Heart-Shaped Glasses

Exploration of New Life

I felt completely shaken stepping off one of the many elevators that this place has installed.

“Frank, is there anymore elevator things?” I asked him dizzily as we finally entered a small, normal looking down.

“Ha, ha no you’re good,” a smile formed on his perfect lips.

We walked down an old beat-up sidewalk, just talking getting to know each other a little bit more. I found out that before he died, he was in a band called My Chemical Romance. He died when his friend Gerard was driving down the highway on an icy day to go to when of there gigs and a semi went out of control and slammed into them. Causing Ray, Bob, Gerard, his brother Mikey, and him all to perish from the impact. He left his girlfriend Taylor behind.

“Man that sucks a lot, I’m sorry Frank.”

“It’s ok, she wasn’t that great of a person anyway. What’s your story?” he asked and gave me a reassuring smile.

“Suicide, my brother and I both.” I sighed, not really wanting to talk about it.

Frank stopped walking and starred at me with his big, brown eyes, “suicide?” was all he said, and he continued to walk by my side.

“Is there something wrong?”

“No, no it’s just… never mind it’s your business not mine.”

Right before I could say anything, I felt a strange prickling feeling from the roof of my mouth. I rubbed my tongue around in my mouth to figure what might have caused it. Then I felt a taste if warm liquid seep and fill my taste buds. I stopped walking abruptly and dashed to the side of the sidewalk where the woods were. I bent over and spat, whatever it was, out of my mouth and onto the ground to get a better look at it.

“Hey, you ok… oh shit” frank came rushing up behind me and starred at the strange blackish red liquid I just spat up. I cringed when I saw him rub the bridge of his nose. he started to mutter to himself and close his eyes.

“Frank…” I started but was abruptly cut off.

“do you feel any sense of hunger at all?” frank asked regaining eyes contact.

“Not really…”

“So you do? Even a very slight one?” he cut me off once again. “I should have known that she wasn’t on regular schedule.” He said the last part mainly to himself.

I gave him a puzzled look.

“You need blood. All vampires need it. That stuff that you just spat out was your fangs breaking the surface for the very first time. As your body gets used to being a vampire, you will start to feel hunger only at feeding hours and not so much during the day. Right now, my job is to find you blood before your fangs become too noticeable.”

Out of instinct, I quickly raised my hand to feel where my fangs would be. I felt a prick and my finger started to bleed almost instantly.

“Ya I wouldn’t touch those suckers, they are sharper then hell,” Frank laughed lightly after he noticed my state.

We walked, more like jogged, to the nearest ally. Lucky for us there was a homeless guy in it.

Frank approached him and motioned me to follow. Frank brought his lips dangerously close to my ear and whispered, “I’m going to hold him, I want you to quickly bite into his neck. Do it right…” Frank touched one of my larger veins on my neck, “there.”

I nodded and we took action. Frank covered the poor man’s mouth and held him still. I was very hesitant on ending this man’s life. I mean I hate this whole idea of killing other humans. And for what? Blood to feed me? I did not find this to be just or in this case right on any level.

Frank hissed something at me that broke me away from my thoughts. Taking a deep breath, I plunged my hungry fangs into the neck. It felt like there was a heartbeat inside of my fangs. I tore away and I was breathing hard, Frank let go of the now motionless figure and came over to me.

“I’m sorry we has to do it that way, but it could be worse, you could have taken it from the wrist and watched the man wither in pain. This way it was fast and not as… disturbing?”

“I wouldn’t call any of this not disturbing, Frank. I really hate doing this. It feels like that night all over again, the one of my death. But this time it has a different ending that ends happier for me.” I wiped some crimson blood from my face and straightened myself up.

“The first is always the worst. You will get used to it.”

I starred up at him with a horrified look, “I’m not a killer Frank! Isn’t there any other way I could do this?”

He shook his head solemnly.

I let out an agitated growl and left the horrible ally. We resumed walking down the beat up sidewalk, silently, until we reached the center of town.

“You want something?” Frank asked gesturing to a convenient store that was a little ways away.

I shook my head

“Ok well I need to pick something up,” he grabbed my hand and we jogged the rest of the way.


Since that day of meeting and getting, to know Frank I feel weak in the knees every time I see him. I have no idea why because I only like him like a friend, right? It has been 2 months since I have been converted to vampire. I have started my new school, settled in to my apartment, met the rest of the teenagers, and almost blew my cover at school.

Ya it was interesting going to school. I am lucky enough to have Ray in my homeroom to tell me what to do. He and I have become very close.

I woke up to an alarm blaring next to my head, indicating that it was 5:30 and I should get my tired ass out of bed.

I swung my legs out of my single bed and walked zombie like over to the bathroom. I turned on the shower and washed up. The sound of the door opening told me that Ashley had risen. I turned off the water and reached my hand out of the shower to grab a towel. I wrapped it around myself and stepped out, instantly feeling goose bumps cover my wet body.

“Morning,” she yawned at me as she squeezed some toothpaste onto her brush.

“Morning to you too,” I brushed past her and entered our shared bedroom. I fingered through my small wardrobe (since I had to buy new clothes and I had a small budget to do so, ah the miracles of thrift stores), picking out a black hoodie, ACDC tank, and a pair of old patched up jeans. I threw it on and Ashley and I switched rooms. I went into the bathroom and she changed. Then before we would leave, we would stop by the small coffee like shop that was located in the main building of D.D. We would grab a pack of blood to quench our thirsts. It was what we did every morning.

We walked up to the front of the high school.

“Ready to face another day of annoying teachers, bitches, and irresistible flesh?” She joked as we climbed the concrete steps together.

We laughed and pushed open the big metal doors letting out the sound of the noisy hallways. We said our good byes and I proceeded down the packed hallway. Pushing my way threw all of the students and receiving dirty looks from a few occasionally. I spotted Ray and called out. His locker was like five down from mine.

“Hey Ray what’s up?” I greeted him with a hug.

“Eh not to much, you”

“Same, have you seen Kyle?” I asked since I haven’t seen my twin in a week. Usually he sits next to me in homeroom and is in my trig. Class but he has not been at school.

“No sorry,”

I emptied my book bag and grabbed the appropriate books for my first three classes, putting them in my bag.

“Yo, Jamie.” I heard someone call my name. I lifted my head to come into face with the amazing Frank Iero. A couple of blond girls in mini skirts looked him up and down as he walked by them. Seeing him not even look at the slutty girls as he walked by them but a big smile on my face.

“What’s up?” I asked as frank came to a stop in front of me.

“Do you have the science homework? Cause I didn’t do it and Mr. B is going to have a piss fit if I don’t have it done.”

I couldn’t help but laugh at the desperation in his voice. “Sure, just give it back to me in History.” I took my homework out of my locker and handed it to him.

“Ah thank God Jamie, you’re a fucking life saver.” He pecked my on the cheek and sped off down the hall to make it to homeroom on time. I felt a tingling sensation where he had pressed his lovely lips. Wow, I must have it bad for him.
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I love comments by the way =)