For the Heart of the Sun.

Chapter 2: Crossing.

Snowflakes were drifting down from the black, velvet blanket that stretched across the sky. Vero sat on the tire swing, swirling around and around. She looked down at her feet in sadness as the cold breeze kissed her cheeks and nose. Tomorrow the hallway that she used as an escape route was gonna be closed. They were planning on putting in a giant mural on the wall and it was gonna take a few days to complete. With this going on, that meant she had to go through Senior Hall. Now Senior wouldn't be so bad, if it weren't for Gretchen Kale having a locker up there. She was sharing it with Emery Newborn. Emery Jackson Newborn was one of the United Kingdom's finest, coming out of London's upper-class streets to educate himself in America's middle class High-School. His father and Mother were loaded to the teeth with money, both taking jobs in high rank Government work. This boy, this pretty boy with model status looks and charming attributes was Veronica's fancy. There were days she could see herself with him having a spot of tea at his house, or having a picnic beside a beautiful lake. She knew all this was a pipe dream, but still she kept that little glimmer of hope back in the jars of her many thoughts.

She looked up at the sky as she twirled in circles on the swing. She smiled lightly at the quiet sounds of passing cars and whistling winds. She closed her eyes as little flakes rested comfortable on her eyelids and melted.

"Last week I had the strangest dream," She sang out, "Where everything was exactly how it seemed. Where there was never any mystery of who shot John F. Kennedy. It was just a man with something to prove, Slightly bored and severely confused, He steadied his rifle with his target in the center, And became famous on that day in November..."

She twisted the swing in several circles, winding up the chain tightly. While doing so, she chanted the chorus "Don't wake me, I plan on sleeping in.." over and over. She then lifted her feet and started to spin rapidly in the opposite direction. She opened her mouth with a smile and started to sing again.

"And then last night I had that strange dream
Where everything was exactly how it seemed
Where concerns about the world getting warmer
The people thought that they were just being rewarded
For treating others as they like to be treated
For obeying stop signs and curing diseases
For mailing letters with the address of the sender
Now we can swim any day in November...

"What are you doing?" A voice spoke out suddenly. Veronica let out a gasp and stopped the swing from spinning. She turned around and faced the speaker. A man clad in black was standing on top of the jungle gym. He was astoundingly tall, especially with him standing on the jungle gym. He looked like he could be in his late teens, early 20's. His face was a creamy shade of ivory, and his hair was long and black as ink. He stared at her curiously as he put the cigarette he had to his lips and took a hit. Veronica pouted a little and got up from the swing.

"I'm just singing," She answered as she dusted off the snow.

"That's wierd," He replied, exhaling smoke. Veronica sucked in her lips and peered at him curiously. His only source of warmth was the leather jacket and black scarf he was wearing. He had no gloves or hat.

"Aren't you cold?" She asked. The mysterious boy stepped off the metal contraption and landed without faltering. He took a hit from his cigarette, his eyes never leaving her own. She swallowed lightly and started to shiver. She didn't know if it was from the cold, or from how eery this guy was looking at her.

"S-so, um, where do you live?" She asked, "Do you live with..uh-um, that guy Matt? I've never seen you around here before, that's why I was aski-"

"You talk too much," He interrupted, flicking his cigarette aside. Veronica cocked her head to the side in confusion.


"I'm not looking for any friends, so you can stop trying now," He replied, "This is as far as we'll go, knowing that one another exists."

"Wh-what are you ta-"

The man turned around before she could even finish her sentence. He stuffed his hands into his pockets and headed back into the apartment area. Veronica pursed her lips before sticking her tongue out.

"Wh-what makes you so sure that I want to be your friend?!" She yelled out. The man stopped in his tracks and turned around slowly.

"Stupid," She heard him mutter.

"JERK!" She yelled after him. She stood there with her arms folded and a pout on her face. Her she was trying to make him feel welcome, and he goes around and acts like a total jackass. Forget that.

"Jerk," Veronica muttered as the elevator doors opened. She looked down at her feet and stepped out, bumping into someone in the process. She let out a small yelp and looked up at the person. She tensed up at the sight of the guy who she talked to earlier. She was currently staring at his eyes in awe. They were such a beautiful shade of blue, just like that Matt guy's from earlier. He furrowed at her as she continued to stare.

"Sorry for being a dick just now," He apologized, "But seriously, we can't be friends."

He stepped away from the door with just that and walked back into his room. Veronica continued to look forward in slight surprise and awe. Her heart was fluttering about like a little bird.

"Dude check it out," Jake spoke out, "This chick from next door came over with the most delicious looking pie, and we couldn't have a single bite."

Andy lit his cigarette and took a hit, exhaling smoke.


"So? It was a good looking pie!" Jake laughed, "Not to mention the chick who brought it sounded cute as hell. Was she cute as hell, Matt?!"

"Yeah, she's really pretty," Matt answered, walking in with a black glass at hand, "She has the most intriguing thoughts though. I saw butterflies and tea cups."

"Sounds like a total space case to me," Sandra spoke out. She walked in from the tv room and sat down at the kitchen table with all the boys. Ashley started to pour him and the others a drink. He poured a cup for Jake, and then he poured a cup for Jinxx. When he reached Sandra's glass, he finally emptied out the plastic carton's contents.

"Not enough for everyone guys," He sighed.

"Shit," Matt hissed, "Here Andy, you can have some of mine."

"It's not gonna hold you two over if you split it," Sandra mentioned.

"It will for tonight and part of tomorrow," Matt replied, splitting his drink, "That's all that matters for now. I'll call up Hayes tomorrow morning and tell him we need more."

"It'll take him 7 hours to get here," Jinxx mentioned. Matt handed Andy his glass and then looked down at his own.

"I'll figure something out," He stated, telling himself more than the others. He tipped up the glass and consumed the red liquid.


"Well if it isn't the ugly albino," Gretchen sneered. Veronica clenched onto her book tightly as she tried to continue to read. Gretchen and her three cronies all scoffed and stared at her.

"Hey spastic!" Gretchen called out, pulling her book down, "It's P.E. class. How about you work off all that flabb and actually do shit!"

Veronica pulled it back up fiercely and continued to read. Well, actually, she was trying to formulate a plan to taint Gretchen's Greek salad. The four girls noticed her retaliation and Gretchen furrowed in anger. She slapped the book hard, causing the hardcover book to fly out of Veronica's hands. She let out a noise as Gretchen grabbed a clump of her hair and yanked it forward slightly. Her three friends covered her back so the teacher couldn't see what they were doing. Gretchen gripped at her white hair hard and pulled her face closer to hers.

"Listen up freak," She hissed, "Quit reading that nerd shit and start walking with those retarded chicken legs your mother gave you."

"Ehhhh!" Veronica squealed. Her grip on her hair was so tight. It actually hurt.

"That's right ugly, squeal like the ugly little swine you are," Gretchen sneered. She let go of Veronica's hair and shoved her back a little, making her fall into the bleachers a bit.

"I better see you working your ass off on the gym floor," She warned, "If you don't pull through on the english project today, you're in deep shit, Zero!"

The four girls strutted away from the pale blonde who was cradling her head. Several tears fell as she slipped off the bleachers and picked up the book. She sniffled as she set it down gently on the seat with care. She rubbed the hard cover before turning around to run laps with the others.

"Very nice work Gretchen," Mrs. Bester called out, "You really know Edgar Allen Poe from inside and out. Superb work."

"He was a true artist Mrs. B, What can I say?" The brunette replied sweetly.

"Oh yes he was, and a very troubled soul as well," The teacher chuckled, "Very nice work Gretchen. A+ material. Okay, well, we have time for one more. Hmm...Veronica Miroiu."

Veronica didn't respond. She was too busy sketching a glossy-eyed raven on the inside of her sketchbook. Mrs. Bester called her once more, but she didn't respond. Everyone was looking at the pale blond in the back row now. Mrs. Bester sighed and signaled for Gretchen to sit back in her seat. The brunette nodded as she flipped her hair and walked over to the seat next to Veronica. A devious smile stretched across her lips as she reached over and side swiped the sketchbook away. Doing so made Veronica draw a thick heavy line across the paper.

"Hey!!" She yelled out.

"Pay attention, space case! This is english class!" Gretchen sassed.

"Gretchen! Give back her sketchbook," Mrs. Bester demanded, "Veronica, Gretchen is right, this is English, not Art. Do you have your book project?"

Veronica slowly turned her head at Gretchen with a bitter look on her face. The brunette was looking at herself in the mirror, applying on more lip gloss. Her green eyes slowly met with Veronica's grey ones. She gave her a devilish smirk as she made a kissy face to her reflection in the mirror. Veronica glared at her bitterly and gripped onto her pencil in anger.

This isn't Cosmetology class either, ya bitch.

"Veronica," Mrs. Bester called out, "Veronica, are you listening?"

Gretchen turned to face the blonde and she snapped her finger in Veronica's face. She jumped slightly and turned to look at the teacher with wide eyes.

"Huh?!" She exclaimed. A wave of giggles and whispers rolled across the classroom. The English teacher sighed hopelessly and shook her head. Just then, the bell rang out freedom.

"Nevermind," She muttered, "Okay class, remember to read chapters 5 - 10. It's 5 chapters people, I know you can do it!"

Veronica was the first to zip out of there before the teacher could even stop her to talk.

"Nuna!" Hyun Ki chirped, "Nuna! I found out where the Tea Party i--sesangi.."

Veronica's cheeks were moist with tears. She had a solemn look on her face as she packed up her books and art supplies. Hyun Ki observed her with a concern look on her face.

"Are you okay, Nuna? What happened?" She asked.

"I'm fine," Vero replied softly, "It's just Gretchen and her old antics."

"She's so vile," Hyun stated bitterly, "Nuna, listen, you gotta report her. Talk to someone, do something! You can't keep this up."

Vero shut her locker and looked up at the ceiling, trying to hold back more tears.

"I'll be fi-"

"Veronica," A male voice spoke out. Vero turned around suddenly and her eyes widened. Emery walked up to her with a warm smile and waved.

"What's up?" He greeted, "Hey...Soo-mi, right?"

"Hyun Ki," The asian girl corrected bitterly, "Soo-mee's the boy."

"Oh, cool," Emery chuckled, "So anyway, Veronica, what's up?"


"Coolness, so I was wondering if you could do a little favor for me," He stated as he leaned against the lockers. Veronica's little heart began to flutter about. Her pale cheeks were pink as a smirk stretched across his lips.

"Do you think you could possibly to my biology for me?" He asked. Veronica shot her head back a little in surprise.

"I'm not in Bio this year," She mentioned. Emery shrugged his shoulders.

"I know, but you see, I have this funeral to go to this afternoon, and Petrakis is on my ass about this assignment," He explained, "I tried telling him that my Aunt died, but he said to just hand it to a friend and have them turn it in."

"Wow, talk about heartless," Veronica breathed. Hyun Ki shot her head over to Vero. Was she actually buying this?! She peered at her friend as her grey eyes sparkled and shined with awe and hope. Hyun Ki sighed. She was eating this up like it was her last meal. Emery nodded with a hollister model smile and touched her shoulder gently.

"See? I'm glad someone understands," He replied, " you think you can do this for me?"

"Of course," She blurted out. He smiled brightly and nodded, giving her a mere 'thanks' and walking off. Hyun Ki folded her arms at Vero as the blonde sighed and leaned against the locker. She touched her shoulder lightly and giggled.

"Isn't he charming?" She breathed.

"More like a snake charmer," Hyun sassed, "Nuna, he's playing you like a violin, and you're willingly letting out a tune and bending to his whim."

"Oh hush, his aunt died," Vero spoke.

"His parents were both Only children!" Hyun retorted, "Everyone knows that. I even know that, and I've only been here for 5 months!"

After registering what Hyun Ki and Emery said, Hyun was right. His story didn't add up. Vero rolled her eyes and let out a groan, falling into her locker and repeatedly banging her head against it.

"Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!" She chanted, banging her head in rhythym. Hyun took hold of her shoulders and pulled her away from the locker. The two of them walked down the hallway and headed towards the back entrance. While doing so, Vero was mentally hitting herself over and over again. How on earth could she be so stupid?! She always fell for this! Always! Emery was using her. He was always using her! The worst part about it was that she knew it, and that she was willing to let it happen. She was willing to be tossed around like a puppet, all in the hopes that she would someday have that spot of tea, and that picnic by the lake.

It's not going to happen. It's never going to happen. Give up. Just give up.

She walked by Emery's locker and she receieved her assignment. The brunette boy smiled warmly at her and patted her on the shoulder.

"You're so wonderful for doing this for me," He soothed while leaning into her ear, "I promise, I'll make it up to you."

Fuck off, Emery. Fuck off, stupid heart. Just fuck off, life.

"Kay," Vero muttered, taking his book and his paperwork. She held it closely to her chest as the two continued down the hall in silence. Vero looked down at her feet as they walked out the door, and into the sunny winter evening. The sounds of boots slushing and kids yelling filled the air as Hyun and Vero crossed the street. The pale blonde looked over at her friend and saw that she had her iPod on. So much for talking. She just decided to shut up and continue to look down at her feet. 10 or 15 minutes later, the two of them finally reached the Apartment complex. Vero looked over at the jungle gym and decided to have a little alone time. She waved to Hyun Ki and started to walk over to the cage-like structure. Hyun Ki waved her goodbye and went inside. Vero listened as the door shut and only the sounds of cars and children remained. She looked down at her mittens in sadness, and then down to her feet. She didn't know why she looked at them so much. there really wasn't anything interesting about them. Neither was her legs, they were so abnormally skinny and gawky looking. She hated them. She hated her body. She hated her hair, her eyes, her lips, everything. She just hated herself.

She let out a sigh and brought her backpack forward. She pulled out her sketchbook and pencil and started flipping through the pages. She stopped at the Raven she was drawing in class. Everything about it looked good, there was just this big ugly line running through it's head. She sniffled lightly as she flipped her pencil around and started to erase away the giant flaw. As she was doing so, her muscles perked up a little as someone sat down on the jungle gym behind her. She continued to erase the line, but at the same time she was interested in finding out who was sitting with her. Her ears perked up at the sound of someone flicking on a lighter. She immediately knew who it was.

"You're back, huh?" She heard his voice say, following with a slow exhale.

"Seems like it," She replied, wiping away some eraser clumps.

"I wanna be alone," He stated.

"Me too," She replied simply.

"Well then go inside," He demanded.

"You go inside," She retorted, turning around to face him, "I was out here first, and I've lived here longer than you. You go inside."

The guy smirked at her as he put his cigarette to his lips. His eyes traveled down to her sketchbook, and at the black birds head beautifully drawn on it.

"What's that?" He asked curiously. Vero looked down at her drawing, and then back up at him. She turned it and held it up to show him.

"It's a raven," She answered, "I did a book project on Edgar Allen Poe."

"He's a good writer," He opinionated.

"Oh he's a great writer," She cooed, "And so is Lewis Caroll."

He chuckled lightly as he took another hit and let out smoke. She pressed her sketchbook to her chest and looked at him curiously. He was wearing just a flannel shirt, black converse, and skinny jeans. He had his back pressed down onto the snow, and he was looking up at the overcast sky.

"Aren't you cold?" She asked. He shook his head no.

"How could you not be cold?" She asked curiously, "You're skinny as a stick. It's practically freezing out too, I'd be a popsicle right about no-"

"I don't know how," He interrupted.

"You don't know how to get cold?" She quoted. He looked at her with his bright blue eyes and nodded. He took one final hit of his cigarette before looking at Vero and offering it to her. She gently shook her head and watched as he threw it to the side. He tucked his hands under his head and continued to look at the sky. Vero chewed on her lip and took a small breath through her nose. She wrinkled her nose when she smelled something strange. She sniffed it again repeatedly. It smelled strong, bitter, like iron and something else. She followed the smell closley and closed her eyes, leaning over as it grew stronger and stronger.

"What are you doing?" The guy asked. Vero opened her eyes and looked down at the guy. She sniffed once more and scrunched up her nose slightly.

"Well I found it," She replied.

"What?" He asked.

"The strange smell. It's coming from you," She stated, "You smell funny."

"Well so do you," He retorted. She furrowed a little and pouted her lips a little. Her mother always taught her that it's useless in being mean to others.

", what's your name?" She asked curiously, hoping to get a nice answer in reply. The black haired boy looked up at her and then sat up straight. He turned around and faced her, crossing his legs indian style.

"Andy," He answered, "Andy Biersack. Yours?"

"Veronica Miroiu," She answered. He gave her a crooked half smile and nodded, holding out his hand. She shook it gently and smiled sheepishly at him. She let go of his hand and looked down at the ground blushing. The stayed silent for a minute or two before Andy stretched out his arms and sighed.

"Well, I'm gonna go inside," He announced, "See you."

"Bye," She peeped out.

She watched as Andy slid off the jungle gym and started to walk back inside. She soaked up his image by observing his tall, skinny frame.
♠ ♠ ♠
Jelly beans and baby unicorns go out to:

Yep, they rock because they commented first.
Let's get the ball rollin' people! :D
Peace. Love. Skyler. :)