A Splash of Color

A Splash of Color -Teaser-

-Three Years Ago-

Morning. It always hits you hard, like a slap across the cheek. You fumble around for a while, and then finally make your way to getting dressed, getting ready, and getting out the door, headed wherever you spend your time.

I've never been a morning fan. That tends to be because of HOW I'm woken up each day. See, Kurt, my adorable/unbearable little brother loves coming into my room each morning at six and literally pulling me off the bed.

Do I hate this? Yes.

Will my parents do nothing? Yes.

Is this because they worship the ground upon which Kurt walks? You bet.

Now, I try to be compassionate and realise that he's only three, but come on, how many of you like it when you're having the BEST dream, involving a chocolate fountain and the Bahamas, when suddenly a palm tree turns into a small freckled face singing the Dora theme song and slapping you in the face with a pillow? ...Because I admire you for that... I really do.

This particular day, I awoke to an eerie silence, no Kurt, no, pillow, just me and the coverlet. Was something amiss? I think so...
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More to come :)