Heart-Shaped Glasses

Warming Up with New Incounters

Stepping out of the little room, I felt instantly dizzy. I regained balance and looked at my surroundings. That Vladimir person was very weird. I still did not understand what he meant. Something about, you are going to be doing little tasks for me.

Tomas walked out of the room that I had just exited. He escorted me to a closed wooden door.

“Take a shower and clean up, after surgery gunk is still stuck to you.”

I obeyed his orders and entered the room. It looked like a regular bathroom, sink toilet, shower, and mirror. Then a light bulb went off on my head. I quickly rushed over to the mirror to face a very different person. I just gawked at the person in the mirror. There was no way that was me. I started to pull at my face to see if it was some kind of mask or what. When I was convinced that my bland hair and blue eyes were no more, I tried to cope with the new look. I was sporting new midnight black hair, smaller lips, bigger eyes (that one was a good thing, mine weren’t as pretty before) and green eyes. I looked at myself puzzled, how did I get green eyes? I decided to let it go since they were pretty and I had like 5 minutes to wash up.

I stepped out of the shower, dried up and got changed quickly. When I stepped out, I knocked right into Tomas.

“Satisfied?” he questioned with no emotion in his voice.

I nodded and he led me down a dark hallway. At the end of the hallway was another door. Tomas pushed it open and a rather large room was exposed. It had a long table in the middle and chairs lined up on either side.

“This is the conference room,” Tomas pointed out and led me out of the room. When we reached another room, he opened the door to reveal a courtyard.

“This here is the courtyard, down the path is dorm like building, you will be living in it on the 2nd floor in room 12. Your roommate’s name is Ashley Carnaza. Oh and here is a phone, it has important contacts and settings. I advise you to not to disrupt those settings. Here is your key to the apartment. I must warn you when you enter the building your eye will be flashed for identification. We have installed inside every eye a little red number telling us all of your information. Whatever it sees, we have access to see, so do not think about telling anyone about our little secret you hear? Now go off we have already advised Ashley of your coming.”

“But…” I stammered

“Ashley will tell you all you need to know, now be gone.” With that, Tomas turned on his heels and left me stranded in the middle of the courtyard with only a strange ‘phone’.

I sighed and started to trudge down the overgrown path. After about 10 minutes of walking, I found a building with dead ivy covering it. Figuring that this must be the place I opened the squeaky door and was faced to a cold, empty, stone room. I furrowed my eyebrows thinking that this must not be the right place, and then suddenly a machine emerged from the ceiling and grabbed my head. I panicked and attempted to pry it off my head. A strange red light flashed my vision and the machine let go of me.

“Good evening Jamie Tallon,” it said in a robotic voice, “please head down the shoot.”

I wasn’t quite sure what shoot the machine was referring to but then a light protruded from the ground and a door appeared. I blinked a couple times not believing what just had happened. I was very cautious when I approached the strange door. A voice in my head was telling me not to go through the door. I went against my instinct and flung it open. Behind it was an elevator type object. I stepped inside, right when my feet were firmly on the metal surface, the floor dropped.

I felt my stomach travel up into my throat and my heart beat like mad. Then about 10 seconds later, I stopped. Nothing stopped my from falling anymore but my body just stopped falling. A door opened and a bright light blinded me. I took one-step into the nicely carpeted room, the shoot where I just came from closed, and a suction noise entered my ears.

I pealed my attention from my fascination with the strange transportation and looked about my surroundings. I scanned my eyes from wall to wall taking it all in. the carpet was black and the walls were a deep, rich color of maroon. There were many lanterns hanging from the walls and ceilings. It was lightly furnished with a fireplace, couch and a couple lounge chairs. On the other side of the room was an elevator and a door leading to what I assumed was a stairwell. I saw two people sitting in the chairs talking over near the fireplace. Figuring that I had nothing to loose, I walked over two where the two were sitting.

“Hi,” I said to the two.

One of them had glasses and mousey brown hair, he smiled at me, “Hi are you new?”

I nodded and smiled back, “Yeah I am”

“Ah cool, I’m Mikey and this here is Frank.” He simultaneously outstretched his hand and nudged the boy sitting near him with his foot. The boy was starring down at his shoes.

I took his hand and shook it, “I’m Jamie” It was nice to know that not all the people in this place were as cold as Tomas.

Then Frank picked his head up, revealing an absolutely gorgeous face. He starred into my eyes. I couldn’t help but look into his deep brown ones. Frank didn’t say anything. He just smiled.

“Sorry about him,” Mikey continued rubbing the back of his neck, “Frank is bad at meeting new people.”

I tore my eyes away from Frank’s and looked back up at Mikey. He was giving me a weird look, “Do you know where room 12 is on floor 2?” I asked breaking the silence.

Mikey nodded, “Yeah we’ll show you,” with that, he stood up and headed to the elevator with Frank in tow. I followed them, stepping into the elevator.

“Which floor was it?” Mikey asked me.

“Floor 2”

Mikey pressed the button and the sliding door closed. Then unexpectedly, the elevator dropped. I once again felt my stomach get caught in my throat and my heart beat a million miles per hour. Couldn’t anything in this place be slow and normal? As abruptly as it started it ended, causing me to have to regain my balance. Grabbing Frank’s tattooed arm to keep me from falling.

“You ok?” he asked quietly.

Wow those were the first words that he has spoken to me, what to do. Oh yeah use my gift of speech.

“Y-yeah,” I stammered like an idiot.

The elevator door opened and I released Frank’s arm. We followed Mikey down a narrow hallway with a couple doors here and there. Each door had a number; some had letters next to them like 4a and 4b.
We stopped in front of a door that read 12. Mikey knocked twice on the wooden door.

“It’s open?” I female’s voice answered as Mikey pushed open the door. On the other side was a girl. She looked about my age with blackish brown hair and very pale skin.

“Hey Ashley,” Mikey greeted stressing the last syllable.

“Hey dip shit.” Ashley said not taking her eyes away from the textbook she was reading.

“Ah don’t be like that Ash, we have a new addition to our little group.”

With the words new addition Ashley looked up and smiled broadly. She stood up and hurried over to the door to great me.

“Sorry about that, I didn’t know you were here. You must be Jamie; I’m Ashley as you probably already know.”
I shook her hand, “Nice to meet you too.”

“I heard that you had a brother that would be joining Noel, do you know where he is, because Noel is here, not in his apartment.”

Almost on cue, who I assumed was Noel, popped his head out from a door.

“Who’s that?” he asked with a mouth full of food.

“This is my new roommate, Jamie, Jamie this is Noel.” Ashley introduced.

Noel nodded his head to analogue that I was here and dipped back inside from where he came from. He all stood in silence for a moment, looking at each other, not really knowing what to say or do.

“Hey so I’m gonna go grab the others, ok hang until I come back,” Mikey broke the silence and left the room.

“well I have to go back to my homework so, Frank, you want to show Jamie around, like how to get to town and all that stuff that I’m supposed to do.” Ashley asked flashed us a smile, and picked up her pen.

“Ok,” Frank said slowly.

“Oh and, NOEL GET BACK TO YOUR APPARTMENT YOUR NOT WLECOMED HERE ANY MORE.” Ashley yelled as Noel came out of the room and gave Ashley a ‘look’. We followed him out the door and noel went to the door about three doors down.

“So, what first?” frank asked quietly. I snapped my attention from noel’s closing door to Frank.

I shrugged, “how the hell do you get out of this place.”

He smiled and laughed lightly, “good point.”

We headed to the weird elevator and he pressed lobby. With that, the elevator went shooting upward and stopped abruptly.

“It’s going to take me a long time to get used to that,” I sighed mostly to myself. We stepped out and on the other side of the small lobby was a boy. He looked about my age and lost.

“Are you lost?” I called out to the boy; he turned his attention to me and stared at me with his brown eyes. He nodded and Frank and I walked over to him.

“What’s your name?” I asked since I remembered that Frank was horrible at meeting new people.

“I’m Kyle, Kyle Tallon”. He cleared his throat.

My eyes widened and I threw my arms around him.

Kyle was so surprised. He looked over at Frank, “They sure are easy down here,” he laughed and Frank joined in.


I looked Kyle in the face and smacked his arm, “watch your mouth. It’s me Jamie, your twin sister.”

His jaw dropped and his cheeks burned red. He starred at me with his big brown eyes, “Jamie, you look so… I didn’t even recognize you… oh my god. I take back my comment."

I laughed and gave him another hug, this time he actually hugged me back.

“You look so different, with your black hair and brown eyes. You’re even an inch or so shorter, see I’m almost your height.” I was so happy to see my brother. I was worried that I would never see him again.

“Who’s this” my brother nudged me and I could tell he was referring to Frank.

“Ya this is Frank,”


“Where you off to?” I asked my brother.

“This guy named, Noel? He is supposed to be my roommate and stuff”

“Cool I just met him about a minute ago; his room is right down the hall from mine.”

“Sweet, how’d you get there?”

I looked over to frank how was starring down at his feet.

“Frank,” I said quietly,


“Is it ok if we show my brother up to his room, then we can go.”

“Yeah, yeah whatever”

I furrowed my eyebrows; Frank didn’t seem to thrilled about this idea.

“You sure, cause you don’t sound it.”

“Jeez back off, we just met, don’t tell me about what I feel.” He snapped and we followed him to the elevator.
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Ya chapter 2