Heart-Shaped Glasses

Notes and Blood

I felt a crumpled ball hit me in the back of the head. I turned around and saw Frank intently doing his history work. I laughed quietly so not to disturb the class and picked the piece of paper off the ground. On the inside was Frank’s messy handwriting. It read:

Thanks for the homework, I got it done and thanks to you, Mr. B’s head is still resting firmly on his shoulders. Hey, wanna catch a late movie tonight before or after dinner? Or we can go to the club and sneak in using the fake I.D. we made last week =D. Just you and me, write back soon.
X Frank

I laughed, it felt so juvenile, passing notes and such. But me being as corny as I was wrote back.

Hmm I have to think about that, I mean let’s think, go and party all night with you or… stay home and eat chips while watching lifetime with Ashley. I don’t know I think I’m leaning towards the Ashley thing.

I tossed it over my shoulder and went back to my work. Mrs. Burton was too busy typing at her computer to notice. I heard Frank gasp dramatically. I couldn’t help but laugh at is stupidest. A few moments later I felt him jab me in the back with his pencil and handed me the note.

I can honestly say that I am utterly astounded in your plan of actions.
Your very disappointed friend,

I shook my head and started to pack up my things because the bell for lunch was going to ring in about 15 seconds. As everyone stood up and filed out of the classroom, Frank walked up to me with big, puppy dog eyes.

“Aww what’s wrong Frankie?” I mimicked his look.

“Just that I asked this really pretty girl out for tonight and she said she would rather hang out at her house with her roomie.”

“Well if it makes you feel better, I’ll go out with you tonight.” I already knew he was talking about me but I decided to play along.

He smiled broadly at me and we exited the classroom to go to the cafeteria.
I scanned the packed room for our table in the back that we usually sit at. Lucky for us we all had fifth period lunch. When I spotted our friends, I took Frank’s hand and dragged him to the table.

“Hey, look what the cat dragged in,” Gerard laughed as I took a seat between him and Frank.

“I sure hope you were referring to Frank, Gerard.” I hit him playfully in the arm.

“But of course, who else?” that statement made Mikey start to crack up.

“Hey you know I resent that,” Frank growled from my other side.

“Calm down Frankie, he’s only joking,” Ashley’s voice came from across the table.


“How do I look?” I asked Ashley for the hundredth time this hour.

“Good, good,” she said in monotone was she watched reruns of Viva La Bam on the TV.

I studied myself in the mirror; I let my black hair down from its usual ponytail. I was wearing a black tank top with some scattered green stars. I also had on a pair of skinny jeans and my trusty converse. I quickly reapplied my eye shadow and thick eyeliner and looked back at Ashley. I swept past her, flicking her on the head, as I quickly made my way to the door. Right when I opened it, I was faced with Noel.

I smirked at him and barred my fangs, “Ashley your ‘fuck buddy’ is here,” I teased. As I pushed by him so I wouldn’t need to witness those two suck faces with each other.


I felt Frank’s harm grip tighten as we approached the bouncer.

“I.D. please,” the bouncer said in a load, ruff voice.

We both rummaged through our wallets to find our fake ones.

“Here,” Frank flashed the plastic card at him. The bouncer took it and studied it. he looked back and forth for a moment to try to proof it. “Hey, everyone looks bad in those photos,” Frank joked to try to persuade the bouncer. He gave up and was let by. I did the same and the bouncer shrugged us off.

“Well that was surprisingly easy,” Frank shot a smile at me and snaked his arm around my shoulders and pulled me close. “What do you want to do first? Get buzzed, dance, or feed.”

I cringed when he said feed. We both knew what feed meant. Taking the life of yet another helpless victim. I hated it but what was worse? Being hungry and blowing our cover and have the whole vampire race mad at me so they sworn me out. On the other hand, was just harming someone all that bad?

Frank pulled me to the dance floor before I could finish my thoughts. We shook our hips to the bass line of the music. It felt good to be close to another person again, ever since my last disaster I had, back when I was alive.

He ran his hands up and down my spine, sending shivers all over my back. I tucked my face into his neck and wrapped my skinny arms around his neck. We rocked back and forth to the slow music playing.

“Jamie I have something to tell you,”

“mmhmm” I buried my face deeper into his neck,

“Um, Jamie… I…” he was cut off when the music picked up and someone’s big sweaty body smacked into us.

“I’m hungry,” I announced and smiled at him, showing him my exposed fangs. I took his hand and led him to a booth. “How are we going to do this?”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean I’m not alone tonight, I can’t just go up to a random guy and seduce him and bite him out back.”

“Why not?”

“I’m with you,”

“Pretended I’m not there,”

I really did feel somewhat bad to be doing this to Frank; I mean he was my date for the night. Well we aren’t really together so it’s not like its cheating or anything.

++Frank’s POV++

My stomach did flip-flops when I saw Jamie approach some random lonely guy. She started to touch him. She was doing things with a guy, a guy that wasn’t me. I shook my head, knowing that it wasn’t healthy for my mental health it watch a girl, that I was completely in love with go and make out with someone else. I saw her exit the club. That was my cue to go help because most people do not take nicely to having all of their blood sucked out of them. I pushed open the heavy door and felt the sudden rush of cool air take over me. I found Jamie and the nameless dude sucking faces near the brick wall. The same pang of jealousy over came me. With all the will power I could muster, I restrained from knocking out that lucky basterd. I caught Jamie’s eye and she pulled herself away from the guy. I could not hear what she was saying to him but right after she was done she bit down hard on this neck, making him tense up and wiggle to get away. He detached her and tried to make a get away, holding his hand to his wound. This was where I came in. I grabbed the dude and smashed him up against the brick wall. He groaned in pain as Jamie latched her fangs back onto his neck as I sucked on the vain in his wrist. His blood tasted sweet and sour. You could tell a lot about a person by the taste texture of their blood.

++Jamie’s POV++

I dropped the lifeless bag of skin on the ground. Whipping droplets of blood from my hands and arms to insure that I was not suspicious. We did what we usually did with our victims. Burn them. We didn’t use regular matches, we used ones that would produce no smoke and no smell. I watched Frank take a pack out of his pocket and stroke it against the brick wall.