Heart-Shaped Glasses

Snake Bites Bite

"It's Christmas, it's Christmas!"

Mikey's sing-songy voice was the only thing I could hear. I rolled over onto my stomach and buried my head under my pillow.

"Mikey will you shut the fuck up?" someone yelled from next to me.

I was too tiered to even think of who might be yelling at him, nor did I care. All I wanted to do was curl up under my warm blankets and drift back into my dreams. But with everyone now groaning and waking up it was pointless to even consider it. I shook my head and rubbed the sand out of my eyes. A sudden burst of light filled my vision and I let out a low groan. Squinting around to see who might have turned on the light. I tilted my head to the direction were I heard the voice come from to discover Frank. I placed my head on his chest and looked up at him.

"Sorry did I wake you?" he mumbled.

I shook my head, "how did you get in here without Kyle kicking your ass?"

"Waited till the beast was sleeping," he chuckled lightly and I joined in.

Noel and Ashley were both in Ashley's bed and were now awake.

"Mikey I'm gonna…" Ashley never did complete her sentence. She swung her legs over Noel and lunged towards Mikey.

"Eeek," he squeaked and quickly darted out of Ashley's reach and into the safety of the main room.

"We might as well get up now," Noel shrugged seeing that his girlfriend left him.

Frank and I glanced at each other and shrugged, "sure," I answered. I slid out of my bed and followed Noel out with Frank close behind.

"Everyone's up now! Present time!" Mikey really was too hyper in the morning.

"Gerard rolled his eyes, "sure, do…" He was cut off by Mikey running over to our tee and picking up the first present he found.

I caught Kyle giving me dirty looks as I sidled up to Frank and wiggled onto his lap. He wrapped his protective arms around me and pulled me up the rest of the way.

Mikey readjusted his glasses and read out the tag attached to the wrapped parcel. "it says… to: Bobby from: G," Mikey read slightly crestfallen. He tossed it to Bob and looked through the gifts until he found one with his name written on it. He ripped off the paper and his huge grin grew wider.
He held up a new guitar strap with his name stitched into it. "Thanks Ashley, you really do love me."

She smiled, "Of course Mikey but you can be a little punk some times." We all took turns unwrapping our gifts and exchanging thanks.

I picked up a gift I bought for Frank and handed it to him, "There's one more."

He smirked at me, "It's nice to know that you didn't forget about me." He took it and removed the paper. His eyes widened and a smile spread on his lips. "Jamie I love it." he took me into his arm arms and squeezed me. He quickly donned his new Jack Skellington hoodie.

Then he took something out from behind the couch and handed it to me. I raised my eyebrow and took the bag from him. I pulled out a box and flipped it open. Inside was two lip rings. I smiled up at him and planted a kiss on his soft lips.

"How did you know I wanted to get snake bites?"

"I'm psychic." Hs said and returned my kiss. "I'll go take you to get them pierced tomorrow if you want."

"I'd love nothing more."

"Will you two get a room," Ray rolled his eyes.


"Here, this is where Tally works." Frank said pointing to a building with artwork in the window. Tally was another victim of D.D. She was 18 when she was taken and now she's 25 and owns a tattoo/ piercing parlor.

Frank held open the door for me, "After you my lady," he said in a mock gentleman voice.

"Well aren’t you a charmer." I said and entered the parlor.

"Hey Tally what's happening," Frank called to a skinny girl with wild colored hair, standing behind a counter looking through a magazine.

"Hey Frank, What ya need,"

"Tally this is my girlfriend Jamie, Jamie this is Tally." He pointed back and forth from me to Tally.

"Hi ya," she grinned with a thick southern accent.

Frank lowered his voice "Jamie's a member of D.D."

Tally's eyes widened, "they are still taking people? That's just sad. So what can I get for ya"

"Umm, I'm getting snake bites," I answered.

"Cool, just pick out the rings you want and call me."

"I already have a pair,"

"Ok then come behind the curtain over here." Tally motioned me to the corner, and opened the curtain. "You need Frank? Cause I'm not gonna lie, it hurts like a son of a bitch."

I turned to Frank and nodded. He followed us obediently. Tally sat me down on a stool and started to sterilize her equipment. When she was done, she drew a dot on either side with a marker.

"Brace yourself" Tally took my lip between her index and thumb. I quickly grabbed Frank's hand and squeezed it hard when I felt the gun (?) make a hole in my flesh. Immediately after a cold piece of metal was set into it. I let go of Frank's hand and brought it to my face. When I took it away I saw blood.

"Wow look at those suckers, you better eat soon or your going to go on a rampage."

I took my attention from my bloody hand to Tally. I gave her a confused look.

"Your fangs sweetheart, they're bulging out of you head."

Than I noticed it they were starting to make my lip bleed more then it already was.

"Fuck" I cursed under my breath.

"I'm gonna finish up here, ok" She quickly made the other hole and inserted the ring. How's it feel?"

I wiggled the rings around with my tongue, staying clear of my pointed canines.

Frank wrapped his arms around me from behind and lowerd his head so his mouth was hovering near my ear.

"You know the best part about lip rings?" he whispered, "they make making out much more interesting."

I turned my head and planted a kiss on his cheek. "You're cute Frankie."

"Ok how about we get you some Vampire food and go and test those things out. Thanks Tally, how much do I owe you?"

She waved her hand at him, "for you sweetheart, nothin'."