get off shift?"

I turned to Adam.

"7:00" he answered for me.

I turned to face Frank again as he flipped open his phone to check the time. "You guys have 20 minutes. No wonder it's so empty."

I playfully shoved him. He just smiled and peered around the store.

"Do I get the boyfriend discount?" he asked looking through a pile of band tees.

I shrugged, "only if you've been a good boy." I rubbed his neck with my hands.

"Jamie, baby, don't do it your going to make me wicked horny." He groaned.

I stopped and started up with my job of fixing the merchandise again.
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sorry that tis ones short xD