For the Heart of the Sun.

Chapter 4: Noiz Child.

Club Excalibur was in full swing tonight. The lights were flickering, the cheering was loud, and everybody was high off the energy radiating around them. Emery, Gretchen, and her two friends Megan and Claire stumbled out of the place, laughing hysterically in a drunken stupor.

"Shiiiit," Emery slurred, "I am...I am SO TRASHED!"

Gretchen let out a giggle and kissed him sloppily on the lips. They broke apart and smiled at each other.

"I can't believe your own cousin got us in for free," Megan slurred, "And...and got us free drinks too!"

"WOOO!" Claire shouted out, twirling around and falling into a wad of trashbags. Gretchen, Emery, and Megan stumbled along with a laugh, passing Claire by and too drunk to even care about her. Claire chuckled out and clenched onto the plastic tightly, a bright grin on her face.

"Are you alright?" A deep voice spoke out. Claire opened her eyes slowly and saw a pair of gorgeous blue eyes looking down at her. She sputtered a chuckle and nodded.

"I'm just peaaaachy keen jelly bean," She slurred. The boy gave her a seductive half smile and pulled her up out of the trash. He held her close to his body and hugged her. The scent of chocolate axe permeated from his shirt and leather jacket.

"C'mon, let's get you out of here," He replied, giving her a kiss on the forehead. She clenched onto his leather jacket and looked up at him, her drunkenness glossing over her eyes.

"What's your name, anyway?" She slurred out.

"Andy," He replied, "And yours is?"

"Where...where you taking me?" She groaned, not bothering to answer his question.

"Back inside so you can call for a ride," He answered.

"Nooooo!" She whined out, pushing him away.

"Come on now, you're way too drunk to be out here by yourself," He remarked. Claire gave him a little pout, and then suddenly thought of an idea.

"Say," She replied, "What if I give you a little something to change your mind, huh?"

She bit her lip seductively and looked up at him with arched eyebrows. The blue eyed stranger cocked his eyebrow upwards and leaned in for a kiss. He gently cupped his hands around her face and softly caressed her lips. He could taste the liquor on her tongue. As they continued to kiss, she felt him guide her body over to the side of the club building. Within minutes they were encased in darkness. He gently pressed her up against the brick wall as he kissed her lips and neck passionately. She wrapped her arms around his neck and closed her eyes with a sigh.

"You're a good kisser," She chuckled. She felt his kisses slow down to a stop. She opened her eyes and furrowed.

"What's wrong?" She asked.

"I'm sorry," He whispered out. She opened her mouth to speak, but it was cut off by a menacing growl, and the painful feel of something sharp jabbing into her neck. Andy's grasp on her shoulders grew tighter as he continued to suck the life out of her. He gnawed at the skin on her neck as he hungrily gulped down the blood that was gushing out. He could feel the warm liquid seep down his neck and soak his shirt. Her muscles spasmed and twitched as he continued to suck her dry of her own blood. His eyes rolled back at the sweet, filling taste of blood. Just the taste and thickness of it made him practically grin with delight.

A few minutes later, he started to feel full. He knew he had to stop now. He broke away suddenly and let her body fall limp to the ground. He started to take deep, heavy breaths as he began to register his surroundings. He looked down at the body now bleeding out onto the pavement. Her eyes were wide open, showing the fear and emptiness within.

He fell to his knees and looked down at her sympathetically, brushing some hair behind her now bloodied ear. Both his hands made their way to the top of her head and underneath her chin. He took a sharp breath as he jerked her head all the way to the right, a loud snap sounding off. Her body jerked a little, but it was only for a second. He looked down at her lifeless body and let out a shaky sigh. He pursed his lips as he put his hands to his face, silently sobbing about his current action.


"So, who is he again?" Hyun Ki asked while weaving around various students.

"Andrew Biersack," Vero repeated, "He lives next door to me with a few of his friends."

"Wierd, never heard of him before, where's he from?" Hyun asked.

"I don't know, but he's...well, he's super cute," Vero replied sheepishly. She smiled lightly and blushed at the thought of his bright blue eyes, and his perfectly shaped lips that seemed so kissable. She let out a sigh as she and her friend walked over to her locker. She did the combination and pulled the locker door open, revealing to her a stack of books and binders organized to perfection. She pulled out her Psychology and Media Lit work and shut her locker door. The minute she did so, Emery's smiling face appeared next to her. She let out a yelp in shock and pressed her books to her chest.

"Hey Veronica," He greeted smoothly, "So, you got my Biology for me?"

Vero's big doll eyes widened at the sudden realization. She had been so caught up with her own work, and with Andy, she had forgotten to do what he had asked her to do. She licked her lips hesitantly and took a small breath.

"I..I-I..." She stammered, her heart racing against her. She watched in fear as Emery's smile faded into a concerned frown.

"...Forgot," She breathed out in a whisper. Emery's eyes darted away as he furrowed and bit his lip.

"You...forgot," He quoted. Vero's eyes darted down to the floor as she nodded.

"You forgot to do the work last night," He repeated.

"Yes," She whispered out.

"Just forget it Emery," Hyun Ki replied meekly. The two of them snapped their heads to the asian girl. She swallowed lightly and looked at her feet before snapping her head up and staring at him. Emery's eyes slightly widened at the sight of her expression. She looked pissed as hell.

"You should be doing your own work anyway," She blurted out, "Your Aunt didn't even die! You don't have an aunt! You are just using Vero like always! You don't care about her, or anyone else in this school! You are selfish and you are lazy! So leave Veronica alone or I will personally report you and your actions to the principal!"

She grabbed Vero's hand ferociously and yanked her away from the lockers. She stomped off with her down the hall before turning around and staring right at him.

"Oh, and by the way, You and Gretchen are perfect for each other!" She yelled, "An ugly troll for an ugly troll!"

"Hyun ki," Vero spoke out. Hyun looked over at her best friend and saw her look down at the floor.

"Don't worry about it, okay?" She replied. She slowly lifted her head and stared at her friend with a sad smile.

"I'll be fine," She finished, clutching her books to her chest, "I have to go now. I'll see you 8th hour."

"But, Veronica, Emery's-"

Vero hurried off to class before Hyun could even finish what she was saying.

"Okay everyone, step lightly now," Mrs. Bester called out, "It's not every day that the School let's me take my Sophmore English outside. Does Everyone have a partner?"

"Vero doesn't!" Gretchen called out, pointing over to the violet and white haired girl. Vero looked down nervously as all the students turned to face her. She could practically feel their eyes burning into her very being. She wanted to disappear.

"I want to work by myself," She mumbled out, looking up at Mrs. Bester innocently. The english teacher gave her a small half smile and nodded.

"If you're sure, I can make a group of three for you if you'd like," She offered. Vero shook her head, her eyes still glued to the powdered sugar floor beneath her. Mrs. Bester nodded and continued on.

"Okay class, now everyone needs to stay together on this part," She announced, "We're gonna be going out into a certain section of the woods and sitting by the bridge where the creek is. There's a clear path to where we wanna go to, so I don't wanna hear of anyone losing their way. We're gonna sit down, and describe what we see. Write as beautifully as possible. Now I'm gonna stress this: STAY. TOGETHER. Alright? Everyone, stay-to-gether."

"Yes Mrs. Bester," The class groaned out in unison. The English teacher nodded in satisfaction, and they were on their way. Vero stayed in the very back of the crowd, lagging a foot or two behind them. Oh how she wished Hyun Ki were here. She'd make this class seem so much more fun for her. The pale girl looked up at the trees in curiosity. Each of them were stripped bare of pretty shaped leaves and sweet smelling blossoms. That's kind of how she felt too in the winter. Everything seemed so sad and depressing around winter time for her. Everyone, for some odd reason, could hit her harder during the winter. They could tear down her walls easier, and destroy her defenses. Oh, if only she were strong. If only she could be so mysterious and dark, like how Andy or Matt were. They had such strong walls that she couldn't even see past. She must know their secret.

"Vero! Keep up back there!" Mrs. Bester called out.

"Oh! Yes Mrs. Bester!" Vero peeped, rushing up to the crowd. A bunch of students in front of her began to whisper and giggle.

"What a space case."

"She's so dumb,"

"I know right? What the fuck is her problem?"

Vero's eyes fell to the ground once again. She put her mitten covered hands to her chest meekly, not saying a single word to stand up for herself.

After a few more minutes of walking, the class had finally reached the local bridge. A beautiful creek ran through it, carrying little water animals along it's waves. The students all spread out along the bank, sitting on the benches built a few feet away from the water. While Mrs. Bester was directing them along, Vero found this an opportunity to stray away for a bit. The English teacher had announced that they had 1 hour to do their assignment. That was more than enough time to go farther down the creek and explore.

While everyone had their backs turned, Vero slipped away and rushed back into the forest quietly. When she felt she was far enough, she stopped in her tracks and looked around curiously. The first thing she spotted was a small tree. The tree still had bright red berries on it, the little fruits encased in frozen water. She smiled lightly as she poked the little berry and giggled. It looked so pretty, like it was sealed within pure glass. The sudden snap of a branch went off behind her and she turned around with a yelp. Andy stood before her with his hands slightly raised.

"Whoa, relax, it's just me," He remarked.

"Wh-what're you doing out here?" She stammered, her cheeks a pale pink from embarassment. Andy merely reached into his pocket and pulled out a pack of Marlboro Reds.

"I'm just looking for a creek," He answered, "You seen it?"

He placed the white stick between his lips and looked up at Veronica. He held out the pack to her, but she merely shook her head and looked at the ground. Andy rolled his eyes.

"You need to stop doing that," He replied.

"Doing what?"

"Looking at your feet, it's wierd," He answered, "What, you got some wierd fascination with your feet or something?"

"No! I-I..." Vero merely trailed off into silence. Once again, her eyes fell to the ground. She shook her head in sadness as such horrible memories began to flood back.

Don't you look at me. Don't you FUCKING LOOK AT ME! YOU KEEP YOUR EYES DOWN!

"Hey! Space case!" She heard a voice yell. She looked up at Andy and noticed he was only a few inches away from her. His hands were on her arms and he shook her lightly.

"Wha?" Vero peeped out.

"What's going on in there?" He spoke, "God, I thought you were possessed or something."

"I-I'm just thinking," She lied.

"Thinking about what?" He asked curiously. Vero looked at him and frowned.

"Why're you here?" She asked curiously. Andy took the cigarette out of his mouth and exhaled smoke with a chuckle.

"I'm looking for the creek," He answered, "I just told you this. You're such a spazz."

"Sorry," She replied.

"Don't apologize for it," He remarked, "I'm just being an asshole, and you're taking it all. Talk back to me."

"N-no, that's rude," She replied.

"Well it's rude for me to bitch and moan at you," He mentioned, "C'mon, call me an asshole."

"No..." She mumbled. Andy let out a grunt and flicked his unfinished square aside. He grabbed her by the shoulders and gently pushed her.

"So you're just gonna let me push you around then. Cool!" He spoke sharply.

"What are you doi-"

"Shut up!" Andy interrupted, "Since you're everyone else's bitch, you're mine too now."

"Andy what the he-"

She was caught off guard as he pushed her back once more. She stumbled across the snow and tripped over a stray root from a tree. She fell on her back with a yelp.

"You're such a baby! Just fucking hit me!" He yelled.

"Andy stop it!" She cried out. Andy got on top of her and gripped her shoulders, pressing her body down deeper into the snow.

"Fight back then," He demanded.

"No!" She squeaked, writhing and squirming like a worm. Andy pulled her up and shoved her back down again.

"FIGHT BACK!" He screamed.


With those words she swung her hand around and slapped him across the face. She kneed him in the stomach and pushed him over, rolling on top of him and slapping him again.

"Don't fucking hit me you PRICK!!" She screamed, giving him another slap, "You're such a fucking asshole! DON'T TOUCH ME!"

A crooked half smile appeared on Andy's face. She let out a sharp gasp and covered her mouth with her snow covered mitten.

"So the mouse does have a snake's bite," He scoffed. Vero looked down at him and saw a line of blood from his nose running down his cheek. She stared at him with sad eyes and started to tear up a little.

"I-I'm sorry!" She peeped out, getting off of his body. She stood up straight as he got up from the ground. He wiped his nose on his leather jacket sleeve and chuckled.

"It's fine, I've been hit alot harder," He replied, "You hit like a girl. A weak one too."

"Shut up," She replied, punching his shoulder.

"You're like a little snow bunny," He chuckled, "You're all pale with big round eyes, and you're little paws barely hurt. You're also very skittish."

"Yeah, well you're a...a..." She pouted a she started to think of an animal to insult him with. He stared at her warmly and chuckled. She was so cute. Just everything about her. Her facial expressions, her skinny frame, just everything. He stepped closer to her and placed his hands on her shoulders. She looked up at him confusingly and squeaked when he leaned down to her lips. Her eyes widened and her muscles tensed up as his soft lips gently pecked hers repeatedly. He broke away suddenly and looked up past her.

"They're looking for you," He replied, "You'd better get back. The Teacher's freaking out."

Vero turned around and looked back towards the creek. Several little figures were heading her way, calling out her name. She let out a sigh and looked down at the ground before turning to face Andy.

"I don't wa-" She let out a gasp when she saw that he was gone. She looked around curiously and couldn't even see him past the trees or anything. She let out a rigid sigh and decided to walk back to where the class was. When Mrs. Bester found her, not only did Vero earn a good scolding, but also a 2 hour detention afterschool with Mr. Antis, the Janitor. On the way back, Vero was supposed to be in the middle of the group. Several pairs of eyes were staring at her, whispering rumors of her doing drugs behind the trees, or wandering off to do wierd voodoo magic. Today though, Vero didn't care. Today, these scornful glances and menacing rumors wouldn't penetrate her walls. She knew she was weak, and in many more ways than one. But today, Andy really helped her realize her potential.

"Why the hell were you in the woods?!" Jake asked out.

"Matt told me to dispose of the body there," Andy replied, turning up the volume to Harry Potter.

"Well did you?!" Jake yelled over the movie.

"Yes! Now let me watch my movie!" Andy exclaimed. Jake let out a grunt and flew his arms in the air. Just then, there was a knock at the door.

"Door!" Matt called out from the kitchen, his eyes glued to the laptop.

"How about you ditch WoW for a second and actually do shit," Jake replied.

"And how about you tone down the Bitch Meter 6 knotches?" Matt remarked.

"Oh I'll get it, you sissies," Sandra remarked. She walked over to the door and slipped on her sunglasses. She swung the door open and peered at the surprisingly pale girl standing before her.

"Hi, can i help you?" She asked. The girl stared at sandra with a small smile and she held up a glass container.

"My mom made you guys a pot pie," She replied, "She was hoping that this could be a sign of a sort of friendship, and she was hoping that you guys would like to come to dinner tomorrow in our room."

"Whoa wait," Sandra replied, "Your mom wants wha-"

Just then Andy stepped in behind her and gently nudged her aside. He smiled at Vero warmly and leaned against the doorway.

"Hey, what's up?" he asked. Vero was about to speak when Sandra hopped up and down behind his skinny frame.

"Hey! Biersack i was talking to he-"

"Wanna go outside?" Andy interrupted, ignoring Sandra and her comment. Vero looked at him and nodded rapidly. He took the pot pie from her hands with a smile and quickly handed it to Sandra.

"See you!" He called out, shutting the door before Sandra could even speak. He turned and faced Vero with a smile, taking her hand and rushing down the hallway.

"What the hell was that?" Matt asked, looking past his laptop and over Sandra. Sandra shook her head and placed the Pot Pie on the table. Jake and Ashley walked over and looked at the beautifully made meal.

"Oh my god," Ashley spoke out, "If this lady keeps bringing over delicious food, I'm gonna have to kill myself."

"It's not faiiiir," Jake whimpered, "I wanna eat it! Damn it!"

"Well we can't," Sandra replied while picking it up and dumping it in the trash, "Not unless you wanna puke to death."

Jake muttered a few swears under his breath before plopping back down on the couch. Ashley opened up the fridge and pulled out a dirty milk jug full of blood. He poured himself a half-cup full and sat down on the couch next to Jake. The two of them watched Harry Potter in silence. They watched as all the students feasted on several tastly looking meals. Meat, Chicken, Ice Cream, chocolate, all sorts of things. Ashley let out a small sigh as he took a sip of his drink. He missed the taste of chocolate. Oh, what he would give to be able to eat a piece. He had long since forgotten the taste of all sorts of things; fruit, candy, meat. Who knows, maybe someday in the future, someone would come up with a cure to this disease, this curse he was borned with. Maybe then he would be able to taste all the things he loved.

Just then, Jake let out a grunt and got up on the couch on his knees.

"Can't we have like a piece of cereal or something?" He asked.

"No," Sandra answered as she poured herself a drink. Jake let out a groan and face planted against the arm of the couch.

"I hate this," He mumbled out through the fabric.

"Hey, c'mon Jake," She soothed, "I mean, you guys can still eat stuff, but you remember what happened to Jinxx, right? He almost died."

Jake looked up from the couch's arm and peered at Sandra. He had a few red marks on his nose from the fabric.

"Yeah but he went all ape shit on the meal," Jake replied, "We wouldn't be like that Sandra, I promise! I just want...I just want to taste something, you know? I wanna know that I'm still remotely normal, regardless. I just wanna know if I can even taste anything anymore."

"Well what is it you wanna taste, exactly?" Sandra asked.

"A Georgia peach," Ashley answered suddenly. Jake turned his head and looked down at him. His eyes were still glued to the T.V. before he broke away and looked up.

"Peaches are sweet, and tangy at the same time," He replied, "I remember going to Georgia once with my family. A farmer there let me have on of their peaches. I still remember the soft feel of it on my little hands. I remember thinking that there was something magic about them because of their taste. There's just something about a Georgia peach that you can't compare to other peaches."

Ashley looked away and then turned back to the T.V.

"That was so long ago for me," He sighed, "I missed the taste of peaches."

Jake licked his lips a little and turned back to sandra.

"I wanna taste chocolate," He replied, "When I was kid, my brother would take me to this Soda bar in town. The man there had jars and jars of all sorts of candy. I would collect change all around the house just to buy insane amounts of penny chocolates. I used to play Pirates with them, and i'd pretend that the mound of those gold-wrapped chocolates were doubloons from a tropical island."

"I miss Pizza," Matt mentioned, "After the football games, me and the guys would rev up our motorcycles and take our girls out for pizza and milkshakes. We'd dance at this Diner in town, blasting the juke and getting our swing on. Those were the good days, let me tell you."

"Well who knows," Sandra replied, "Maybe somebody out there will be brilliant enough to think of a cure."

"You can't cure something that apparently 'doesn't exist'," Ashley remarked.

"He's got a point," Matt mentioned, "Nobody knows of us, let alone what we have."

"Well then I guess we're shit out of luck," Sandra jeered, taking her cup and walking to her bedroom.
♠ ♠ ♠
I decided to spoil you and give you a second update. ;)