Unicorn Porn


Twiddling his thin thumbs, Mikey Way sat hunchback on his bed. Posture thrown out the widow, he leaned back on his bed and stretched his limbs. Cringing at the sound of his bones popping, he threw a pillow over his head.

Mikey was use to this odd, but usual routine. Every time he would get frustrated over his parents or something his older brother, Gerard, did, Mikey would stomp up to his room and slam the door as hard as he could. He would mope around his room before flopping down on his bed. Wallowing in self pity, there was something that had always bothered poor Mikey.

A secret.

It wasn’t just any secret though, it was one that could turn his life upside down, even devastate it. Something that could burn down the whole life he had had going for seventeen years.

Mikey Way was gay.

Rolling over on his stomach, he decided it was best to tell the person who he trusted and confided everything in; his best friend Frank Iero.

Picking up his phone and quickly dialing the numbers he knew by heart, Mikey took a deep breath and counted the seconds until Frank picked the phone. Every second went by slower and slower and Mikey was on the verge of having a small panic attack. If only he knew where his older inhaler was….

“Hello!” Frank said in a bright and cheery voice.

Mikey smiled to himself. Adjusting his glasses on his thin nose, he could just imagine Frank sitting there talking on the phone. His dark brown hair casually hanging in his face, his smoldering hazel eyes, and his contagious smile that would eventually, but surely break into that award winning smile.

“Are you there man?” Frank asked.

Blushing, Mikey hastily sat up. “Uh yeah, Frankie. Sorry about that.”

“I told you to stop watching that unicorn porn,” Frank said impatiently and with a sigh. “It’s no good for you. Unicorns shouldn’t ejaculate rainbows and sparkles.”

“For the last time Frank, how many times have I told you? They cum cupcakes. Duh!”


“You mean best friend,” Mikey said with a smirk on his face. He always loved their silly little conversations.

“Well is there any real point to this conversation. Unless you’re insulting my intelligence. Which I think you’re doing.”

Mikey could just picture Frank’s quizzical and dazed expression. “Yeah, there actually is,” he said. His voice had suddenly turned deep and all the laughter had vanished from his voice.

“Oh my gosh Mikey!” Frank said in a mock high voice. “You’re not breaking up with me are you? Over the phone, ugh. Wait ‘till I tell my Daddy on you!”

“This is serious Frank.”

“Fine,” Frank said. “What’s the serious deal?”

Taking a deep breath, Mikey decided it was now or never for the truth to come out. “I’m gay.”

Followed by a five second silence, he soon heard laughter over the phone. Feeling hurt, Mikey almost hung up the phone until he heard Frank’s voice. “Really? I’m not surprised.”

Eyes widening with shock, he began blushing. “What do you mean? I don’t scream gay do I?

“Hmm. How many straight guys do I know that watch unicorn porn?”

“Uh, none.”

“Exactly,” Frank said smugly. “You’re my gay best friend. You shouldn’t have had to keep this a secret from me for the last five years.”

Mikey gasped. How did Frank know how long he had been keeping the secret? “Uh, what do you mean.”

Frank giggled. “Mikey, you silly boy. I always told you that falling asleep early at our sleepovers was a bad idea. I always went through and read your diary when you were snoozing.”

“I thought you talked to Gerard when I was sleeping!?”

“I did sometimes. Other times he would tell me how he thought you had a crush on me.”

Mikey gulped. Should he reveal his other secret? “I, uh, what?”

“It’s okay Mikey. You can always be in love with me.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he said quickly. Mikey began sweating a little. He had always sucked at lying, especially to Frank.

“Don’t like Mikey. Sorry if I’m making you feel uncomfortable. Do you want to know one of my secrets?” Frank asked.

Mikey raised his eyebrows. What was Frank about to say? “Sure.”

“I like you a lot Mikey. A lot.”

Heart rapidly beating, Mikey’s face broke into a wide grin. “You do?”

“Of course. Always have and always will. I thought it was obvious, but you always sucked with flirting so I guessed that’s why you never realized.”

“Well I like you too Frankie.”

“Good. Now get your skinny little ass over here and let’s watch some of that unicorn porn!”