All Lights Off

Chapter IV - Run

The room was pitch black when we entered and I heard Leo's slow breathing. He was fast asleep.

I led Corey to my bed and slid his leather jacket off of his shoulders. We undressed in silence that was broken only by the rustling of fabric and the clanking of the belt buckles. I got under the blanket and he followed a moment later. I felt his weight on my body, his soft hair tickled my face and he supported his weight with one arm while his other hand explored my neck, shoulders, collar bones and breasts with shivering hesitance. I ran my fingers through his hair and and put my arms around him in an encouraging and needy hug.

We both breathed heavily and shifted a little, making the bed squeak. I stiffened a laugh and he giggled into the pillow but we were dead serious a minute later.

I hissed in pain as he entered me and he withdrew immediately. It had been years since I'd been with a man and some thing were... Not sliding well. My entire body was tense and I did my best to relax which I eventually did. We moved slowly in order not to make the bed squeak and wake up Leo. And also because Corey was afraid he would hurt me.

I occasionally felt an unpleasant pressure low in my stomach but apart from that, it felt good. I liked the feeling of his body on mine, his shaky breath on my skin and the scent of cedar and mandarin orange he wore. My climax took me by surprise but it wasn't all uncontrolled spasms accompanied by an intense feeling of pleasure that almost rip the body apart. Far from it, as a matter of fact. I felt overcome with something mild and pretty much indescribable, almost like a sense of peace. He came about a minute later, pulling out in time.

He dressed in silence and I lay on my hip, tired like I'd just run a few kilometers but without breaking a sweat. Neither of us said anything. He gently kissed my shoulder before he left. I contemplated taking a shower but decided not to wash away what had happened. Not right then, at least.


''Hey, Denise,'' Anthony demanded attention.


''You're distant today. Are you feeling ill?''

''No... Only tired and homesick.''

''Oh. What are you wearing tonight?''

I was confused by his question but soon the light went off in my head.

''I don't know yet. I've got a few of my dresses here in the closet but I don't feel like dressing up.''

''We'll go downstairs at eight, you can take your time.''

''I will. It's a gala after all.''

We smiled at each other and he left the room. Leo walked in minutes later.

''Hey, Leo. Are you gonna help me get into one of my dresses when I get out of the shower?'' I asked.

''No problem. Which one are you wearing?''

''Uh... I don't know. You pick one.''

I stepped out of the steamy shower, put a towel around myself and pushed back the long wet strands of my hair that stuck to my shoulders. I wiped the mirror with the palm of my hand and was shocked by what I saw. Several long red scratches on my neck and shoulders. The scratches were shallow but there were scabs. I knew what did this. Damn that lip ring.

I dried myself off, put my underwear, stockings and bathrobe on.

Leo was already dressed in a black suit and my dress was laid out on my bed. It was a lot of fabric.

He combed his long blond hair and said: ''Let's get you into that thing and I'll leave you to do your hair and makeup.''

I got into the long flowing skirt and the corset which had huge sleeves attached to it. Leo just had to zip me up. I quickly hid the scratches with my hair. He looked at my reflection in the mirror and smiled. Did he notice anything?

''You know, I saw the strangest thing last night,'' he started.

Oh, gods.

''Or maybe I was dreaming, I don't know.''

''What do you think you saw?'' I asked nonchalantly.

''I thought I saw a girl getting out of your bed and leaving some time during the night.''

''Y-yes. There was someone here with me,'' I might as well tell him some part of the truth.

''Naughty Denise. Where did you find her? Don't tell me she was a Glitter Bats groupie,'' he smirked.

''No. Definitely not a Glitter Bats groupie.''

''Are you gonna see her again?''

''No. It was the heat of the moment. It won't happen again.''

''OK. I'll see you downstairs. Don't hurry,'' he said and left me alone.

Now... What was I going to do with my hair and face? And the scabs...


Hidden. Perfectly hidden. Concealer is not called that way for nothing. I looked at myself in the mirror pleased with what I saw. I nearly jumped when I heard a knock on the door. I glanced at my watch. 9:00. I wasn't that late.

Imagine my surprise when I saw Manny from Glitter Bats all dressed up in a black suit, dark red shirt and shiny black shoes.

''Good evening, Miss Thoeren. You look stunning,'' he said and handed me a single red rose.

''Oh... Thank you'' I said taking the rose, ''Come in.''

I put the flower in a glass of water and turned to Manny who was standing in the middle of the room smiling at me.

''You look great with your hair up.''

''Thank you, Manny.''

''Last night at the party I asked your guys if you had a date for the gala. I hope you're not angry with me.''

''Not at all. This is a lovely surprise,'' I told him. And I was being honest.

''One more thing before we go,'' he said and took a small box out of his inner pocket.

Inside was a silver pendant on a thin chain.

If somebody had told me I would be walking down the hotel stairs holding on to Manny's arm and wearing his band's logo around my neck, I would have called them crazy. The situation did feel a bit crazy, as a matter of fact.

We descended down the stairs and my stomach became more nervous with every step I took.

We spent most of the evening apart, mingling and making new connections. Scullblast Records rarely organized galas or any kind of parties. It hadn't occurred to me it was a must for their biggest bands to appear.

During the evening Tom and Brandon didn't miss a single opportunity to tease me about Manny.

''You two look so lovely together,'' Tom said and pretended to wipe away a tear.

''Like the beauty and the beast. Or maybe more like a beauty and a junkie bird-man,'' Brandon said.

I wanted to show them they didn't get to me so I marched over to Manny and asked him for a dance. He was taken aback but his hand was on my waist in the blink of an eye.

We danced to a slow ballad by one of the bands that Scullblast had signed over the years. I looked into his eyes and I could tell he had taken drugs in the meantime. I wasn't surprised and I was never able to feel anything but pity for the people who did that. Behind the pharmaceuticals there was a smart, talented and good-hearted guy.

''What's the matter?'' he asked.

''Nothing. Why?''

''You sighed. You look a bit distant.''

''I'm just not comfortable around all these people.''

''Let them stare. We're here to have a good time, right?''

''Of course.''

'''Aaaaaand... I take back what I said.''

''What do you mean?'' I said and looked into his glassy eyes.

''Don't turn around. Wildest Justice just walked in.''

My heart skipped a beat and the butterflies in my stomach threatened to fly out, if you know what I mean. I took a deep breath, swallowed the lump in my throat and prayed to all gods that the song would end soon so I could excuse myself.

''You know what, Manny... I am not feeling well. I have to go back to my room and take a painkiller. I'll be back as soon as I can, OK?'' I said as soon as the song was over.

''No problem, I have painkillers right here with me. I promise they work.''

''Thank you very much but I'd better take those I have upstairs.''

''OK, Denise. You look really pale. Do you want me to walk you upstairs?'' he asked.

''That won't be necessary,'' I said and tried to smile.

''As you wish.''

He frowned and bit his lip in worry. Then he put his hands on my shoulders and kissed me on the cheek. I could see photographers snap pictures of us. That was the final drop and I got out of there as soon as I could.

Overwhelmed with panic I couldn't even remember which way I went or which floor I was on. I just kept walking, pretending not to hear footsteps behind me.


I stopped.


There was a hand on my shoulder.

My stomach tied itself in the tightest knot possible but I tried my best to put on a blank face.

''Yes?'' I turned around, probably trying a bit too hard to sound polite and casual.

''I-'' he began to say but was interrupted by a loud voice coming from the floor beneath us.

''Hey, Corey! Where the hell did you go?''

''Run,'' I whispered through gritted teeth and we ran like there were hounds chasing us.