Status: Being Written As It Comes To Us. (Not Pre-Written) READ please!!! :)

Some Kinda Chemical Romance

So, what do we call this? Geray? Geray sounds good to me, don't you agree dear reader?

And i think Rayard is better :P

This is an idea that me and my lovely best friend and guitarist xXxMCRsavedmexXx came up with while discussing stories and we realized, how many Gerard/Ray stories are there? Not many as far as WE know. =O SHOCK SHOCK, HORROR HORROR!

This story isn't pre-planned very much, so I'm not sure how it's going to go, but, read, comment and most importantly, ENJOY!

Disclaimer: Of course we own My Chem.

I don't see the point in those, no-one owns My Chem! They're people! It's illegal! XD

-Sex. (not immediately, may appear later on)
-Moderate to strong language.
(-Drunk Gee! D=)
  1. Chapter 1: And Here He Comes
    Gerard's drunk...again, and Mikey, Frank and (can't not include him) Bob are out looking for him. Do they lose him in the cold, rainy street's of New Jersey? Read on...
  2. Chapter Numero Deux
    I'm bad at descriptions. I'll leave those to Toro. =D Italics are thoughts, bolds are emphasized words.
  3. Chapter 3: I'll get on my knees for you! In the rain.
    Ray goes to get Gerard aspirin and deal with a [i]little[/i] problem, though when he comes back... he's in for a shock.
  4. Capitolo Numero Quattro
  5. Chapter 5: There He Goes Again.
    Ray and Gerard chat and Mikey is suspicious. Gerard is nowhere to be found again...
  6. Capitolo Numero Sei
    Read chapter 5 first!!!
  7. Chapter 7: Out again.
    Bob and Ray get emotional but their emotions and feeling contrast. What will Ray do after being confronted with his worst fear... Truth. Or is it?
  8. Capitolo Numero Otto
  9. Chapter 9: Two's the problem
    Ray is faced with the chance of his life, the one thing he's always wanted. But he can't do it to Gerard so he runs.
  10. Capitolo Numero Dieci
  11. Chapter 11: Lost and Found Again.
    Ray's gone for another walk and got himself lost agin, but now he's not so willing for confrontation.
  12. Capitolo Numero Dodici
    Ta-Da! Well, that didn't take too long now, did it?
  13. Chapter 13: Back too Soon
    Ray decides he's had enough of this shit. Decides its not his fault and he shouldn't be the one who has to spend another night feeling bad. But this time he's not so calm and once he annoys one person, he's annoyed 'em all. Is anyone on his side?
  14. Capitolo Numero Quattordici
  15. Chapter 15: Make Amends and Try Again.
    Ray FINALLY (been over a year since Gerard asked him to!) apologises to everyone. (And so should I)