Heart-Shaped Glasses

Lost and Confused

"Can I open them now?" Mikey whined.

"No, can't you wait until morning?" Ashley scolded him. It was Christmas eve and everyone was sitting around the table sipping soda, or in Gerard's case beer, and playing BS.

"Three 4s" Bob said and laid down the appropriate number of cards.

"Hmm," Frank rubbed his chin and looked over my shoulder to see our cards. "Bobby you're such a little liar, Bull Shit Bobby boy!"

Bob gave him a sour look and took the stack.

"Four 5s, and we're out of cards mother fuckers, Frank and Jamie win!" Frank lifted me up off his lap, and then started to bounce around.

"Dude, calm down it's just a stupid card came," Ray said over the racket that Frank was making.

He stopped and looked at Ray, shrugged and sat back down, pulling me back onto his lap.

"Can I open one? Ashley just one." Mikey was still whining over the presents that were wrapped carefully under our decorated tree.

"For the last fucking time Mikey, NO!" Ashley huffed and refilled her glass with Mountain Dew Code Red, and snuck a packet of blood into it.

I laughed quietly to myself and a pair of tattooed covered arms slinked around my waist. I tilted my head back so it was resting on Frank's shoulder.

"May I help you?" I asked with a smile on my face.

Frank shook his head causing his messy black hair to cover his perfect face. I lifted my hand to his face and removed the stray pieces from him face.

He smiled and arched his neck to kiss my cheek. He pulled my closer to him so I was sitting straight on his knee.

"Babe," he whispered in my ear. His warm breath sent a surge of electricity running up and down my spine. "I love you."

I couldn't help the big, dorky smile that was forming on my lips. "I love you too Frankie."

He returned my smile with a mischievous smirk.

"Oh oh, Frankie is giving Jamie the 'look'." Gerard called obnoxiously from across the room, with his recent girlfriend Cassie. Honestly none of us really liked Cassie all that much. She was one of the slutty seniors that Gerard cycles. Every couple of weeks he has a different one. Frank was the same as Gerard until he met me. This one had the trademark bleach blond hair, tan skin, and revealing clothes. She wasn't a vampire or anything that Gerard would relate to. Only thing he liked was the sex.

I shifted my attention from my boyfriend to Gerard. "What do you mean 'look'?"

He chuckled to himself, "you'll see."

I switched my attention back to Frank, "so, what is it?" I asked even though I had a good idea what it was.

"Babe, wanna get out of here." He said in a smooth voice.

I shrugged and slip off his lap so he could stand up. Frank took my hand and lead me to my bedroom door.

"I love you babe," he said again as he pushed open the door.

I looked up at him and smiled broadly, "me too," I tilted my head upward for him, and he met me half way. He kicked the door closed without breaking the kiss. Carefully he backed me up until I felt the bed with the back of my knees. With Frank's weight leaning on me I fell backward onto the cushy surface.

I broke the kiss and looked into his hazel orbs. "You sure you want to do this," I asked knowing exactly what was about to happen if I didn’t stop him now.

"It’s Christmas eve…" he cut himself off by pressing his lips to mine once again. He started to expertly massage a place on my neck him his fingertips. He crawled all the way on top of me and started to play with the bottom of my gray and black thermal. Sneaking his warm hands up it and eventually lifting it above my head. Right when things started to become intense, the door started to open and my brother's voice could be heard from the other room.

"What, she's sixteen for fuck sake," his angry voice snarled.


"Don't where the fuck did they go?"

I quickly broke the kiss and pushed Frank's body off me.

"Babe, what’s the…" Frank never did finish his sentence.

It all happened quickly. Kyle came into the room, being all protective over his twin sister. He was pissed when he saw that I was adorned with only a bra. He said a couple choice words at Frank as I redressed myself.

"Jamie what the hell were you thinking?" Kyle sat himself next to me on my bed.

I looked away from him, too mad to say anything nice to him. When I finally figured out a way to put it, it came out dipped in poison.

"I'm a big girl Kyle; I can make my own decisions."

"But he…"

"Ya he was, so what it's not like I can't take care of myself. Let me ask you one thing, when we were still alive, would you have done the same thing?"

He was silent. So I stood up and went to the bathroom and locked the door behind me. I needed a moment to escape from the world.

I wasn't really mad at Kyle. He was just being protective. I knew the answer t the question I had asked him. The answer was yes. Of course he would have. He loved my too much too see me get hurt. He wasn't aware of what Frank and I had. Hell I don’t think I even know exactly.
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