Heart-Shaped Glasses

Brain Melting

I scribbled another number down onto my worksheet. I was rotting in the seventh layer of Hell, better known as math class. I glanced up at the wall clock for the hundredth time this period. My face drooped when the clock said that I still had a half a hour left in the damned class. I looked to the person the sat beside me. She had long brown hair and too much make up. As I hear, her name is Sandy, not that I really cared much. She was sitting there chomping on her gum and copying off what answers I had done. I casually rested my arm in-between my paper and her line of vision, then continued to work. About 10 minutes later students started to go up to the teacher's desk and hand in their assignments. We didn't used to have to do that, before she made us hand it in, no one would even bother looking at the page that we were assigned. I finished it up and stood up to take my paper up to the desk and the hard edge of my metal desk impale me in the knee. I cringed and continued my walk through the maze of desks to the front. The teacher glared at me and dismissed me back to my seat. I have no idea why she hates me, but whatever. I scanned the room to see if anyone I knew was in it. Sadly, no one was and no one would ever be.

"Hey babe, what's on your mind." Ashley swept by me and sat down next to me on one of the cafeteria's hard, plastic benches.

I shrugged, "just life, nothing that interesting."

She kept her gaze on me for a couple more moments then took a bite out of her sub.

"Where are the others?" I asked to no one in particular. Seeing that the only ones sitting at our table were Ashley, Ray, Mikey, and I.

They all shrugged and continued to eat their lunches. I started to Mikey's movements. The way he would pick out the lettuce in his sandwich and nibble at the bread. While in my studies, I noticed something, something that wasn't good. Mikey must have noticed that I was starring at him because he gave me a funny look. I shook my head to clear it and swallowed the food I was chewing.

"Mikey," I motioned him to come closer, "we have a red alert."

He gave me a funny look and I sighed. I leaned over to his ear. "Your teeth, do something about them."

He thought for a second then he made a face like a light bulb went off in his head. He quickly raised his hand up to his mouth and touched his canines.

"Ow," he squealed and quickly withdrew his finger. "Shit Jamie, you got any on you?"

I dug through my pocket until the tip of my finger met a plastic bump. I nodded and followed him out of the cafeteria to an abandoned hallway were a pair of bathrooms were. Mikey pushed open the door to the boys' room to check if it was clear. He motioned me to follow.

"You’re a God damn life saver you know." He smiled showing me his growing fangs.

"You're welcome Mr. Way," I smirked and handed him the small, blood-filled packet. He quickly took it and sunk one of his fangs into it, quickly diminishing it. Lucky for him right when he finished and cleaned up the door started to open. For me, it wasn't a good sign.

"Shit," I hissed, as a big, football-playing jock entered the room. He glanced at Mikey's slender figure then his eyes landed on me. I was playing with my snakebites to keep my mind off the fact that I was standing in the middle of a wet, boys' bathroom, with a confused jock starring down at me. My heart went slightly erratic and I had to think fast of an excuse to why I was here.

"Isn't this the…" the guy started.

I grabbed Mikey's hand and darted around the person's body and out the door.

"That was close," I breathed out, letting Mikey's hand go.

"Ya, thanks again for saving me, Vlad would have gone ape shit if he found out that my… were showing." He was careful not to say the word, fang, incase someone was listening.


"Jamie, Jamie, Jamie!" I heard someone's energetic voice yell my name from across the school's courtyard. Before I could turn around and see, a heavy mass fell onto me, squishing me on the well-kept grass. I craned my neck to see who my attacker was.

"Hi babe," he smiled.

"Frankie," I smiled back, looking around at all the other student's giving us looks. One girl actually looked like she was pissed that I was lying underneath Frank and not her. It felt good to be the one who is envied. In my 16 (almost 17) years I have never felt what it felt like. Now that the feeling is upon me, I wish it were everyday.

I raised my head and kissed him on the nose, "good day lovey."

He didn’t respond, he just starred down at me and smiled.

"Frank?" I said raising my eyebrow.

"You're pretty… no wait beautiful." He said and kissed me on my slightly parted lips. Before I knew it, we were in a full-fledged make out, right there on the ground, in front of the school.

I broke our kiss and starred into his beautiful brown eyes. "Is there something you want," I smirked.

He shrugged his shoulders and pressed his lips to mine again. This time I let his kiss me for a bit, then pushed him off.

"What was that for," he pouted from his location on the grass next to me.

"Frankie I love you, but let's not go at each other on the school courtyard. You're making people jealous." I stood up and brushed my jeans off from all of the grass clippings. He stuck his arms out for me to help him up. I grabbed hold of his hands and he pulled me down.

"Frank," I half yelled half giggled.

"I refuse to let you go until you____" he whispered something in my ear that I would not want to repeat. I smacked him in the arm and pretended to be appalled.

"We'll finish this later," I suggested and got up and slung my backpack over my shoulder. "But now I have to get to work. My first day is today, and don't want to be late." I figured out that after Christmas I was broke, so I walked the mall to find a job. Lucky me, when I walked into Hot Topic there was a help wanted sign.

"Ok but I'll be waiting for you Jamie," He smiled as he joined my side. "I'm going to show up at your work and walk you home ok."

I smiled up at him, of course Frankie."
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hope you liked it =)