Todays Going to be Different

Todays going to be a Good Day

I open my tired eyes and slowly gather my surroundings. I could remember what happened yesterday as clearly as I remembered what my name was. But today would be different. Today was going to be different.

The white walls, curtains, bed sheet and floor were slightly depressing but I’d gotten over that, well sort of. The whiteness gets over powering after time goes on. Though to my surprise it doesn’t bother me as much as when I first came here, but that was a while ago.

The curtains are open slightly and soon some lady comes in and opens the curtain further. Letting me see the sunrise as the morning slowly progresses. I smile at the lady and a nod my thanks. Her lips move but no sound follows. I frown slightly but let it go and go back to watching the sunrise. As the colours in the sky change from reds, pinks and purples to bright oranges, gold’s and yellows, and slowly fade to light blue of the day time sky.

I listen to the bird’s tweet their cute sounds of the morning. The dogs barking, the cars beeping past the place in every direction, well that’s what I pretend to hear. I wait and I soon see another person come into view. They don’t talk they just nod and smile at me. I smile and nod back then just follow them with my eyes. Watching every move they make.

They check the piece of paper at the end of the bed, frown slightly then look at me, smiling a silly smile. I laugh lightly and smile back. The person nods once more before making their way towards the door, leaving with a wave. I moved my hand to wave back but they have already left. Placing my hand back down I go back to looking out the window.

The sky is now fully light blue, with a bright shining yellow light up in the sky. The trees and the grass are bright green. Lushes and bright, everything shout happiness.

Yes today was going to be a good day; it was going to be different to yesterday. Today will be a good day, a very good day indeed.
♠ ♠ ♠
Thank you for reading *bows*
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