Heart-Shaped Glasses

All I Need Is You

One Month Later

I stretched my arms out and let out a big yawn. It was December 5, only 20 days until Christmas. My problem is that I seven picky people to shop for. Kyle would be easy, just stop by Pac Sun and pick him up a hoodie. He loves Volcum. The others, I have no idea. Ashley is dragging me to the mall today and said that she will help me pick out gifts for all the guys.

"Jamie you up?" Ashley called from the kitchen. I rolled over onto my side to check the time on my alarm clock. It read that it was 9:00. I rolled over again and swung my legs over the side of my single bed. I walked like a zombie over to the bathroom and performed my morning rituals. Ashley's voice called out to me again and I quickly finished up and grabbed a random hoodie from the ground. I pulled it on and my nostrils were filled with the sweet smell of Frank. I glanced at what I was wearing; it was his old Black Flag zip up hoodie.

"Finally, come on we're burning sun light." Ashley tossed me a slice of toast and a blood bag.

"Where'd you get these?" I examined the blood bag.

"Oh some lady works at a hospital, some job huh being around blood all day. Anyway, she takes almost expired ones and gives them to us. Cool huh? No having to kill every time we're hungry. Except it doesn’t taste as good as fresh blood."

I was only half listing to Ashley ramble on about her knowledge on bagged blood. I sunk my fangs into the plastic bag and let the liquid sink in. Ashley dragged me out when my bag was empty. The car ride to the mall took about 15 minutes.

"There is a pretty big Hot Topic here so you shouldn't have too much problems with the guys." She explained when we entered the gigantic building. She took me by the hand and dragged me up the stairs and into the store. She was right. It was bigger than I have seen. I panned the store for gifts. A light bulb went off in my head when my eyes landed on a black Jack Skellington hoodie. I picked up the appropriate size and threw it over my shoulder. We spent about another hour in the blasted mall and abandoned it. Ashley got hungry so evacuation was crucial.

"Ooo bags filled with presents!" Mikey ambushed us when we entered the apartment hallway.

"Mikey heal," Gerard called from his room. Mikey gave us a look that showed that he just wanted to tackle us and steal all of our merchandise. Thank goodness for his older brother.

"Hey guys," I smiled as Ashley unlocked our door.

"Hey, are we still on for the Christmas party at your place?" he asked with a slight hint of a smirk on his pale face.

"Ya I'm pretty sure."

"Sweet, I have to leave and pick up Bob from work so can you two watch Mikey?"

I laughed, "sure, he seems tame enough."

"Hey," Mikey stuck his head out from the doorway, "I heard that, and yes I am extremely tamed. House broken and everything." I loved how Mikey could spin off a joke that was aimed at him. It was so cute.

"Where's my boy at?" I asked as Mikey closed the door behind us. Sealing out the hallway noise.

"You mean Frankie? Cause I have no idea where that mother fucker is off to." He plopped himself down on our sofa and looked up at me. I shook my head and sat on his lap, considering that Ashley was on the other end and wasn't planning on moving her feat anytime soon. We sat there all of us watching some cheesy reality show for the next half hour. It really was a boring show, my cell kept vibrating for no reason also. Like every ten minutes, it would start to vibrate, and when I checked it, nothing was there. It puzzled me to great extant. I got off of the now fast asleep Mikey and walked into the kitchen portion of the room. Right then my cell went off. 'I Feel So' by Box Car Racers came blaring back at me. I picked it up and held it to my ear.

"Hello?" my heart accelerated. My imagination was getting the better of me again. It wasn't a killer or anything. It's not some stalker psycho that kept calling the cell repeatedly and hung up when I answered.

"Hey babe it's me," my heart settled down a ton when I heard Frank's voice on the other end.

"Hey Frankie, what's up?"

"Thinking of you that’s all."

"Aw how sweet. Where are you?"

"Around," I could practically hear him smirk on the other line. "What if I told you I was right outside your door right now and demanded entrance?"

"Then I might have to make you stay out there until you say please." I walked over to the door and looked through the peephole. Sue enough there was Mr. Iero in all of his glory.

"Fine, Jamikins, may I please come into your home and spend time with my lovely girlfriend who I haven't seen all day."

I thought for a second and opened the door. Frank smiled at me and snapped the phone closed. he embraced me in a bear hug and rocked me back and forth. I lead him into the apartment and he kissed me sweetly on the lips.

"Happy one month anniversary baby," he whispered in my ear. Holy shit I totally forgot about that. I starred at him in amazement, the fact that he remembered something like this. That was something that most guys didn't do. What can I say? Frank Iero wasn't any ordinary guy.

I kissed him on the lips and pulled away, "you to Frankie." He smirked and wrapped his arms around me.

"So what you guys doing?"

Ashley and Mikey looked up at him, "basically this shit." Mikey answered and pointed at the TV set.

Frank shrugged and we opened the door that lead to Ashley's and mine conjoined bedroom. He sat down on my bed and pulled me down onto his lap.

"What's your favorite color?" he nuzzled me neck lightly and peered up at me with his hazel pools.

"Hmm I think it would have to be turquoise." I answered his question.

"How about family,"

"What about them?"

"Any other siblings, cousins, aunts, uncles, you know that stuff"

"What is this, 20 questions?"

"It can if you want it to be, or we can call it, the inside scoop on Jamie Tallon"

I laughed lightly to myself, "Kyle is my only sibling, I had two parents, but they both died. I had one pair of sickly and elderly grandparents, and one aunt, no cousins or uncles. How about you"

"My parent's divorced; I had two uncles, one aunt, a couple cousins, and no siblings. Interesting huh? Ok Ms. Tallon what's your favorite food?"

"Anything Mexican," I said eagerly.

"Mmhmm," he rearranged me so I was lying on top of him and he placed his head on my pillow.

"Baby I'm tired." I pouted slightly and rested my heavy head on his chest. We wrapped his arms around me. I let my eyes close and I dosed off into a dreamless sleep.
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Cute arn't they =P