Heart-Shaped Glasses

Change of Plans

"Now?" I asked questionably, not knowing why he would want to see me.

"Yes now," he beckoned me with his finger and I followed. I followed him to the meeting room that he showed me on my first day. He opened the large wooden doors to see Vladimir sitting on the end of the table, furthest away from the door.

"Aw Ms. Tallon, take a seat." Vladimir's booming voice said. I looked around the table to see Tally sitting a few seats away. She waved at me and smiled. I mirrored her actions. Then I looked up at Vladimir, giving him my full attention.

"I have requested you here to first, wish you a happy first year at D.D." he said, "Also it's time to go over a couple more… details, to go over. I am sorry to inform you that we can’t have you working out by yourself without another D.D. member close by."

I furrowed my eyebrows and opened my mouth to speak but Vladimir continued talking.

"I know that you have met Tally," He pointed to her," and she has agreed to mentor you and give you a job at her place."

"May I ask a question?" I asked as politely as possible.

"Of course,"

"How come I can't continue working at my current job?"

He let out a sigh and twiddled his long, skeleton-like fingers.

"Only time will tell Jamie,"

His answer made me about ten times more confused then I already was.


Vladimir dismissed me without saying a word. Tally and I both stood up.

"Looks like ya hangn' with mmwa" she said in her thick southern accent.

To be truthful, I liked hanging out with Adam at the store, but I also have a creative side. Just waiting to be explored deeper. Gerard and I would sometimes draw pictures and then compare them to each other. He said that I had a hidden talent with shading pencil.

I shook my head, "yeah it should be fun, when do you want me to start?"

She thought for a second, "Hmm how bout Saturday."

I nodded, "sounds good to me." I had to figure out how I was going to tell my boss that I was quitting after one day of work.

I sighed as I pushed open the door and a rush of bone chilling air ran through me. I instinctively pulled my coat tighter around me and gripped the bag tighter. The walk back to the dorms consists of me going through all the problems that I would be facing in the next two weeks.

1. Talking to my boss about quitting
2. Taking up whatever Tally was going to have me do.
3. I had 3 test coming up that I was totally and completely unprepared for

Before I knew it, I was in front of the shed. I quickly went through the maneuvers to take me down to the lobby.

I unlocked my door to hear people talking. I smiled and pushed the door all the way. I was instantly greeted by my friends.

"Frank she's alive!" Mikey called as he ran over and hugged me.

I gave him a stunned look, "why, what time is it?"

He checked the wall clock, "Oh about 10:00."

I let my jaw drop to the floor. I was out for about 3hours on what should be a 30-minute run for blood.

Before I could gather all my thoughts back up Mikey continued to talk.

"Frank thought you died." He said with a big cheesy smile on his face. Almost on cue, Frank left Ashley's bedroom and mine into the kitchen/living room.

He let a big smile spread ear to ear. "Hey babes, what took ya?" he asked from across the room.

"Vlad wanted me." I shrugged and followed him to the coach, but he turned around and stopped me.

"What do you mean Vlad wanted you? He never wants anybody unless they're in deep trouble or your being… um put to sleep"

I starred at him wide eyed, "What do you mean, put to sleep?"

He shook his head, "not all of are cut out for this. Most yes, but occasionally they make a mistake with their candidates."

I let my brain piece together the puzzle, "Oh."

"So why did the V. man want to see you?" Mikey asked taking a seat on the couch.

I let out a couple of breaths, trying to figure out if Vlad was thinking that I was a mistake. I quickly rid my mind of those thoughts. there wasn't any reason for him to get rid of you, you have been following the rules. I've been a good little vampire.

"You who, Jamie, you in there?" I heard Mikey call.

I rubbed my face, "yeah I'm just a little…stunned that's all." I needed to sit down; I joined Mikey on the couch and rested my head on his boney shoulder. Frank slipped down next to me and snaked his arm around my shoulders.

"He told me that I couldn't work where I was working. I had to quit."

They both gave me weird looks.

"What do you mean?" Frank asked.

"I don't know he just said, 'time will tell'"

That made Mikey shift his weight around. I looked over at him.

"What's wrong?" I asked

He readjusted his glasses, "No, no It's all good."

"So what are you going to do now?" Frank asked quietly.

"I'm going to work at Tally's" I explained.

"Dude that's cool." Mikey said changing the mood of the room completely.

"Yeah, I'm starting Saturday,"

Mikey put me in a headlock and rubbed the top of my head with his fist and Frank saved me from Mikey's grasp and kissed me on my nose.
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